
Hi guys! I hope you’re having a lovely day! This is just a quick post to announce that Rotation helper applications are reopening! If you’re interested in hosting part of the Rotation for Game 6, this is the...
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Fallowpaw takes some warrior names literally.
JadePaw lists their favourite and least favourite characters from the series.
Claimed for random fanfictions
This is the secret page for writing collaborative fanfics
If you have an idea you can add it into the nonexistent mix, and I’ll help you write it
Still my page though 😛
cool wanna write one collaboratively? I’m in summer and have a lot of free time
Sure that would be fun do you have any ideas?
an I join the collab with you guys? I Might have two ideas on my mind right now… 🙂
Cool! We don’t, so share anything you can think of! I actually have an idea of a fanfic about someone irl reading a fanfic! It could be hilarious
What are you ideas? Hazypaw
look at the date of this
also, are you a kit, app, or warrior? and I’m pretty sure you know this, but Dovewing is cannon. Are you sure you want that to be your name?
the comment’s kinda old so we already start…
Hey Dawnwind, an idea could be- ik this is kinda crazy- a random monster takes control over a bunch of cats’ brain and like the main character(s) need to get rid of this monster
Ooh that’s good we could do that
even more creative is adding some like dragons and unicorns :p
i also had this other idea that popped up. so basically like the twolegs capture many of the main POV(s) clanmates and like the main character(s) need to save their clanmates
That’s also good
what about we combine both of them? It could be interesting…
I like that!
:000 even better!!
just wondering, how are we writing this? like sharing a doc? but then there will be email sharing which i don’t think mods allow, so we make it public to everyone on the internet can do it? otherwise we write something and then share with each other what we have. You have ideas? Mods have ideas?
“otherwise we write something and then share with each other what we have” That would be our recommendation, yes 🙂 You can use!
Embix, no need to worry, i’m using an account that has nothing to do with me 🙂
nvm, i think mods said it was fine to put an email that is not your personal, at least according to this:, so i think you can post your ‘fake (not related to you) email. i would like to be the owner of it if that’s ok.
oh ok let’s do it
I’m a cat making robot I can make all the alliances
My email is
[email protected]
when you add me do the send a message thingy so I can see it and do the alliances
Can the clans be LifeClan, CaveClan, SilentClan, and CatClan?
If so, I have an idea for a special edition…
(Just a heads-up to Willowstripe, only send a message using an email that’s safe for internet usage aka one that doesn’t include any personal information that could identify you 🙂 )
Here’s the link:
I haven’t really done much details, but…
There once was a cat named Spot (I already know this comment will be too long)
she was a kit with her siblings (Fleck, and Spring?).
Her mother came back with a dead rabbit in her jaws, almost dead. The kits mourn her and eventually Fleck gets hungry and eats some of the rabbit (It’s a poisonous rabbit), and dies.
The sisters (Spot and Spring), have to survive on their own, and they’re only 4 moons old.
They tried to go out and get food together, but a dog got to them and hurt Spring’s leg before they escaped.
Spot tries to heal it, but knows nothing about herbs and fails.
A twoleg moves into the abandoned twoleg den they lived in, and they ventured out into the forest. Spring’s cut then becomes infected. They stay there for a few days then get found by a patrol that take them to their camp (riverClan camp) and teach them their ways. The med cat heals Spring and they become apprentices and warriors together eventually, and Spot became leader eventually.
Like it?
Please can we do it together?
oh cool you’re in Canada 😀
I’ve never been to Canada even though my state borders Canada!
It’s amazing there you should go there sometime
and you have to go to this thing called River Safari it’s plain amazing and awesome and every good word you can imagine
my blogclan email is [email protected], Willowstripe, you can share me the doc
and for the one that I came up with idea, Dawnwind, I’ll send it to you under my blog email. also, Willowstripe, are you writing that one with me, or are you just writing the other one?
Okay! When you’re ready you can send it to me!
My email is [email protected]
I’m so excited!
same! I sent it to you! it’s called Unnamed Rough Draft.
This is just going to the rough draft, how about when we’re done we can post it on blogclan?
this might have been a double..?
Nope it was a triple 😛
Dawnwind, here’s the link to it, Willowstripe, if you’re doing it with us, tell me your blog email and I’ll send it to you. also, btw, only Dawnwind has access right now.
here it is:
Hey Hazy, Sure i can join you. My email i’m using is [email protected]
Okay willow, I sent it to you!
thank you!
Oh my email is [email protected]
I’m SO sorry, but I can no longer use that account I gave you earlier. I won’t say why, but I am very sorry for the inconvenience. My email is now [email protected] btw. And Dawnwind, here’s the new doc:
I know why… probably
You could just change it though if it’s what I’m thinking
I changed it today
But I was thinking about the display name
If it’s something else then idk what to do because I don’t know what it is
when I tried to use it it said account expired and I had to log in to use it again buuut I forgot my password 🙂
If you would have done forgot password it might have let you pass I just logged out and did forgot password and this is what it said:
“We were able to verify it’s you because you’ve signed in on this device before.
You can update your password now if you forgot it.”
Maybe it will do the same to you?
If you don’t want it back then nevermind
if you want me to stop just say so
I tried that but it said something like this ‘you have not provided enough information, try logging in on another device you have logged in with before.’
Then try random things that you might have done maybe? I really don’t know what to do, that never happened to me before
Maybe ask someone that you know that knows a lot about things like this, or search it up on google
I’m sorry this may seem weird, and a little sad.
I’m VERY sorry but the account had to be deleted for personal purposes, I know this is the second time I’m saying this but my dad said I had to do it.
So Dawny, we’ll have to redo all of that. If you’re mad or sad, just know I’m going to redo ALL of it myself, it’s not your fault. I will redo everything and then we can do it again like how we were doing it before. I do feel guilty, but I’ll make up for it.
Thank you for understanding, Hazypaw
hey hazy, everything is ok, no need to worried about your other account.
But I’ll have to remake the alliances and the 3 chapters we did!
but ty for the encouragement!
here’s the link:
if you want, you can make me owner
I was going to make Dawni the owner…
who should be the owner…?
ig dawny can be it
Hazy, your doing the other fanfic with me and dawny, right?
yeah, can you send it to [email protected] pls? and if you sent it to another account for me, can that account not have access? ty!
ok i added you
For solarpaw/flare: Here’s the link to the fanfic!
btw, we need your email if you want to join. You can read what we have and decide if you want to do it! FYI, If you do, you will be doing Treepaw.
Hope you decide to do it with us!
I’ll do it. How long should each chapter be/am I rewriting Treepaw’s chapters?
I’ll respond with my email later, for my blog account I just put random numbers at the end and I still haven’t memorized them so I need to check
Ah the Publication Party (the thing that happened today) was so fun!
I miss you, old page 😢
RIP Redtail
ah, the page where it all began
a 100+ paged fanfic
and a great friendship, too