PatchFlight shares why they like Mapleshade.
Hi I am PatchFlight (My first articulated :D)
I will include the negative things about MapleShade of course.
1. MapleShade, the vengeful villain known for killing three cats to free her kits. Yes she did continue killing in Dark forest, yes she did but according to Google she wasn’t truly evil.Her mate AppleDusk never asked about the kits never really took interest, when her kits spill the beans to RavenWing, RavenWing told this to OakStar. After that MapleShade was exiled. BUT according to the warrior code the 12 law/rule said “No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different clan”. OakStar and FreckleWish broke the warrior code.
2. Let’s talk about FreckleWish a little, now we don’t exactly know if FreckleWish DID whiteness it but PerchPaw I believe said that FreckleWish came back and said that she fell in the river. It sounds to me that FreckleWish is lying.
3. AppleDusk, MapleShade’s mate tried to save the kits with a patrol of other River clan cats but failed and came back with them dead. MapleShade then wanted to join River clan but APPLE DUSK said MapleShade drowned (Killed) them. This was cruel, sorry but who the heck would say that?! Then he cheated on MapleShade and became mates with ReedShine (Who is completely innocent).
4. And then RavenWing, I believe RavenWing wasn’t really evil/bad in my opinion because when he found out he just wanted to stay loyal and tell the leader. OakStar could have punished MapleShade but exile? No, RavenWing was just responsible but at the same time the reason of the kits deaths. But eventually he probably just wanted to be loyal but he should have suggested to not exile her.
5. MapleShade became evil because she was haunted by the nightmare of her kits drowning. She killed FreckleWish by leading her to sunning-rocks and get bitten by a adder. Then when RavenWing almost became leader at the moon-stone. Lastly and the worst FreckleWish went on a search patrol with ReedShine to look for his apprentice PerchPaw who was kidnapped by MapleShade to kill AppleDusk. AppleDusk was then killed by MapleShade but then MapleShade got killed by PerchPaw.
6. Now my conclusion is that MapleShade went too far when she killed RavenWing but FreckleWish and AppleDusk deserved it. MapleShade did it because of the feeling of grief and betrayal. She could have gotten a punishment of staying in DarkForest for two moons (The age of her kits or how long she was exiled or breaking the code).
Great article!! I think Mapleshade is a cool villain but i don’t defend her
“but according to Google” Hahahaha. Yes, Google is the ultimate authority on everything. Great article, though.
Agree that Appledusk and Frecklewish deserved to die. Ravenwong was innocent but still is a little guilty.
No matter what someone did they never deserve to die
Great article! I don’t defend Mapleshade, but she’s a really cool villain. ^^ 😀
Great article!
Cool article! Mapleshade is my favourite villain
Edit: Speeedy modo! Who is it?
Nice article, I’ve been on and off with liking Mapleshade, but for now, I’d say I do like her. She’s a great and interesting villain. I think she got what she deserved though. I don’t think the cats in MS Vengeance were good people, far from it, but I also don’t think they deserved death. Especially not as brutally as Mapleshade ended them. The dark forest really wouldn’t be the same without her anyways. I think you should try and read the book and make up your thoughts on the character after that, as the internet doesn’t always tell the truth.
Good article however, can’t wait to see more if you write more in the future
Great article! I love Mapleshade as a villain, but I think she’s a terrible cat
Mapleshade is cool, and I do like her, both as a cat and a villain! None of the cats in Mapleshade’s Vengeance really deserved to die, but none of them were that great either. Sure, Mapleshade probably shouldn’t have killed any of them, but she was driven by insane grief and the shock of betrayal, as well as the visions of her kits telling her to murder. Out of all the characters, I think Oakstar was the worst, because he exiled Mapleshade, which is understandable, although there were better solutions, but he exiled INNOCENT KITS. I don’t think he deserves to die-no one does. But when he did die, I don’t know where he went, but he should have gone to the DF because he clearly broke the warrior code. Anyway, this is a great article! Keep it up! 🙂
Totally agree! I love Mapleshade! She is the coolest villain!
Yessss! I agree! Frecklewish and Appledusk deserved it! But Ravenwing was kinda doing his job… But, anyways, Maple is the best! GOOOO MAPLE!!!! Honestly, I think Ravenwing should’ve traded with Oakstar. He was kinda mean.