Quailpaw and Ghostpaw take a look at ThunderClan’s status in the series.
Quailpaw: Good Evening/day/night. Its me and Ghostpaw doing an article about how we can solve ThunderClan’s biggest problems!
Ghostpaw: Me and Quailpaw doing an article about ThunderClan’s biggest problems. Let’s Begin!
1: Too many cats.
Quailpaw: Well we would need to kill off most cats in the allegiances because it has like two or three pages of allegiances for ThunderClan ( I might even have seen four once!) And the rest of the Clans have like only one page.
Ghostpaw: Well WE MUST KILL THE KITS! Well stop all the kits from being born when they don’t need to be. It’s kind of a problem when kits are overpopulating pretty much the entire Clan. There were kits needed in dawn I think it Twilight. But other than that, no kits needed.
2: Too much POV.
Quailpaw: Pretty much all POV cats are ThunderClan. I am just doing the arcs. There is like one book I think from RiverClan’s POV.
Ghostpaw: Yep. The only book i can think of right now is Moonrise which was Stormfur’s POV. ThunderClan has way too much focus which is why for mine and Quailpaw’s fanfic we are doing arcs for different Clan POVs.
3: Firestar’s kin get all the glory.
Quailpaw: Ghostpaw can start this one.
Ghostpaw: Thank you very much! So Bramblestar is related to Firestar through Squirrelflight. And is Firestar’s deputy. Then when he becomes leader, his deputy is Squirrelflight. Like, can’t Thornclaw or Dustpelt be a deputy? That’s what I want to know. I think Dustpelt would be a good deputy if Ferncloud kept on advising him.
Quailpaw: Well Firestar’s kin also get to be medicine cats. Leafpool then Jayfeather. Who are both Firestar’s kin. I can’t really remember who’s medicine cat after Jayfeather. Also it’s always Firestar’s kin who are part of a ThunderClan prophecy. Firestar, Bramblestar, Squirrelflight, Dovewing, Jayfeather, Lionblaze…I can’t list anymore.
4: Too much territory.
Quailpaw: ThunderClan gets the most territory. I’m not saying how much territory they actually get I’m more focusing on the landmarks. They should share their territory.
Ghostpaw: Yeah. Im only going to do the ones in the Forest Territory.
ThunderClan- Sunningrocks, Snakerocks, Owltree, Twolegplace, everywhere.
Yes RiverClan has the bridge that it shared with windclan and the gorge. WindClan has the bridge shared with RiverClan and Barley’s farm if it counts. ShadowClan was robbed because it only has Carrionplace