Happy Birthday, Lightningpaw!

It’s Lightningpaw’s Birthday!

I’m so excited for your birthday! The atmosphere here is absolutely electric! 😉 ⚡

[image description: a persian kitten wearing a Happy Birthday party hat surrounded by balloons]

WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!! 🎊🎂✨

Here’s a birthday poem I wrote for you – I hope you like it! 😀

Luminous reflections shine
Inside the depths of the
Glacial pool; a thin layer of
Half-melted ice covers over
The surface, leaving only a
Non-defined blur of the
Intriguing contents visible to the
Numbers of children avidly
Gazing down from above.
Paws of a curious dog press
At the surface of the ice, creating
White fissures like a spider’s web.

[image description: a black cake with golden glitter dusted on it and golden and black spheres on top. Happy Birthday is written in gold on the side.]

And here’s an amazing looking birthday cake I found! I really want to try this – it looks fabulous!! 🍰

Hey, Lightning! Are you having a party? How is your birthday going so far? Are you having a cake – if so, what flavour? BlogClan would love to know all about your birthday! Tell us in the comments if you want! 🙂

Everyone here thinks you’re amazing, Lightning! We all hope you have an absolutely fabulous day! ❤️


🩵🦅 Eagleflight (Aquila)🍃🎶

It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling!