[image description: Sparrowtail, Toadfoot, Mousewhisker, Sparkpelt, and Lightningtail are depicted with literal representations of their names]

Warrior Names Taken Literally by Wildpaw

Wildpaw takes some characters’ names literally.

[image description: Sparrowtail, Toadfoot, Mousewhisker, Sparkpelt, and Lightningtail are depicted with literal representations of their names]
Art by iycewing
[image description: Sparrowtail, Toadfoot, Mousewhisker, Sparkpelt, and Lightningtail are depicted with literal representations of their names]

Hi guys!
I think some warrior cats names are absolutely ridiculous, so I will be naming them here! I’ll start a TPB, (The Prophecies Begin), and I don’t know how far I’ll go. If I don’t make it to A Starless Clan, then I’ll make a part 2. I will be doing a mix of major and minor characters, but only characters that have some form of importance, eg. They say at least 1 thing per book/arc, and about 4-6 cats per arc (except for A starless clan because I’ve only read River so far, so I only did 3 cats) Well, let’s goooooooooo!
*SPOILERS* If you care about names.

The Prophecies Begin:

Rusty: Who left the cat out in the rain last night?!
Ravenpaw: Look guys! That cat has birds on his paws!? That’s…….. Normal. OK moving on…
Sandpaw: Well, somebody help her!!! Her paws are disintegrating!
Ferncloud: A cloud made out of ferns. Is that even POSSIBLE!!!???
Whitestorm: A storm of whiteness. Is that not a blizzard…?
Yellowfang: Wow this cat needs to brush her teeth!

The New Prophecy

Leafpool: Oh my goodness that cat is melting into a pool of leaves!!!! Somebody, do something!!
Ashfur: Did someone toss the cat in the fire…?
Onestar: Just one star. One single star, all alone :(…
Mistyfoot: Well, that cat’s foot is sort of disappearing…
Firestar: Ok.. this cat is the sun. Okay…
Cloudtail: This cat’s tail is now a cloud. Don’t upset him, guys, he might start to rain!
Brambleclaw: Oke-doke this cat has brambles comin’ outta ‘is paws! (Don’t ask me why I did that one weirdly, because I don’t know)

The Power of Three

Littlecloud: Just one, little cloud.
Tigerpaw: Wow, those are some big paws for an apprentice! Almost like a tiger’s paws!
Berrynose: His nose is a BERRY!!! I need it!
Nightcloud: Either a cloud during the night, or a cloud full of stars and moons.

Omen of The Stars

Flametail: Someone, anyone! We need water! This guy’s tail is on fire!!
Ivypool: Quite like Leafpool, but more specific. This one’s melting into a pool of ivy!
Dovewing: The wing of a dove, just lying on the ground. Probably torn off the main body by a sloppy apprentice.
Cinderheart: Well, kids, we got a burnt cat’s heart for dinner!
Briarlight: Is that some light coming from the briar? Do you think someone has set it on fire?! See what I did there? I rhymed 😛
Half Moon: Just half a moon. Well where’s the other half? WHERE IS IT???

Vision of Shadows

Twigbranch: This one really bugs me. A twig, or a branch? MAKE UP YOUR MINDS!!!
Puddleshine: A shining puddle. Probably reflecting the sun.
Hawkwing: Much like the wing of a dove named Dovewing, this is the wing of a hawk.
Cherryfall: The Cherry has fallen!
Beenose: A cat with a bee on his nose. Adorable!

The Broken Code

Tree: Just a tree. Just one of them.
Redwillow: A willow which is red. It is probably covered in blood.
Needletail: Ouch! Ow! OMG that is one SPIKEY TAIL!!
Frecklewish: Oh I wish, I wish, I wish, for a freckle! Just 1. Big, small, I’ll take anything, I’m not fussy!
Conefoot: This cat stepped on a cone, and now it is stuck to his foot. That must be uncomfortable.

A Starless Clan

Sunbeam: This almighty cat has been sent to us from the sun!
Curlfeather: A curly feather.
Flamepaw: Well, somebody get some water! His paws are on fire!

Well, that’s it. If you have any suggestions, or if I missed a funny name, be sure to put them in the comments! Have a great Day/Night/Evening/Morning/Afternoon!!!

-Thistlefluff/paw out!-

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