[image description: a tortoiseshell-and-white cat with green eyes stands facing the left. "Tawnypelt" is written in black above its back and "SnexMy" is signed beneath its tail]

Tawnypelt’s Family Tree by Lilypaw

Lilypaw takes a look at Tawnypelt’s family tree.

[image description: a tortoiseshell-and-white cat with green eyes stands facing the left. "Tawnypelt" is written in black above its back and "SnexMy" is signed beneath its tail]
Art by SnexMy
[image description: a tortoiseshell-and-white cat with green eyes stands facing the left. “Tawnypelt” is written in black above its back and “SnexMy” is signed beneath its tail]

Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is Lilypaw here! Today, I am going to explore and look at Tawnypelt’s family tree!!!!!! Sorry about all the exclamation points! I just ate a bunch of candy and am now bouncing off the walls!!!! Also, I am using Warriors Wiki as my information source. Enjoy!

I am actually only going to do the ShadowClan side because I am tired and the ThunderClan side is too much. I will be doing something similar in my future family trees. Tawnypelt’s brother is Bramblestar and her parents are Tigerclaw/star and Goldenflower. Her mate is Rowanclaw/star.
Rowanclaw’s mother is Darkflower and his father is Scorchwind. His brother is Cedarheart and his sister is Lavenderkit. Scorchwind’s father is Hal and his mother is Featherstorm. His brother is Raggedstar and his half-sisters are Russetfur and Dawncloud. His half-brothers are Volewhisper and Mosspaw.
Featherstorm’s other mate is Blizzardwing, the father of Volewhisper, Mosspaw, and Dawncloud, and Blizzardwing’s former mate is Hollyflower. Their kits are Blackstar, Flintfang, and Fernshade. Fernshade’s mate was Wolfstep and their kit was Badgerfang. Wolfstep’s parents are Poolcloud and Toadskip. His sister is Foxheart (horrible name but it suits her). His half siblings are Littlekit, Cloudpelt, Nightstar, and Clawface. Clawface’s mate was Rowanberry and their kits were Cinderfur and Stumpytail.
Back to Dawncloud! Her mate was Finchflight and their kits are Blossomkit, Swampkit, and another unnamed kit.
Raggedstar’s mate was Yellowfang. Their kits were Brokenstar, Hopekit, and Wishkit. Yellowfang’s littermates were Rowanberry and Nutwhisker. Her other siblings were Mintkit and Marigoldkit. Her parents were Brightflower and Brackenfoot. Brightflower’s mother was Silverflame.
Whew! Now, onto Cedarheart’s family! *switches tabs* I always thought that Nightwing was his mate and their kits were Smokepaw and Talonpaw but I guess not.
Tawnypelt and Rowanclaw’s kit were Tigerheart/star, Dawnpelt, and Flametail. Tigerheart/star’s (Tigerstar ll) kits were Lightleap, Pouncestep, Shadowsight, Rowankit, and Birchkit. His mate is Dovewing. Dawnpelt’s mate was Crowfrost. Their kits are Strikestone, Sleekwhisker, and Juniperclaw.

That is all for today! Throughout the article my sugar rush ended because I wrote the intro after lunch and the rest at home. I hope you liked it! I know it wasn’t a proper family tree but my eyes hurt and I am super tired. Anyway, have a good day/night! Lilypaw out!!!!

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