[image description: a headshot of a dark grey cat with blue eyes with white and red reflective dots in them]

My top ten favorite characters by Lavenderkit

Lavenderkit lists their favourite characters from the series.

[image description: a headshot of a dark grey cat with blue eyes with white and red reflective dots in them]
Art by meow286
[image description: a headshot of a dark grey cat with blue eyes with white and red reflective dots in them]

Hi! I’m Lavenderkit, and this is my first article, so if it’s bad, I’m so so sorry, I just have no experience.

10. Mothwing: She’s kind and truthful, she loved Hawkfrost, Tadpole and Sasha, even though Hawkfrost almost ruined her reputation by lying and breaking the warrior code. She did lie about being able to see Starclan, but she came clean… after Jayfeather told everyone… but she still did, and it’s the thought that counts

9. Heathertail: Loyal, but willing to follow her heart. She was in love with Lionblaze as an apprentice (I hated that) but the skills she learned in the tunnel with him were really useful in Crowfeather’s Trial, when the stoats invaded the tunnels. She also was able to put aside how she used to feel about lionblaze to defend her clan against Thunderclan. She also is kind, standing up for Breezepelt, and helping Crowfeather when he was exiled. Overall, loyal, kind, and brave.

8. Sandstorm. I really like her character development, and how at first she disliked Firestar, doubting that he could ever become a real warrior, but over time, they eventually became close friends, ending up as mates later. I love how close she was to her kin, even going on a quest with Alderpaw, when she knew she wouldn’t make it back.

7. Jayfeather: He’s alway whining about something, but complaining is how he shows he cares. He also was forced down a path he never wanted, so you can’t blame him for being grumpy. Also, he was so close to his littermates, it was adorable, even though people treated them really differently because he’s blind and they’re not, which is not fair.

6. Twigbranch: She’s so independent, and even though she switched clans a lot, that’s because she didn’t exactly have a stable childhood. Her mother died when she was too young to remember, and her sister was taken away from her when she was little. She loved ThunderClan, just she wanted her sister. Also, with Finleap, he wanted kits, she didn’t, and unlike most she-cats who’d have kits even if they didn’t exactly want them, she stood up for herself and said no.

5. Nightheart: Too many things were expected of him, just because they thought he was a bit like Firestar. His mother, Sparkpelt, never cared, Squirrelflight was too demanding, and he was a black cat. Named Flamepaw. That doesn’t make sense. Also the cats saying that he can’t pick his own name, guess what? Crowfeather did. And they let him. Also Bramblestar agreed that he should be allowed a name that is about him, not Firestar, so the warriors are also saying their own leader is wrong.

4. Shadowsight: He was such a sweet kit, always helping out, I like how he helped bring down Ashfur, even though that would affect him, because his link was only with Ashfur, not Starclan. He cares a lot about his family, like how he was really worried about Lightleap and didn’t want her to go to the dark forest, and volunteered when she couldn’t go there.

3. Leafpool: Sweet, kind, and her bond with her sister is amazing. When Squirrelflight went on the journey to the sun-drown place, she was worried, but she didn’t try to stop her. She did hide hr kits, but if she didn’t the clan would have been left without a medicine cat, so it was for the good of Thunderclan. She made it up to everyone by saving Moonlight’s kits, even though that meant sacrificing herself.

2. Ivypool: Hate her sister, love her. She trained in the dark forest, but that was because she wanted to feel special, Dovewing was always treated like she was better than Ivypool. She’s a amazing mother, and I want her to be deputy, cause Squirrelflight is probably gonna be leader soon.

1. Crowfeather. Snarky, kind of a brat, but I still love him (Not that way). He was so sweet with Leafpool and Feathertail. He did take a while to learn how to be a father, he did, and he was a really good influence on Breezepelt when the clan was against him. He is loyal (mostly, try to forget the forbidden romance stuff) and a great deputy.

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  • Quailpaw, She-cat| BlogChat name: Leafwind ( Leafi) Former name: Leafwind| Obsessed with Legend of Korra, and Demon Slayer says:

    Great article. But I like Dovewing more than ivypool

  • 1. Bristlefrost
    2. Sunbeam
    3. Ivypool
    4. Hollyleaf
    5. Squirrelflight
    6. Nightheart
    7. Firestar
    8. Sandstorm
    9. Jayfeather
    10. Feathertail

  • 10. Like
    9. LOVE
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    7. Like
    6. Haven’t read
    5. Haven’t read
    4. Haven’t read
    3. LOVE
    2. LOVE
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