Ripplefrost recounts Greystripe and Silverstream’s relationship.
![[image description: a dark grey cat curls around a silver tabby cat]](
[image description: a dark grey cat curls around a silver tabby cat]
Hey guys! It’s Ripplefrost here with my first ever article. I just want to say that I respect all of your views and opinions. 🙂 (Pls remember that this is my first article, and that we all have different views and opinions.)
I am here to talk about (and educate you on the subject of) the Graystripe and Silverstream “journey of love”.
1. So, it starts off with Graystripe accidentally leaving a hunting patrol by chasing prey. (I don’t know what kind of prey.) He, stupidly, chases it across the border and into Riverclan territory, where he falls through the frozen river. He almost drowns, but is saved by Silverstream.
2. Graystripe falls in love almost instantly. He then asks Silverstream to meet him privately. They meet for a while. Fireheart/star knew about this and warned Graystripe, but his friend didn’t listen. All the while they were meeting, their love and friendship grew stronger. Silverstream falls deeper, and deeper, and deeper in love with the Thunderclan warrior. They also liked to meet (in secret) at the gatherings at Fourtrees.
3. As a result of the meetings, Silverstream soon starts to carry kits. Many cats of Riverclan wonder who the father is. She refuses to tell anyone and still meets up with Graystripe.
4. Their forbidden love goes on for a while, until something dreadful occurs… Silverstream’s death. She becomes heavy with kits, and, at one of the secret meetings, she starts kitting. Graystripe realizes this and goes to Thunderclan for help. He gets Fireheart/star and Cinderpaw/pelt to come help him. Silverstream loses lots of blood while giving birth. This causes her to die. It also causes Cinderpaw/pelt to almost never forgive herself for letting Graystripe’s mate die.
5. Graystripe mourns her for a while afterward. He loved her enough to father their kits. He even leaves to live in Riverclan for their kits. They have a great father that should not have been treated badly for his choices.
I believe that GrayxSilver was true love. They were so good for each other and were the best forbidden love in the entire series. Their story is kind of tragic, which draws me (and most of you) to it. 🙂
Great article!! GrayXSilver is better than GrayXMillie imo
yeah lol
great article! i was so shocked when silverstream died 🙁 she & graystripe r some of my fave characters!!! & i totally ship gray x silver!!!! <333333
Amazing article! I love Graystripe and Silversteam together! SO much better than Gray x Mille! (first?)
Great article! I totally agree!
Cool article! Totally agree! GrayxMille is not even close to SilverxGray, in my opinion.
I love this article! I hate Gray x Millie >:(
Great Article! I honestly don’t know what to think about Gray x Silver, since after reading Leopardstar’s Honor Silverstream was kind of…a little bratty…I mean, she was acting like a child in front of Leoparfur when she was a warrior, but she might’ve outgrown that I dunno. 🙃
Great article! GrayXSilver is one of my favourite ships
Great article Ripple, I believe I read this article already in Jadeclan, but anways awesome article I ship SilverXGray!
Great article! Gray X Silver forever! (Even though A Light in the Mist kind of proved it not 🙁 .)
Awesome article, especially for your first! GrayxSilver > GrayxMillie, no doubt. It really is true love! 😀
I love, love, LOVE Gray x Silver! It’s one of my favorite ships in the entire series! 💖💖💖