Happy Birthday, Streampaw!

It’s Streampaw’s Birthday!

I hope you have a stream of fun on your birthday!! 😉 🌊

[image description: a grey cat holds a present with a party hat on it’s head; credit: vecteezy.com]

WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!! 🎊🎉🍰

I made you a small present – an acrostic poem – I hope you like it! 😀

Shimmers of colourful light
Turn silver into a giant
Rainbow as the city cars pass by,
Each a different metallic shade
Although all have parts of grey.
Music plays – a thousand different
People’s tunes – and the sun,
Amber, captivating gold, lemon
Wistfully shines over the buildings.

[image description: a three tiered cake with icing waves on the side; credit: fun with firsties on pinterest]

Here’s a delicious looking water theme cake I found for you online!

Hi Stream! How has your day been so far? Are you excited for your birthday? Are you going to have a party? BlogClan is super curious to know – please tell us in the comments if you’d like! 🙂

BlogClan loves you, Stream! We all adore seeing your friendly and kind comments all over the Blog!! Everyone here hopes you have an incredible day! 💙


🩵🦅 Eagleflight (Aquila)🍃🎶

It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling!