MoonShimmer gives warrior names to characters who never received one.
![[image description: a white cat with black splotches and yellow eyes sits facing the right]](
[image description: a white cat with black splotches and yellow eyes sits facing the right]
Hello! This is MoonShimmer! I’m writing my first article so it might be a bit meh, but any suggestions on how to improve it would be appreciated. SO *inhales* let’s DO it!
1. Snowkit
I think Snowkit should be called Snowpounce or Snowfall because of his energetic personality. Or maybe Snowflight? Because of the eagle?
2. Mosskit
Hmmm… maybe Mosspelt? Or Mosspatch? I also think Mossheart would suit her personality, but i’m not sure… comment if you know any others!
3. Swiftpaw
Okay… I have a LOT for Swiftpaw! My first one is Swiftheart, because of his really brave death fighting the dogs. Swiftbreeze (is that cannon?) could also work, as well as Swifttail.
4. Hopekit
For Hopekit, I think HopeBreeze of Hopepool sound nice, but my favourite is probably Hopewhisper, because it just sounds really nice, and I think it suits her.
5. Wishkit
Well, Wishpool could work well with Hopepool, and I also quite like Whishheart as well as WhishWhisker and Whishstorm. I’m not sure about these though so any suggestions would be great! (:
6; Seedpaw
Urmmm… I’m not actually sure…Could Seeddapple work? Or Seedpelt? Seedspring? I just checked the wiki and relized shes actually golden, so maybe Seedbeam? Like a sunbeam?
7: Elderkit
Oof, this ones hard! Elderfur or Elderleap if he was a warrior, but if he was a medicine cat, maybe Elderleaf or Elderberry? Or Elderbranch?
8. Tulipkit
I like the sound of Tulippetal, but also Tulipleaf. Theres also ones like Tuliptail or Tulipfur, but those are kinda boreing if you ask me.
9. Juniperkit
I think for Juniperkit,the name Juniperfall suits him best, but i also really like Juniperpelt and Juniperlight.
10. Tadpole
Maybe Tadpoleleap? Tadpoletail i also like.
11. Hollykit
I like Hollysong, or Hollytail. Hollybranch is also ok, allong with Hollyfur and Hollypelt.
12. Shrewpaw
I dont like Shrewheart, because its a bit like the insult ‘mouse heart’ and it would’nt exactly make him sound like a brave warrior. I think Shrewclaw or Shrewfang could work though.
13. Storkkit
Well I’m not really sure about this one… maybe Storkflight or Storkfeather? Storkfur I also like.
14. Quailkit
I have a lot more names for Quailkit, my favourite probably being Quailsong. I also like Quailwing and QuailClaw.
Okay! So i hope you enjoyed this article! I know i didn’t do all of them, but i ran out of time. I might do a part two though. Should i? And of course if you think of any names twell me!
Bye! 😀
Nice I like all of these! It would be nice if you did Part 2 and then you could include Gorsepaw, and Mapleshade’s kits. Swiftbreeze is canon btw:)
This is a really cool article, and I’d love to see more!
Amazing! I think Snowpounce is my fav!
Swiftbreeze, Shrewclaw, Hollypelt, Seedpelt and Mosspelt are canon 🙂
Cool article! 😀
Great article!
I was thinking Swiftclaw for how bravely Swiftpaw fought, or Swiftheart (like you suggested!) for how much he cared about Brightheart, and how he never backed down from a fight even when it cost him his life. He never deserved to die!
And Swiftbreeze was a queen in Bluestar’s Prophecy.
Great article, but Swiftbreeze and Mosspelt are canon! 🙂
Great article! 😻
First article huh? Well you did great! I greatly advise doing another!
I love Mossheart I think Hopewhisper and Wishpool are good names too.
This is awesome! Great article!
Great Article Moonshimmer! I agree with all of these, and they’re really great names!
Btw, Swiftbreeze and Mosspelt are canon!
Great article, and wow!!! Wishpool is such a cute and creative name! And yes, Swiftbreeze is canon, and so is Shrewclaw, Seedpelt and Mosspelt.
I do have one recommendation to improve your articles, though, and PLEASE NOTE I’m NOT trying to be rude just you asked for tips and I’m giving you one (because some people would see this as rude but I’m sorry if it comes off that way I’m usually a very sweet person and I’m just trying to do my best). Anyways, before you submit your articles you should quickly re read what you wrote and make sure you didn’t spell anything wrong. Sort of a pre edit. That’s what I do with mine. And I noticed for Wishkit that you said Whishstorm. Anyhow have a wonderful day/ night!