[image description: a silver tabby cat with blue eyes creeps towards the viewer through bare plant stems at sunrise/sunset. the plant stems fade into a yellow-to-orange gradient background]

Characters Who Should Get A Super Edition/Novella by Silverdusk

Silverdusk lists characters who should get the chance to tell their own stories.

[image description: a silver tabby cat with blue eyes creeps towards the viewer through bare plant stems at sunrise/sunset. the plant stems fade into a yellow-to-orange gradient background]
Artwork by Wayne McLoughlin
[image description: a silver tabby cat with blue eyes creeps towards the viewer through bare plant stems at sunrise/sunset. the plant stems fade into a yellow-to-orange gradient background]

Hey fellow BlogClanners! Today I’m going to be listing cats I think need Super Editions or novellas.
Mostly I’d just like to explore the lives and emotions of these cats more.
Also, I’m not very good at making these SE and novellas, so please, offer names in the comments!
Let’s get started!

#1 Ashfur

I would like to see how much Ashfur really loved Squirrelflight. I want to see his thoughts on her and whether he planned the confrontation on Squirrelflight, Hollyleaf, Jayfeather and Lionblaze or if it was just a heat of the moment thing where everything and everybody was just in the right place.
The book could start from when Ashfur began to fall in love with Squirrelflight and end with his death. And after he is accepted into StarClan, he could go to the pool where StarClan watches the living Clans and see Squirrelflight in the reflection.
Then he vows to get his revenge and make Squirrelflight wish she had chosen him from the beginning or something like that.
I think this could be called Ashfur’s Pain.

#2 Cinderpelt

We NEED to see a novella or SE from Cinderpelt’s point of view. It could start with her as an apprentice and end with her death at the paws of the badger and her reincarnation into Cinderheart.
If we got a SE or novella for Cinderpelt, we could see her feelings for Fireheart and how she copes with Silverstream’s death and being a med cat. Not to mention we can see her bond with Yellowfang better šŸ™‚

#3 Silverstream

We need to see Silverstream’s feelings for Graystripe and how she felt about breaking the warrior code. Seeing Silverstream’s insight on things could help people like her more. After all, you only see her relationship with Graystripe in a negative light from both Leopardstar and Fireheart’s points of view. I want to see Silverstream’s feelings.
It could start with Silverstream saving Graystripe from the river and then end with Silverstream watching Graystripe from StarClan. I would say it could be called Silverstream’s Life or Silverstream’s Heart, but there’s already a Spottedleaf’s Heart and Shadowstar’s Life so that wouldn’t work. But then again there is Yellowfang’s Secret and Mothwing’s Secret, so maybe those 2 name above could work šŸ˜›

#4 Millie

I personally want to see how Millie feels toward Blossomfall and Bumblestripe. Millie started off as a good mother, but when Briarlight was paralyzed, she began to neglect her other kits. I want to see if Millie made amends with them or how she felt knowing she drove her daughter straight into the Dark Forest’s clutches.
And I also want to see Millie’s POV on the journey to the Clans with Graystripe and at what point on the journey she fell in love with him.

#5 Fallen Leaves

Fallen Leaves is pretty mysterious.
We got a glimpse of his point of view in the prologue of Dark River, but I want to see more. I want to see Fallen Leaves drown again, then he finds himself as a lost spirit in the tunnels. He tries to get out and fails, then sees his family leave. I also want to see Fallen Leaves help Hollyleaf and I’m pretty sure they meet in StarClan, so how will that play out?
Also, other cats other than Fallen Leaves have died in the tunnels.
So why is Fallen Leaves the only spirit trapped there?
Because he drowned?

#6 Half Moon

I would find it interesting to have a proper book about the Ancients and their journey. I would like the story to be about Half Moon and her feelings for Jay’s Wing and her struggling to cope with being the Teller Of The Pointed Stones. I think that this would be better suited as a novella.
Maybe Half Moon’s Destiny?

#7 Briarlight

Briarlight is so bright and cheerful, but she can’t always be. She, like everyone, had experienced downfalls. I want to see Briarlight adjust to the idea she’ll never be a warrior and see how she reacts to Millie fussing over her.
Does she feel frustrated?
And does she feel separated from her littermates?
Also, we’ll be able to see if Briarlight actually loved Jayfeather or if they were just good friends.

#8 Sol

Sol is a really mysterious cat. He hates the Clans because SkyClan rejected him and wanted to destroy their faith.
He was briefly the leader of these cats from Twolegplace, which you see in Sunrise. And one cat (I can’t remember her name) loved Sol.
I wonder if he loved her back?
I also want to see what happens when he is blamed for Ashfur’s death.

#9 Snowtuft

Snowtuft is in the DF for a reason, like everyone. But why? He seems like a decent cat who regrets his past mistakes and I want to see what those past mistakes are. He is mentioned to be very power-hungry, so I wonder what he did to be leader?
Kill the deputy?
Kill any competition for his deputyship?
We need to find out!

#10 Silverhawk

Silverhawk is a Dark Forest cat you see viciously training Thistleclaw in Crookedstar’s Promise, then fighting alongside the Clan cats in A Light In The Mist.
We know that he had a mate called Emberdawn and tried to kill his leader so his son could succeed him. I want the full story, though.
What Clan was Silverhawk in?
And did his son know what Silverhawk was doing, or was he just an innocent deputy that ended up dying for his father’s crimes?
I don’t think that you see Silverhawk’s son in the DF, so maybe he went to StarClan because he was innocent. And what happens to Emberdawn?
So many unanswered questions!
This book would be better as a novella, but I can see the beginnings of a good story.

#11 Rock

Rock is super mysterious, even more so than Sol and Fallen Leaves. I really want to know about Rock’s life. About his kithood and how he ended up in the cave. And how he became such good friends with Midnight.

#12 Moonlight

We need to see a Moonlight novella! It could explain how Moonlight became the Sisters’ leader, how she felt and we could see her relationship with Tree’s dad, Root.

#13 Jake

Jake is a plump ginger kittypet we have seen a few times during the series. The most mentionable time is during Tallstar’s Revenge. Jake & Tallstar are best friends, but Jake has also had a friendship with Pinestar.
Jake has also had 2 mates (Quince and Nutmeg) and it would be interesting to see how he feels about them. But mostly how he feels about Tallstar! We can see if Jake knows about what his son Scourge is doing! If he has seen Firestar and recognises him.
If he has a relationship with Princess or any of his kits.
What he did when Tallstar left.
If and why he went to StarClan.
We need answers!

#14 Spiresight

Lastly, we have Spiresight! Imagine this SE (or novella!)
It could follow Spiresight as a young, scatter-brained kit. Maybe he was abandoned or separated from his family and was adopted into the Guardians’ place. Then, he started to learn about herbs and became an essential part of the Guardians’ survival. We can also see Spiresight’s bond with Blaze. A Spiresight super edition would be AWESOME.

So that’s all I have for today! Which cat do you want to get a novella or super edition the most?
Thanks for reading my article and have a great day!


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    • Have you made an account? I havenā€™t made 1 yet but maybe look on ā€˜new memberā€™ if you have (if you havenā€™t already)

  • I totally agree! All of these characters and more deserve a deeper insight into their lives.

  • yes, yes and YES! I’d LOVE to see a SE or novella for Cinderpelt, Snowtuft, Jake, and Rock! Great article, Silv!

  • Great article! We actually do need a Silverstream SE and a Cinderpelt SE. We also need one for Oakheart so we can see how he felt about Bluestar, Crookedstar, and his kits, and a SE on Whitestorm so we can see the influence on him from Snowfur, Thisleclaw, Tigerclaw, and Bluestar and how they shaped him to be the cat he is. I also wouldn’t mind if there was a Thislecaw novella, so we can see his side of the story.

  • I think Sandstorm, Bristlefrost, Rootspring, Sorreltail, and Thornclaw( yes him) NEED a SE.

  • Iā€™m bad at names for SEā€™s and novellas too sorry. šŸ˜”

    1. Personally I think all of ashfurā€™s life was covered in other books so I donā€™t agree but it would be really interesting to see po3 from his pov, especially when he was mentoring lionpaw.
    2. Same as the other one but Iā€™d really like to see TNP from her pov, especially when leafpool left the clan to be with crowfeather.
    3. Same as the other ones šŸ˜‚. I think leopardstarā€™s honor showed us a lot of that but it would make people like her more if she had a novella or something. That would be great!
    4. I mean I think she just felt extremely protective of briarlight and therefore got really angry at her other kits because she was thinking about briarlight so much.
    5. Yes! But I wouldnā€™t know what to write. He was just stuck in a tunnel for thousands of yearsā€¦
    6. Good idea! But her story was already covered in OotS and the sun trail. It would be nice to see her pov though, especially on the journey. Also, great name idea!
    7. Same thing, personally, Iā€™d like to actually see her pov before the injury?!? And then a novella maybe could end with her getting the injury? But I would also like to see her after the injury as wellā€¦ idk.
    8. Yes! We could see him journeying to the clans and po3 from his perspective. And then OotS as well with some flashbacks of when he was a kit too! To long to be a novella so a SE.
    9 + 10. love to see these too! Thereā€™s a lot of time before TPB where we donā€™t know what happenedā€¦ and it would be great to see some more of these villainā€™s backstories. MV was very popular even though I havenā€™t read it yet.
    11. Yes! But I feel like that would ruin the mysteriousness and the way he has emotions but doesnā€™t want to share them with anyone.
    12. Personally, Iā€™d rather see a sisters novella after they left the clans. Itā€™d show some of their traditions not from treeā€™s pov.
    13. Great idea! We need to see everything that happened after TR.
    14. Havenā€™t read yet.

    Great article!