[Spottedleaf sits in a snowy forest with sunlight streaming through the trees]

My Opinion on Spottedleaf – Mary Sue or Not and Who I Ship her With by Bengi

Bengi shares their opinion on Spottedleaf.

[image description: a dark tortoiseshell-and-white cat with yellow eyes sits facing the left and looks to the right in a snowy forest]
Art by lokidrawz
[image description: a dark tortoiseshell-and-white cat with yellow eyes sits facing the left and looks to the right in a snowy forest]

Hi, it’s Bengi with her second article and today I will be talking about Spottedleaf.
Mary Sue or Not
I know that if you search up ‘is Spottedleaf a Mary Sue’ in BlogClan you will get a lot of answers, but this is my opinion.
Personally I don’t think Spottedleaf is a Mary Sue. I feel like she was just a devoted medicine cat trying to do the best for her Clan. She has gone through some hard choices during her lifetime, and even in StarClan. Abandoning Thistleclaw and becoming a medicine cat when her dream was to be a warrior are only some of the decisions she had to make.
Besides, Spottedleaf has good and bad things about her. She’s smart, brave and kind, always wanting the best for her patients and Clan. She stands up to Tigerclaw among only a few other ThunderClan cats like Bluestar and Firestar. But she was also very bossy as a kitten, and needed to be comforted when her sassiness pushed the other kits away from her and she was left alone. Spottedleaf’s life wasn’t just ‘I have perfect fur and I’m so pretty and la la la the days are perfect and good and great oh no my Clanmate is about to die but I saved the day yay me!’. That would be the life of a Mary Sue. Like Cinderpelt, she’s not a perfect medicine cat. She couldn’t save every life she wanted to. She had to face Thistleclaw, and although she acted bravely, there is no way there was no fear inside her. In my opinion Spottedleaf is not a Mary Sue. Instead she’s a medicine cat who had to overcome a lot but wasn’t absolutely perfect while doing so.
Liking or Disliking Spottedleaf
But just because I don’t think Spottedleaf is a Mary Sue doesn’t mean she’s my favorite character, or that I even like her. Spottedleaf is kind and witty even when it comes to facing Tigerclaw and Thistleclaw, maybe even especially when facing the former, and she’s really devoted to her Clan. But then again, even though I don’t think she’s a Mary Sue, she’s pretty close to being one, with her great sacrifices and perfect smell (why exactly does she smell so great?!?) And besides, the only book where she is developed is Spottedleaf’s Heart. Otherwise, she lives maybe one hundred pages or so in the first book Into the Wild, with only thirty actually mentioning her, and all we get of her in StarClan is her appearing in Firestar’s dreams, her cryptic prophecies, a prologue/epilogue here and there where she pops up and her brave sacrifice when she is killed by Mapleshade, plus a few other novellas and super editions where she appears. So personally I’m pretty neutral on her. She’s not exactly well-developed enough for me to create a good opinion on her, but I’m going to go with ‘meh.’ She’s not my favorite character, but she’s not the worst cat I could think of.
Who I Ship Spottedleaf With
And now onto ships, I’m going to decide between Thistleclaw, Firestar and nobody. I ship Spottedleaf with DRUMROLL PLEASE ……..*crickets chirping* I do not ship Spottedleaf with anyone. Crossing out Thistleclaw first because Spottedleaf makes the choice to turn him down himself, and Spottedleaf would be unhappy with him. Thistleclaw killed dishonorably – who would want to be mates with a murderer? Next we can push Firestar off the list too. Both he and Spottedleaf made remarks about a different future together but also the cons it would have. They both eventually decided they weren’t meant for each other, but I do think they should be friends. It probably wasn’t just grief for a lost Clanmate every time Spottedleaf died. But then again, Spottedleaf and Firestar said themselves they shouldn’t be mates, sometimes hidden remarks about breaking the medicine cat rule or other times open words about Sandstorm and Firestar being the better couple, which I also agree with (SandXFire is one of the most developed couples in Warrior Cats!)
My Opinion
Now back to the Spottedleaf topic, to conclude this article: Spottedleaf is not a Mary Sue, but I am neutral about her and I don’t ship her with anybody. But then again, that’s just my opinion.
~ Bengi

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  • Great article!! Spottedleaf has never been one of my favorite characters and i agree, i dont ship her with anyone

  • (Sorry, Spottedleaf fans.)
    Personally, before she died, she wasn’t that much of a Mary Sue. But after she went to StarClan, I believe she is 100% a Mary Sue.

    1: She always delivers the prophecies, it is either she, Bluestar, or Yellowfang. However, Spottedleaf gives by far, the most. Just something I found thats unrelated: All these cats are ThunderClan cats. (Yellowfang was exiled from SC, but I still count her as TC)
    Literally any other cat: “can i be special” Spottedleaf: “NO”

    2: She makes Sandstorm feel uncomfortable. In Firestar’s quest, she says, (not word 4 w)
    “Oh, Firestar, how happy I am that you and Sandstorm are good mates.”
    Firestar: “Yeah? Sandstorms great.”
    Spottedleaf: “Oh, well if it wasn’t me it would be us together.”
    This makes Sandstorm uncomfortable and makes she and Firestar awkward for the rest of the trip. She KNEW that it would hurt Sandstorm, expecially because she [sandstorm] was RIGHT NEXT TO HER.

    3: Spottedleaf had a “strange flower scent” which is what everyone talked about during the 100+ prophecies she gave. (I couldn’t find an exact number, but my estimate is 50-55 from evidence on her wiki page.)

    4: She “sAcRiFiCeD hErSeLf” in the great battle. This COULD be brave, honorable, and beautiful, but, remember, she saved Sandstorm. What I talked about in 2 and the Great Battle were not very far apart. What caused this “sudden change”? Seems fishy to me.

    Argue with me if you disagree, I have more evidence 🙂 (From the books this time)

    • Omg I don’t ship SandxFire either! WOW ur the ONLY other person that doesn’t ship that! SandxFire is soooo overrated. For Spottedleaf, I dont ship her with anyone. She’s a strong, independent she-cat. She’s NOT a Mary-Sue and will never be one! Also, she smells good cuz she’s in the med den 24/7! And Sandstorm smells good too, so Spottedleaf’s not alone!

  • Brackenpaw/tuft who can't wait for the new Owl House episodes! Huntlow forever!!!!!!!!!(A.K.A. Lilypaw and Cricketpaw) says:

    Great article! I’m neutral on Spottedleaf and I don’t ship her with anyone. I HATE FireXSpotted and I don’t know why anyone would like Thistleclaw!

  • Quailpaw, She-cat| BlogChat name: Leafwind ( Leafi) Former name: Leafwind| Obsessed with Legend of Korra, and Demon Slayer says:

    I agree

  • Nice article, I really agree! Spottedleaf isn’t great, but she doesn’t deserve tons of hate (oh, that rhymes)

  • Spottedleaf is nothing but a plot device to me, she is quite useless and misguided and stalks Firestar in his dreams. It is not the best presentation, but her smell makes this worse.