[image description: a dark grey cat with amber eyes and dried mud on its head and paws sits while looking to the left. a dark brown cat with yellow eyes stands beside the grey cat]

Ships List Cute-Not Cute by Dovefeather and Sparklemist

Dovefeather and Sparklemist share their opinions on some ships from the series.

[image description: a dark grey cat with amber eyes and dried mud on its head and paws sits while looking to the left. a dark brown cat with yellow eyes stands beside the grey cat]
Art by Ospreyghost13
[image description: a dark grey cat with amber eyes and dried mud on its head and paws sits while looking to the left. a dark brown cat with yellow eyes stands beside the grey cat]

Hello everyone, it’s Dovefeather and Sparklemist. Today we will be sharing our opinions on cute ships.

Disclaimer: This is our opinion if you do not agree please no hate.

cute ships

1. Firestar and Sandstorm
We’re sure everybody should agree on this because they are a perfect match.
What more can we say?

2. Dustpelt and Ferncloud
Another adorable ship, bit of an age gap, and kinda sad relationship with most of their kits dying and all but still it’s cute

3.Bramblestar and Squirrelflight
There are many mixed opinions on this, some say Bramblestar is an abusive mate but we’re not so sure it’s abuse. Sure, Squirrelflight did lie to him and he had a right to be angry but he shouldn’t have pushed her away that long. Anyway, perfect match!

4. Stormfur and Brook Where Small Fish Swim
This is a cute and loyal ship, where one goes the other will follow no matter what. that is true loyalty

5.Thistleclaw and Snowfur
Even though they are separated, they never stopped loving each other.

not cute ships

1. Thornclaw and Blossomfall
bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh huge age gap Thornclaw was already a senior warrior when Blossomfall was born why the heck would you set this ship up.

2. Ashfur and Squirrelfight
AaaAAAaaAA terrible ship, make Ashfur eat onions 😉
but seriously this is a horrible ship (a) there is an age gap (b) StarClan meant for Bramblestar and Squirrelflight to be together (c) he can’t handle rejection (d) he tried to murder “her kits” in revenge for rejected him. and (e) they ‘re frickin related Ashfur is Squirrelflight’s uncle.

3. Dovewing and Bumblestripe
now don’t get me wrong Bumblestripe was a really nice guy and then he just turned into a stalker/creep he’s always trying to force Dovewing to be his mate.

4. Pinestar and Leopardfoot
this is literally the worst age gap in the history of age gaps just no more please

5. Thistleclaw and Spottedleaf
this one is pretty bad Thistleclaw was basically a creep, just because Spottedleaf is his apprentice doesn’t mean she’ll be your mate Thistleclaw!!!

And that concludes our article thanks for reading Dovefeather and Sparklemist out!
blossomfall likes and old man (Sparklemist!!!!!!!!)

Fan Articles


  • Great article!!! I agree with all the bad ships, but i would add Bramblestar and Squirrelflight and Thistleclaw and Snowfur to the list

  • Brackenpaw/tuft who can't wait for the new Owl House episodes! Huntlow forever!!!!!!!!!(A.K.A. Lilypaw and Cricketpaw) says:

    Great article!

  • Great Article! I can’t believe there’s another Bramble x Squirrel shipper out there!
    Although I disagree on Thistle x Snow😐

  • Great article, but I have to disagree with Fern x Dust and Squilf x Bramble. Dustpelt is literally Fernclouds UNCLE. And Bramblestar is verbally abusive, since he tends to take out all his anger on Squilf, and dismisses her when she’s having mental breakdowns.

  • Great article! Although the gap between Squirrelflight and Ashfur is not much different from Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight (Obviously I still don’t ship it lol)

    I agree that Firestar and Sandstorm are an awesome couple 😁

  • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    Great article! I agree with many of these, except for DustFern and for SquirrelBramble (I’m neutral on ThistleSnow and don’t join those debates. Though he…Flirted with Spottedkit/leaf from what I’ve heard? Was Snowfur still alive at the time…?)
    DustFern – Sure, their relationship was pretty cute, but the…Age gap. He started crushing on her as a new apprentice, and he was her brother’s MENTOR. That’s like, a teacher crushing on his student’s 12/13/14 in max year old sister.
    SquirrelBramble – This ship was ruined, just like SquirrelAsh. It started off good, but then Brambleclaw just started being nasty to her (and that was on TNP, not on POT). And I haven’t even read BS or SH. But I’ve heard enough of the Jessy thing…
    As for the age gap on AshSquirrel, I don’t ship it either, but Brambleclaw and Ashfur are almost the same age ^^
    I loved the organization of this article, keep it up!

  • I agree on most things. But I’ll state some things because i want too.

    1. SquilfXbramble – i personally, when i started reading the second series, was like: “Yeah…i love brambleclaw! And i love squilf!!” Then i started disliking him… also, never heard of this ‘jessie’ but if bramble cheated on squilf, this is what i say: “oH hElL nAwH”

    2. BlossomXthorn – I flippin HATE thornclaw. When he started out, i was thinking i liked him. Then at the forth book of the…broken code? Cant remember XD, he started being a entitled pig who doesnt seem to care about anyone else. I also dont know ANYTHING about blossom so…

    3. ThistleXspotted – Oh hell nawh.

    4. PineXleopard – Nope. NOPE NOPE DONT WANNA HEAR ITTTT

    Im gunna say my opinion on another ship that wasnt in this post. The lucky ship is… TigerXdove!


    This is how their related: (i put N/A where i don’t know the names)

    Firestar —- sandstorm. Tiger ——– golden
    _______|__ _________|_________
    Leaf – squirrel ————- bramble Tawny —– rowan
    Dove ——- Tiger N/A N/A

    Nutmeg —– jake
    N/A N/A N/A princess firestar
    N/A N/A cloud ——- bright
    White —— birch
    Ivy Dove

  • I definitely agree with Blossomfall and Thronclaw. I don’t think they should be mates…. I mean cmon people! I feel like this was a sloppy decision to make BlossomXThorn. But this is is what I think so… no hate plz!

  • Good job! I agree with almost all of the bad ships, but i disagree with most of the cute ships.(But it’s all your opinion:)

  • Great article! Here are my opinions:
    First up, the cute ships!
    1. Firestar and Sandstorm
    I agree, this ship is very cute!
    2. Dustpelt and Ferncloud
    This ship is good and would be one of my favourites if not for the age difference and the fact that Dustpelt is Ferncloud’s uncle! It is sweet, though.
    3. Bramblestar and Squirrelflight
    I HATE this ship! Bramblestar is abusive to Squirrelflight and tends to take out all this anger on her! I respect your opinion, though.
    4. Stormfur and Brook Where Small Fish Swim
    I am ok with this ship, but I don’t necessarily like it.
    5.Thistleclaw and Snowfur
    I’m pretty sure that in Crookedstar’s Promise he says that Snowfur and someone else who my brain can’t remember, are weak. But I might be wrong, it was a long time since I last read Crookedstar’s Promise and I can’t remember all the details.
    Now onto not cute ships!
    1. Thornclaw and Blossomfall
    Three words. The. Age. Gap.
    2. Ashfur and Squirrelfight
    I agree, I hate this ship. *makes Ashfur eat onions*
    3. Dovewing and Bumblestripe
    Bumblestripe is a stalker! I hate hate hate this ship! No offence to anyone who ships them.
    4. Pinestar and Leopardfoot
    There is a very big age gap between them and Pinestar left Leopardfoot and his and Leopardfoot’s kits to became a kittypet! It’s because of him that one of his kits became a insane killer and the others died when they were young!
    5. Thistleclaw and Spottedleaf
    Thistleclaw is a creep and deserves to rot in the Dark Forest! He was horrible to poor Spotted!