[a fluffy design of Dovewing has a worried expression]

Why Dovewing Is A Bad Character by Hollykit

Hollykit argues why Dovewing is not a good character.

[image description: a fluffy light grey cat with green eyes faces the left and looks directly at the audience with a worried expression]
Art by Songsteps-Designs
[image description: a fluffy light grey cat with green eyes faces the left and looks directly at the audience with a worried expression]

Hello! It’s Petalkit, and I’m back for another article! This time, it’s about Dovewing, and I’m going to be explaining why she’s a bad character. Well, let’s dive right in!

We all know Dovewing. She’s a hopeless romantic, she had this sister dynamic we’ve already hade before, and she basically just took Hollyleaf’s place for power for nothing. Ah, here’s my first topic! Hollyleaf literally should have had powers. I know the authors said that they didn’t have an idea for Hollyleaf, so they made her run to a cave and almost die, only for her to reappear and then…die for real this time. But that’s not what I’m talking about (article idea!). But if they didn’t have a power idea for Hollyleaf, why does Dovewing have powers? Why didn’t they just…give those powers to Hollyleaf? And instead of her running away and almost die, make her turn into a rogue for a while, and let her come to ThunderClan to meet her siblings sometimes.

Yes, my next topic! I’m so smooth! Siblings. Sibling dynamics. The classic you-hate-me-so-the-feeling’s–mutual dynamic. I believe Dovewing only exists for this dynamic, as the authors thought we couldn’t get enough of it from the last arc (no offense to you guys, you’re all awesome!). Ivypool hates Dovewing because she’s always meeting with Firestar because she has powers, and Ivypool wants to know what the heck is going on! Of course, Dovewing doesn’t tell her and Ivy kicks off the dynamic. It is a PAIN to read through it, because we’ve literally gotten sibling dynamics for now 3 arcs in a row.

Now onto the hopeless romantic thingy. Does anybody like forbidden romances? Not that I’m aware of. Are most people tired of these romances? Yes. And well, Dovewing falls in love with Tigerheart! At least something good came out of it: one of the main characters for The Broken Code, Shadowsight. Just so you know, we’ve already been bombarded with Leafpool and Crowfeather’s romance.

And so, there you have it, guys. My third article, finally explaining why I don’t like Dovewing! Well, Petalkit is out!

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  • OK, well, Dovewing is a useless character in case of the part when she left her sister and her own CLAN just for some dumb cat! And she was really overrated and annoying to listen to when it was her part of the story. She did care about her sisters feelings but it was still not fun how she just was like the “new special one” and she kinda acted like a marry sue. Well, it’s Dovewing for you. Well, if you like Dovewing this comment is not for offence. She could be a great character if she actually tried HARDER to become one.
    P.S. Dovewing SUCKES FOR LIVE!!!!😤

  • I am so sorry for dovewing because the fandom blames her for everything 😢.
    “Dovewing doesn’t tell ivypool about the prophecy” jayfeather and Lionblaze and Firestar made her not tell a soul. She was used her entire childhood as a tool for the good of the clans. She even DID tell ivypool about the prophecy when she finally got permission. But then Ivypool still hates her.
    Dovewing has no agency on her life throughout the entire series and people don’t understand that and only take ivypool’s teenage angst as canon.
    (I still like your article though! No hate, this is more aimed at the replies <3)

  • I have to disagree with you on this. If Hollyleaf had powers, it would basically break her whole character arc. She wouldn’t be an interesting character anymore. Also, Dovewing doesn’t tell her because she was told to. It’s not her fault that Jayfeather and Lionblaze were like “This is a secret, don’t tell anyone.”

  • Quailpaw, She-cat| Former name: Leafwind ( Leafi) Obsessed with Legend of Korra, and Demon Slayer| Giyu Tomioka is the best Hashira says:

    I disagree. Dovewing’s not a Mary Sue either. She has had so much character development. I see your point but I still disagree. It would make the plot boring if Hollyleaf had a power. Also Hollyleaf does have a power: To communicate with spirits like they’re real cats

  • I disagree. If Hollyleaf had had the powers she wouldnt be nearly as interesting. And personally I LOVE forbidden romances. Also I feel she gets wayy to much hate. yes shes not perfect, but like not all of the ctas are interesting all the time i use to skim through some cats povs cause i got sick of them. also she was told not to tell ANYone about her powers. But I respect your opinon!

  • ive been hating her since 4th grade and now i kind of forgot why i hated her but i still do……..i think it had to do with marrying the cat who literally kidnapped her sister and stole herbs. (and pretty much everyone forgets those two facts…..not sure why so many ppl like tigerstar ll, because he is so aggressive and just annoying the same way/has a similar manner as breezepelt and berrynose and I hate those 3 (and stupid jagged peak and his mate holly) and i mean, he’s so just……rude, but the authors can’t make up their minds on whether to keep a character rude, nice, villain, hero and always have to justify the annoying characters and thrw the characters who deserve happy endings out the window to the DF. UGH)

  • I feel like DoveWing is overhated. She fell in love. Her apprenticeship was spent in secrecy and journey. She is hated by her sister. She gets blamed (by the fandom) for everything. She did not ask to be different either. She spent her young years trying to fill out a prophecy and then she fell for another cat. I am not saying she can do no wrong, but she is trying her best to be a good cat for the clan.

  • POV: Dovewing is being given three choices

    Red pill: Be deserving of being the third cat in the prophecy

    Yellow pill: Be a good and nice cat

    Blue pill: Be an absolute brat

    Dovewing: Immediately takes every single one of the Blue pill