Are you all excited to celebrate some wonderful BlogClanners Clanniversaries?
Hello, everyone!! Been a while 😉 School, exams, and holidays, had me out of commission for a while BUT – I’m back 😀 During this time I sadly missed some Clanniversaries of some wonderful people who deserve to be celebrated. To make up for that, I’m doing this!

Vanillapaw – December 5th
Scarletdawn – December 6th
Dragonpaw – December 11th
Hollymist – December 14th
Cedarbreeze – December 24th
We have the Clanniversaries of those 5 awesome BlogClanners to celebrate! So, let’s get started!!
Vanillapaw! For those who don’t know, Nilla is my awesome and wonderful apprentice and has been for 2 years! She is known for being involved in the Apprentice Army throughout her years as an apprentice and has served as 3rd-in-Command and Mediator. Your time on the Blog has left a huge impact on all of us, and I am so grateful to have mentored you <33
How was your Clanniversary? Did you do anything to celebrate? What have you been up to lately? What’s your favorite Blog memory? Have a cake!

Scarletdawn! You have been around since 2021, and since then you’ve been a beloved member of the Blog! We appreciate your contribution as an available mentor 🫡 You’ve been working hard to get into the Osprey Organization, and you’ve made a fun name generator! Thanks for sticking around this long, I hope you’ve had a wonderful time 😀
How was your Clanniversary? Did you do anything to celebrate? What have you been up to lately? What’s your favorite Blog memory? Have a cake!

Dragonpaw! You have also been around for a while, and I’ve loved seeing you pop in!! You’ve come up with some cool entries to games and it’s been cool to look at them! I love seeing your comments on articles as well! You’ve also managed to HOST a game, which is not an easy endeavor, I can assure you 😉 Thank you for your many contributions, and I hope you have the bestest day!!
How was your Clanniversary? Did you do anything to celebrate? What have you been up to lately? What’s your favorite Blog memory? Have a cake!

Hollymist! You have been soooo active since you joined and it’s been a joy seeing you on the Blog!! I love hearing about your potato donut escapades, your challenges, as well as your cool acrostic poem using EVERY letter of the alphabet! Everything you’ve done has been so cool, and we’ve all loved having you here! Thank you for continuing to be awesome, and I am sending you the goodest of good vibes!!
How was your Clanniversary? Did you do anything to celebrate? What have you been up to lately? What’s your favorite Blog memory? Have a cake!

Cedarbreeze! It has been awesome seeing you around the Blog and I am so glad you joined! Seeing all of your responses to games is so much fun – and all of them are utterly AWESOME!! You post tons of cool names on the Names page as well, and each of them inspire me a ton! Not to mention your activities on the Name Generator page!! It’s been so cool seeing all that you come up with, and your unending creativity. Thank you for all you’ve given us, and I can’t wait to see what more is in store!
How was your Clanniversary? Did you do anything to celebrate? What have you been up to lately? What’s your favorite Blog memory? Have a cake!

Whelp! That’s a wrap, folks! I wish all of these awesome people the BEST Clanniversary ever, and I am so sorry celebrations got delayed! Have an awesome day everyone!!
uh oh did I forget to send in my clanniversary?? I only just realized!! :’)
Oh no!! Happy Clanniversary anyway!