This Gathering’s amazing art is made by Mountainstorm!
The Gathering as arrived! Woohoo!! Be sure to check out the schedule here, since there have been some small schedule changes since I posted it. If you aren’t on a team yet, don’t fret! Head over to the teams post here and comment to get added to a team!
So we can identify what team you’re on easily, we encourage you to change your profile picture on BlogChat to these lovely icons, all drawn by Swiftfeather of 4 of the Clan founders!




Contests are due at 4pm EST on Sunday! Try your best to get them in by then, but if you need an extension, let Lil or I know and we’ll be happy to give it to you 😀
Writing Contest Prompt
Your prompt for this Gathering is to write a short story on what would happen during the canon Clan’s Gathering for the 20 Years of Warriors! You can write from the POV of any cat in the Clans, and it can be during any era, just so long as you use the canon Clans.
- Writing Contest entries can be written in a comment on this post if you want
- Keep it Blog Friendly!
- The Maximum word count is however much you can fit in 2 comments, but it isn’t a hard cap!
Art Contest Prompt
The art prompt for this year to create an illustration that could go in The Ultimate Guide for any cat in the Warriors Series! The style doesn’t have to strictly be that of the official Warriors art, but it somewhat needs to have a similar format 😀 You can make your own border for the illustration, use the official one or leave it out entirely, just so long as it’s clearly a canon cat from the series and the subject matter is similar to that from The Ultimate Guide! Get creative with your entries 😀
Here are 2 example pictures:

It’s preferable if you leave your artwork link in a comment on this post, but feel free to DM it to Lil or I on Discord or I can give you my email if really needed.
Let the Gathering begin!
Art contest entry(Sorry! I couldn’t finish the background!)(Thunderstar)
Sorry, Can i re-submit?
I have a different drawing that is much better than my previous one
If not its ok 🙂
Yes, you can! Just do it before this Saturday 😀
So… are more extensions allowed? I didn’t have time to exactly finish, so can I have an extension of about 1 or 2 days? I’m really sorry for not finishing on time, I was on a hiking trip, and I left my tablet PC behind, so I was pretty rushed. Sorry again, and I’m OK if you don’t give me any more extensions.
You can have a 2 day extension!
Who won??
WAS 😉 (I’ll hopefully get them out by next week; Lil is taking a small break from Blog things, I just went back to school, but I have heaps of time and I am getting it sorted)
My writing contest entry, called Gathering of Moon and Stars
The fresh dew hung from the falling leaves as ravens scattered into the sky. The group of cats padded towards the gathering island, led by a dark brown tabby tom.
“I can’t believe it,” Flamepaw whispered into Finchpaw’s ear, his fur bushing up with excitement. “Our first gathering since Bramblestar came back.”
Finchpaw flicked her tail at his nose, smiling. “Your first gathering.” She corrected. “I was here for the last one, remember?”
“I remember!” Baypaw chimed in. The ginger tabby sprinted towards them. “I was there for the last gathering, too!”
“Don’t remind me,” Flamepaw groaned. “I had to stay behind with Myrtlepaw. She’s boring.”
“Don’t say that about you denmates,” one of the elders—Brightheart—scolded. The orange-and-white she-cat nudged them foreward. “Come on! We’re getting left behind! You don’t want to be late to the gathering, do you?”
“No, we don’t!” Finchpaw squealed as Flamepaw and Baypaw raced eachother across the tree-bridge.
Apparently, Thunderclan ws the last to arrive. A Riverclan kit was attempting to climb the Great Oak, only to be pulled down by an older warrior.
Flamepaw slowed down, taking it all in. The chitter chatter of warriors. The smell of new-leaf air. He was so distracted that he crashed right into another cat.
“Watch where you’re going!” The cat yelped, but he didn’t sound angry. I was a black-and-white Skyclan cat. “I’m Fidgetflake,” the cat mewed. “The medicine cat of Skyclan.”
“I’m Flamepaw,” he replied. Voices scowled something in the background. Fidgetflake shot Flamepaw an apologetic look. “I’ve got to go,” the healer sighed. “Enjoy the rest of the gathering!”
The Gathering of Moon and Stars (Part 2#)
Fidgetflake hurried towards the rest of the medicine cats, leaving Flamepaw oncemore alone.
“Hi,” a small black cat said. Flamepaw blinked. The cat was sitting in front of him, smiling.
“Hi,” Flamepaw replied.
“Flamepaw!” Sparkpelt yowled, jerking Flamepaw’s attention from the black kit. He shot the ‘paw an apologetic look before hurrying back to his clan.
“You’re late,” Finchpaw hissed. Flamepaw opened his mouth to reply, but one of the leaders had began to speak.
“Before this gathering starts,” Tigerstar, the leader of Shadowclan, said. “I have a complaint to make.”
Several cats from Riverclan groaned. “During the time when both Bramblestar and Squirrelflight were gone,” he continued, oblivious. “Lionblaze, the substitute leader, came into my camp and attacked me, after the imposter escaped, which was none of my doing.” He paused, glaring at every other cat in the clearing. “He should be punished.”
“Me and my deputy will see that it is done, Tigerstar.” Bramblestar sighed. “May we begin the gathering now?”
Tigerstar nodded. “Prey is running well in Thunderclan,” Bramblestar meowed. “We have a new litter of kits—Bristlekit, Graykit, and Stemkit.” He then motioned for Mistystar to speak.
“The river that provides most of Riverclan’s food is no longer frozen, and is plentiful with fish.” Mistystar said, her eyes shining. “Starclan has been merciful this new-leaf. Riverclan is adjusting well to the new code.”
“Shadowclan has not slept a single night with our bellies empty,” Tigerstar added. The Shadowclan cats murmured their agreement. “My son, Shadowsight, has resumed his full duties.”
Harestar began to speak. “There is not much news to share,” he admitted. “Prey is running well in Windclan, thanks to our valiant efforts.”
The Gathering of Moon and Stars (Part 3#)
Leafstar nodded in agreement. “Like Harestar said, there is not much news in Skyclan, either. Herbs are fresh and overgrowing, so our medicine cats have plenty to do.” She paused, scanning the crowd. “I think this concludes the gathering?”
The other leaders meowed their agreement. Bramblestar leaped down from the Great Oak, leading the Thunderclan cats back to their territory. Flamepaw half-heartedly followed, staring wistfully at the other clans chatting happily.
“Can you believe it?” Finchpaw meowed briskly, her tail swishing with excitement. “I was just talking to Squirrelflight. She said that our assessments might be before the next gathering!”
“Yeah,” Flamepaw muttered, forcing a smile onto his face. Wet mud splashed under his paws. “I can’t wait.”
Just so i dont have to change my profile,i got riverclan!
My entry/Series: The Power of Three/Warriors scenes that the Erins forgot to add!
Hollyleaf heard something in the distance. But with her leader speaking, it was hard to hear. “Lionblaze, do you hear that?” He jumped at the sound of her voice. “You mean Jayfeather? Also quiet down, I’m trying to—” The noise cut him off. This time, all of the cats heard it. A twoleg had some sort of metal teeth that were attached to something orange. Then the teeth started to move, and began biting at the trees. What was happening? Cats began leaving, scared to stay any longer. Storm clouds began to cover the moon. Just as she was about to leave, she saw Poppyfrost, who, on the way to the gathering, had broken her leg. She looked terrified, and Hollyleaf couldn’t leave without her. “Hollyleaf, no!” Poppyfrost warned. Just then, a huge monster roared onto the island. Something was sticking out of it. It was black, and had two holes in the front, one on top of the other. Suddenly a giant metal ball came shooting out of it, hitting a tree behind them. “Hollyleaf, don’t wait for me. These twolegs have weapons!” Ignoring her message, she grabbed her by the scruff, and dragged her across the tree to safety. “Come on!” Lionblaze was waiting for them. “I’ll take her, you run back to camp!” At his order, she ran as fast as her paws could take her. When she got back to camp, she saw Daisy complaining to Firestar. “Our twolegs called them guns. They shoot prey with them.” Daisy had been one of the last cats, so she had witnessed the giant monster, and it’s twoleg with a gun. But why had the monsters come to the island. She decided to put off the question, and rest.
How does I join the Gathering???
Hello, sorry the gathering was actually last weekend so it’s over. 🙁
However, I’m sure you’ll be able to join in future gatherings! 🙂
I’m 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗬 late. And I’m so sorry for causing so much inconvenience for you, BlogTeam. Thank you for waiting so long. The tablet I draw on isn’t mine, I can borrow it from my mum after I’ve done my homework, maths, and read for at least 2 hours. So I’ve been really busy and it was almost always 23: 30 in the night(Past the time I really want to be in bed in ) when I finish, so I didn’t get that much time, and I didn’t know the deadline before February 4th, and so I quickly began to work by then. Thank you so much for giving me these extensions, even though I’ve passed the date…
Here’s my art entry:
If it doesn’t work, try this one: