Happy Birthday, Auragleam!

It’s Auragleam’s Birthday!

I hope your birthday has an aura of awesomeness about it! 😉 😀

HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!! 🎆🎁🎀

Here is a birthday poem for you that I made – I hope you like it! 😀

A flurry of snow falls
Under the canopy of
Radiant trees, settling
Around every leaf, log and
Growing blade of grass.
Lightly, birds flutter to
Eagerly land on the ground,
Astounded by the sight of
Mystical snowdrops growing.

[image description: a pastel coloured cake fading from pink to blue with clouds and stars piped on the side]

Here’s a pretty cake for your celebrations! 🎊

Hey Aura! Have you received any presents yet? What are you planning to do for your birthday? Are you having a party? BlogClan is curious to know, please tell us in the comments if you want! 🙂

We all think you’re epic Aura! We all hope you have the best birthday ever!!! 💜


🩵🦅 Eagleflight (Aquila)🍃🎶

It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling!