Mothstar compares characters from Warriors to those from the Harry Potter series.
Hey there! Today I’m going to be comparing Warrior Cats characters to Harry Potter Characters!
Harry Potter – Firestar
These two are similar in so many ways! Both came from another life, Harry having been brought up with Muggles and Firestar having been born a kittypet. Both were heroes and would do anything to protect their friends. Harry and Firestar both have a mortal enemy (Voldemort/ Tigerstar) and try to defeat them many times. Both were strangers to the new world (The Wizarding World/ The Clans) at the start of the first book.
Ron Weasley – Greystripe
Greystripe and Ron are both incredibly loyal characters and are extremely close with the main character – (Harry/ Firestar). Both can be comedic at times, but are also known for being very serious in a lot of situations. Greystripe and Ron would both die for their friends.
Hermione Granger – Sandstorm
Sandstorm and Hermione are both smart, capable female characters who are more sensible and generally make less reckless decisions than their friends. Hermione and Sandstorm are tough as nails and always do their best to help out their friends. Both characters disliked the main characters (Harry and Ron / Firestar and Greystripe) at the beginning, but bonded over Harry/ Firestar saving them from death (Hermione from the troll and Sandstorm from falling to her death). Another character similar to Hermione is Hollyleaf.
Severus Snape – Yellowfang
Both Severus and Yellowfang were part of the ‘evil’ group (Slytherin/ ShadowClan), both weren’t able to be with the one they loved (Lily rejected Snape and Yellowfang had to become a medicine cat). Severus and Yellowfang were accused of something terrible (Snape was believed to have betrayed Dumbledore and Yellowfang was accused of killing Marigoldkit and Mintkit). Both hated the main character for a while, but ended up kind of liking them. Finally, both Severus and Yellowfang died in front of the main character (Harry/ Firestar) and said their final words to them.
Tom Riddle/ Voldemort – Brokenstar
Both characters wanted power and gained more lives to achieve this – Brokenstar was given his nine lives and Voldemort created horcruxes. Both were ruthless killers and ended many innocent lives. Neither of them showed any remorse whatsoever for their actions and were raised with at least one unknown parent. Brokenstar sent young kits into battle and Voldemort persuaded many young wizards and witches to become Death Eaters – sending many to their deaths. Both characters were also sent to terrible places after their deaths (Voldemort was stuck in Limbo, whilst Brokenstar went to the Dark Forest).
Neville Longbottom – Ravenpaw
Neville and Ravenpaw were easily scared and skittish at the start of the series. They were picked on by an adult character (Snape for Neville and Tigerstar for Ravenpaw) and were both nervous and shy. However, Neville and Ravenpaw are extremely loyal to their friends and eventually overcome their shyness.
Luna Lovegood – Moth Flight
Luna and Moth are both huge daydreamers, who discovered/ believed in strange things that others thought were nonsense (StarClan for Moth and non-existent creatures for Luna). Both are distracted easily and very much aloof.
Regulus Black – Needletail
Both Regulus and Needletail were pulled down the path of evil and joined the wrong side. However, both of them ended up realising their mistakes and did something to redeem themselves (Regulus stole one of the horcruxes and Needletail sacrificed herself to save Violetpaw). Regulus and Needletail also died at a young age.
Peter Pettigrew – Darkstripe
Pettigrew and Darkstripe both sucked up to the main villian of the series (Voldemort/ Tigerstar). They betrayed their friends/ clan to join the dark side and were weak on their own. Both characters did horrible things to please the villian – Pettigrew brought Voldemort back to life and told him Lily and James’ whereabouts, whereas Darkstripe tried to kill both Sorrelkit and Stonefur.
Now for some quick ones –
Ginny Weasley – Squirrelflight/ Cinderpelt
Draco Malfoy – Breezepelt
Bellatrix Lestrange – Darktail
Remus Lupin – Whitestorm
Sirius Black – Oakheart/ Thrushpelt
Albus Dumbledore – Bluestar
Minerva McGonagall – Sunstar
Sybill Trelawney – Goosefeather
Molly Weasley – Ferncloud
Lucius Malfoy – Thistleclaw
Gellert Grindlewald – Tigerstar
Rubeus Hagrid – Lionheart
I agree!!! Have you watched all the Fantastic beast movies? I have and until the most recent one, I did not think Grindlewald was evil, just (very) misguided. Now after watching the 3rd I am not so sure. (I hate the new actor, but that is a discussion for another day 😉 )
whoops! sent it twice!
I’ve watched it! Grindelwald is really nasty in this one.
I agree!!! Have you watched all the Fantastic beast movies? I have and until the most recent one, I did not think Grindlewald was evil, just (very) misguided. Now after watching the 3rd I am not so sure. (I hate the new actor, but that is a discussion for another day 😉 )
ps I am HUFFLEPUFF (taken the official quiz 3 times!)
Ngl, I hate Fantastic Beasts
Haha i agree!!!! 👍🏻 And also…
ThunderClan = Gryffindor
RiverClan = Ravenclaw
WindClan = Hufflepuff
ShadowClan = Slytherin
This is AWSOME
Thank you 😊
yes!! that is exactly how I feel! the RIverclan and Shadowclan colors even match!
Oh my goodness, what an incredible article! I agree with all of these, great job!
Nice article! I totally agree!
Great Article!!
I agree, but hagrid is purdy in my opinion