[a design of Ivypool sitting with unsheathed claws]

In Defense for Mapleshade and Ivypool by Luna (Spoilers Ahead!) by Luna

Luna defends Mapleshade and Ivypool.

[image description: a silver-and-white tabby cat with blue eyes sits facing the front-right with unsheathed claws]
Art by Ivylight
[image description: a silver-and-white tabby cat with blue eyes sits facing the front-right with unsheathed claws]

Hi! My name is Luna (I know it’s not a warrior name, but Lunapaw/kit/sight/star sounds terrible to me :|). My article today will be in defense of Mapleshade and Ivypool. I’m gonna start off with Mapleshade.

So, I’m not saying Mapleshade did nothing wrong. In the battle with the Dark Forest, she killed Spottedleaf, and I feel so, so, so bad for Firestar! She did kill a bunch of cats because of the hallucinations of her dead kits, but still, I feel bad because…well…if your kits (or kids) die, won’t you be sad?! And not only that, but all three. And all because you stupid mate (Appledusk, in Mapleshade’s experience) LITERALLY LET his, and your, kits die (or drown). Sorry for the sharpness, but this is where I get really annoyed. It’s just not fair. The clans let Crowfeather and Leafpool be mates, and get this: Leafpool is a medicine cat! And after, she got to become a medicine cat again! And what about Dovewing and Tigerheart? And Twigbranch and Finleap?So I think this is not fair. There are cats that did worse things, but Mapleshade gets sent to the Dark Forest? For example, Ashfur. Like Ashfur, Mapleshade loved too hard. Yeah, I know she killed a lot of cats. But it’s not fair that Ashfur gets sent to Starclan because he was terrible at killing. He literally failed all his kills, though. When I think about it, it’s pretty funny. He failed at killing Shadowsight, though he ended up killing Bristlefrost, and he threatened to kill Leafpool’s kits, thinking they were Squirrelflight’s. And don’t forget that he helped set up the trap that cost Firestar HIS LIFE. Thank you, Hollyleaf, for killing Ashfur! Okay, so you get the point. Poor Mapleshade, if she went to Starclan, she would be able to see her kits again (I’m sure they went to Starclan; they did nothing wrong). If I was able to go into the book, then I would try to persuade Starclan to let Mapleshade in their hunting grounds.

Why does everyone (okay, almost everyone, judging on other articles) hate Ivypool? Wouldn’t you be jealous if your sibling had powers and you didn’t? And everyone praised your sibling? Honestly, I think that’s unfair. Plus, minor reason, but I think Ivypool is prettier. I always wanted dark blue eyes! Sorry, I know I shouldn’t judge by look, but I really wanted to say that. That reason doesn’t really matter. But anyway, I also think that Dovewing is too sweet. It’s kind of annoying, you know? It gets to one point that it’s almost like Dovewing is doing it on purpose and trying to get everyone to like her only. And I also don’t like it when Dovewing tries to stop Ivypool from going to the Dark Forest. I know Ivypool shouldn’t go, but when your sibling has powers, at least you want to train better than them? And in the end, Ivypool was spying at the Dark Forest (by means, she was not only training but spying for the Clans). And when Dovewing wants to

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