[a flaming Firestar leaps over a shadowy Scourge with an orange-blue Yin-Yang symbol between them]

Defending Scourge by Flintleaf

[image description: top: an orange cat with green eyes leaps across the top of the image with flames down its spine. middle: a yellow and blue ying-yang symbol. bottom: a black cat with white markings, blue eyes, and a spikey collar looks over its shoulder at the orange cat with teal lighting beneath it.]
Art by Judith Bish
[image description: top: an orange cat with green eyes leaps across the top of the image with flames down its spine. middle: a yellow and blue ying-yang symbol. bottom: a black cat with white markings, blue eyes, and a spikey collar looks over its shoulder at the orange cat with teal lighting beneath it.]
Flintleaf defends Scourge

Hello! And yes, I do know that Scourge is considered overrated but-

Before I get to this, I want to announce that this is only my opinion and you may HATE Scourge as much as you want, (But I love bad boysss)

Alright, time to get explaining.

Reasons why people may HATE Scourge-
He’s emo (Which is kind of true but yeah…)
He’s overrated (Just because someone is overrated doesn’t mean you have to hate them)
He’s too strong
He’s just boring

I will be explaining why these aren’t true (Apart from him being emo)

1. He’s overrated
The thing is, people say he’s overrated and hate him because of it. It makes him underrated a bit, and then they have no right to say that he’s overrated. But what I don’t understand is why people hate characters because they are overrated. He isn’t, and because you say it and begin to hate him, the people who like him go DOWNNN and he becomes underrated. So yeah……. don’t hate people because they’re overrated. It may make them underrated!

2. He’s too strong
This isn’t a common reason, but I find people to hate him because of this. And I wouldn’t say that! If I were Scourge, I’d fight as hard as I could because my own clan were starting to doubt me, or my siblings bullied me. Scourge fights hard, he’s not that strong, he puts a lot of effort into fighting, and I’d say it’s very well written. If I were him, I wouldn’t want to lose all my reputation, and fight even harder to gain more. This isn’t a reasonable statement to make for hating a character.

3. He’s boring
Scourge IS NOT boring. (Is not in red letters). I find him to be quite interesting, he engages you into scenes with him in it, and makes them quite interesting and dramatic, it adds some drama and spice into the books and I love that. Overall, he’s violent and if you didn’t know me before (I’m Flintleaf), I love drama!

These are the reasons why people should re-consider their opinion about Scourge, if you didn’t like him already. I hope you enjoyed, goodbye!

Fan Articles


  • I respectfully disagree.
    I don’t find Scourge to be an interesting character as he was not given sufficient screen time to fully develop his character. Moreover, most of his backstory was revealed in the manga, which makes it harder for me to connect with his character. Additionally, since he doesn’t serve any significant purpose after his backstory is revealed, I find it hard to care about his character .In my opinion, Scourge is overrated by the fandom, which means that his character is valued too highly. Many fans defend Scourge’s actions by referring to his backstory and the impact of being bullied by his siblings, which led to a change in his path. However, I believe that suffering should not excuse a character’s actions. Although cats may react differently to pain and trauma, in the end of the day it was their choice and they are fully responsible for it.

  • Brackenpaw/tuft who can't wait for the new Owl House episodes! Huntlow forever!!!!!!!!!(A.K.A. Lilypaw and Cricketpaw) says:

    Great article!