Happy Birthday, Blossomrose!

It’s Blossomrose’s Birthday!!

I hope your birthday blossoms into a beautiful one! 😉 🌸

YAYYYYYY!!!!!!!! 🎇🎈✨

Here’s a birthday acrostic poem for you – a birthday present from me – I hope you like it! 🙂

Bright stripes of silver
Light up the evening sky,
Over the shapes of trees that are
Surrounded by houses and
Similar buildings. They cast
Opal-like rays down in the
Midwinter night, highlighting the
Rings of blues, navy, and azure
On the black of the twilight.
Silently, the wind blows gusts, clouds
Enveloping some of the stars.

[image description: a cream cake with a model cherry blossom tree on top and stripes of black and pink running through the inside of the cake]

Whoa! Look at this incredible cherry blossom themed cake – I wish I could bake like that!!!

Hey Bloss!! How’re you feeling today? Are you super excited?! Do you know what you’re planning to do today to celebrate your birthday? If you’d like, tell us all about your day in the comments – BlogClan would love to know! 🎶

BlogClan loves you, Bloss! We love seeing your comments on the Blog – you’re really friendly and kind! We hope you have the most wonderful day that you deserve because you are awesome!!! 💛


🩵🦅 Eagleflight (Aquila)🍃🎶

It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling!