Dreampuff shares theories about Bristlefrost’s fate.
![[image description: a grey cat with light and dark grey markings sits facing the left with its front left paw raised and looking behind it. "BRISTLEFROST" is written over its back with the thunderclan logo in black]](https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/bristlefrost-by-LOKENEKO-300x225.jpg)
[image description: a grey cat with light and dark grey markings sits facing the left with its front left paw raised and looking behind it. “BRISTLEFROST” is written over its back with the thunderclan logo in black]
Hello, fellow Blogclanners!
Dreampaw here, and today I will be analyzing and discussing my theories about Bristlefrost. How did she die, why did she die, and is she really gone? Let’s get started!
Okay, let’s start with how. She was in the dark forest, fighting Ashfur and the cats that followed him. She knew that Ashfur had to die, or else he and his followers would take over the living world. So, to make sure he really died, to ensure that he wouldn’t ever come back, she sacrificed herself by pushing him and herself into the river that flowed through the dark forest. She Drowns there, Never making it to Starclan.
Now we have established the how, but let’s talk about why it was smart to make her die in the end. So Rootspring was in love with Bristlefrost, and she was mostly all he thought about. If Bristlefrost never dies, then all of Rootspring, all his thoughts, and everything he does will be focused on Bristlefrost and their love. his character would slowly Deteriarate because all of him would be preoccupied with Bristlefrost. with Bristlefrost dead, Rootspring’s character could develop and move past her to make the story more interesting.
Time for my theories!
#1. She is just dead
it is fully possible, if not likely, for her to just simply be dead. It is common for Main characters to die in the final battle, even if it is sad.
#2. A ghost?
we know that since she died in the dark forest, she never got the chance to go to Starclan, because Rootspring was not able to find her there. So maybe she came back as a ghost? well, you might be thinking, why haven’t we heard of her ghost in the books yet? well, it could be possible that she is far away, stranded, as a ghost, far away from home.
#3. Reincarnation!!!
This is my personal favorite theory out of all of them. This is also probably the least likely. Maybe, just Maaaaybe she could have been reincarnated at the moment of her death. Just like Cinderpelt she never really did get to live the life that she desired, instead, she died young. so could it be possible that somewhere out there, she was born again to a kittypet or a rouge? Maybe she will be born into another clan someday soon.
I hope you guys enjoyed my Bristlefrost theories article! I would love to hear some of your favorite theories as well!
Have a good day!
AMazing! I belive in recarnation so that is my guess and i think that britlefrost recarnated into bristlekit mothered by spotfur because the father was stemleaf and we all know that bristlefrost loved stemleaf
I have a situation with bristlefrost vanishing completely. Antpelt faced the same fate, and was also a living cat, when Ivypool killed him. But he came back as a dark forest cat! Everyone acts like this never happened! It’s too big of a plot point to completely forget.
I completely agree! It makes me so annoyed–
I know this is off topic, but anyone willing to mentor poor Ivypaw? Or I will just go to the DF and train with Thistleclaw……