Duskfoot shares why they don’t like the Raggedstar and Yellowfang ship.
Hi! I’m Duskfoot and this is my first article so I don’t know if this will be good but I hope so. I want to tell you why I don’t like RaggedxYellow. As I said, I don’t know if this will be good or not but lets begin. (the most of it will come from Yellowfang’s secret)
I just wanna say that Yellowfang is one of my favorite characters but to be honest I Rowanstar that much.
1. In the start of Yellowfang’s secret when she’s a kit Raggedpaw bullies her and then Yellowkit says to Raggedpaw that he’s a kittypet. But when Yellowfang becomes a apprentice she’s super kind to Raggedpaw and started to support him. I was like, how can someone be so kind so quick?! Then they just from nowhere fell in lover with each other
2. When Yellowpaw and Raggedpaw goes to the twolegplace to find Raggedstars dad and the don’t find him Raggedpaw just ignores her and gets mad at her. If you ask me he should be grateful that she tried to help.
3. When both are warriors and is hunting Yellowfang find some herbs that Sagewhisker could use and Raggedclaw says something like “You’re not a medicine cat and you’re supposed to hunt prey, not herbs. You spend more time at the medicine den than a normal warriors.” I was like, you should be happy that she’s helping the medicine cat while it’s leaf bare.
4. When Yellowfang becomes medicine cat apprentice he first ignore her and then they meet in secret. A bit later she broke up with him he ignores her and starts to FLIRT Foxheart in FRONT of Yellowfang. And if you search “Did Raggedstar love Foxheart?” there will come up that Raggedstar only where with Foxheart only to make Yellowfang jealous!
5. When Yellowfang comes back to the camp with Brokenkit Raggedtsar doesn’t even look at her.
6. As Brokentail becomes more greedy for power and bloodthirsty Raggedstar says to Yellowfang “I’ve made a terrible mistake, haven’t I? OUR son wants to do nothing but lead ShadowClan into battle. I should never have made him deputy! What can WE do to stop him?” I was like, how can you say OUR son and what can WE do after all the time you spend to ignoring Yellowfang and telling her that she’s only your medicine cat and nothing more?! Plus flirting with Foxheart in front of Yellowfang.
That was all for me and I and I hope that you like my article and it turned out good. 🙂
Great article! I 100% agree! {first?}
Great article! I liked RaggedxYellow in the first half of Yellowfang’s Secret but I agree with all your points!
Great article!
Great article!! I HATE RaggedXYellow
Great article! I totally agree, because Raggedstar showed a lot of the signs in a toxic relationship, and no one wants to be in a toxic relationship.
I totally agree! Nice article!
Great article! I completely agree, Dusky! Awesome article! Also, when Yellowfang was trying to tell Raggedstar about Brokentail, Raggedstar said, “He’s MY son! You chose to give him up!” or something like that. And then later he starts trying to get Yellowfang to share the burden of his mistake with him. He’s just horrible.
Great Article!!
Great article. ^^ Raggedstar does not treat Yellowfang kindly, and she deserves a more supportive mate.
Raise a glass to freedom
I understand Yellowfang broke the Medicine cat code but she still deserves better!
Great article! I fully agree!