[Dovewing surrounded by trails of mist]

Loving and Defending Dovewing by Silverdusk

Silverdusk defends Dovewing.

[Dovewing surrounded by trails of mist]
Artwork by MapleSpyder
[Dovewing surrounded by trails of mist]

Heya! My name is Silverdusk and I’m here with another article! Yesterday, an article about why I love Hollyleaf should have been released so I decided to do 2 defence articles in a row! Sooo in this article I’ll be defending Dovewing!

Firstly, here’s some BlogClanners opinions on her:

“Im neutral on Dovewing, so here are some opinions

Why dovewing is bad:

She was super whiny and ran away for her clan for love. She got super upset when she lost her powers, which was super vain of her. She was very oblivious of her sister’s pain and was so self absorbed.

Why dovewing is good:
She was one of The Three, and helped save the clans. She was brave enough to leave her clan for love

wow that’s all i got i must hate dovewing lol”
– Cheetahheart

“I agree with the bad dovewing stuff wait oh no i want to rant about her now
All right thats the end of my rant😊”
– Ollivenose

“Why I don’t like Dovewing: She’s kinda annoying, but at least she just thinks all of her whininess and doesn’t act all whiney
Why I like her: She’s so cute and soft lol”
– Lilacpaw

“Dovewing is one of the best cats ever! Some cats say she’s whiny, but that’s not true. How would you feel if you lost senses that you’d had since you were born, and felt like you were blind and deaf? That wouldn’t feel very good! She was worried about her senses, and it must’ve been hard for her to adapt. She also supported her sister as much as she could when she was spying for the Dark Forest, and there was one scene where she could see one of Ivypool’s injuries and becomes really worried for her. She never asked to fall in love with Tigerheart, she never asked for Bumblestripe to be obsessed with her, she never asked to be the three. She, along with her sister, helped save the Clans from the Dark Forest with her senses. <3”
– Sandbreeze

“I’m neutral on Dovewing. People say she’s whiny and so annoying, but I think it’s because of her inexperience with special abilities. I’m not saying she’s one hundred percent good because she leaved her clan for Tigerstar II.”
– Scorchlight

“I’m neutral, leaning towards dislike.
Why she’s good:
She is a good mother to her kits and is a good Clanmate to her ShadowClan Clanmates.

Why she’s bad:
She begged Tigerheart to go with her when she knew that his Clan needed him most, and he stays. Then, when he goes to follow her, she flips out at him for coming to find her, and then she has this huge mood swing! It’s just kind of weird to me.”
– Spiro

“she tried her best to do her duty to her Clan, although she was young, and kept trying to make up with her sister”
– Echoheart

“She’s one of my least favorite characters, not necesarily because of any concrete character flaw, but because for me reading from her POV was a singularly unpleasante experience. I found her incredibly annoying. Her struggles with her powers, her sister, her boyfriends, etc, came off as excessively dramatic, which made reading about her very grating.
Also, a lot of her POV is centered around her drama with Bumblestripe and Tigerheart. I loath love triangles. Romance is my least favorite book element, and triangles are my least favorite romance trope. Bumble and Tiger are also very typical love triangle option. I found the whole ordeal mind numbingly boring.

Now, many Dovewing defenders will point out that it makes sense for her to be this way. I agree with that! If I were in her position, I’d probably spend the whole series hiding under my bed crying. However, that doesn’t mean I want to read six books about it.
(“Flame crying under a bed” would be a terrible book.)
Essentially, due to my personal preferences, reading from her POV was the visual equivalent of listening to nails on a chalkboard for six books straight.”
– Flamecloud

“I lovewing dovewing! I especially love her as an apprentice in the first half of oots, though. One of her traits which is expressed first and foremost is her empathy and it’s something i admire even if it crosses the line of naivete sometimes. She’s shocked at the prospect of having to fight others and doesn’t understand clan divisions when sedgewhisker acts coldly towards her. I know a lot of people find her whiny, but i’ve never found her to be unjustifiably ‘whiny’, or significantly more whiny than anybody else. At least i’ve never really been annoyed by it when i definitely have towards other characters. I don’t agree with the idea that she was a bad sister to Ivypool. At pretty much every point of conflict she tries to reassure ivypool or walk over eggshells not to hurt her feelings (i mean that literally, i reread oots and i saw only one point during the ‘sisters drama’ where dove acted unreasonably towards ivy) Admittedly i don’t like dovetiger or dovebumble or much of her romance plot but i think she was well within her rights to join shadowclan and it wasn’t ‘selfish’ of her to do so, she’s living her life for herself, not anyone else. Her reaction to losing her powers was justified (and on that note, her reaction to finding out she had powers was also) a change in your senses is a huge thing to adapt to, and it would cause anyone stress. Anyway i’ll stop this before i make myself go over the character limit”
– Tinyfrost

“I really like Dovewing. She’s gentle and she helped save the Clans. If you look at things from her point of view, everything she says/does makes sense. She’s absolutely not a Mary Sue, but she’s not the most terrible character ever. If you want to see a real Mary Sue, just look at Spottedleaf (sorry Spottedleaf lovers) She’s a good sister and she always tries to do the right thing, but she likes to have fun too.”
– Willowsong

“I used to hate her a lot but now I’m neutral on her. She’s kind of whiny and when she was complaining about her powers, it really got on my nerves. Especially when she complained after they went away too. I despise her love triangle and both of her love interests, and think she’s incredibly boring now that she’s in ShadowClan. I also wish we’d seen more of her reaction to things like Ivypool having kits, Tigerheart denying to come with her at first, her mentor wanting to kill her son, etc”
– Shadeleap

So as you can see, a great amount of BlogClanners hate Dovewing. I’m hoping to maybe change your minds! I like Ivypool way more than Dovewing, but i still like Dovewing a lot. Read on to find out why!

So a lot of people hate Dovewing for being a Mary Sue. She isn’t one. Here’s why.
Dovewing has struggled with a lot of things. Her powers, her relationships and the responsibility she had to deal with. She has argued with multiple cats and had many break ups. She has complained and made mistakes. We all do. That’s why Dovewing isn’t a Mary Sue. If she was, nobody in the comments above would have been like “SHE’S WHINY AND BRATTY AND SELFISH!!!” All of these bad qualities mean Dove can’t be a Mary Sue, since a Mary Sue is a flawless character. Also, half of the Dovewing haters in the world contridict themselves.
Their like “I hate Dovewing. She’s a pile of Mary Sue dung. She’s so whiny and is so selfish. She only thinks about herself and is so mean to everyone. I hate her so much!!!”

Dovewing can’t be a Mary Sue and all those other things at the same time. MAKE UP YOUR MINDS PEOPLE!

Moving on 😊

“Dovewing is always whining! Like 24-7! It’s so annoying! Get over it! Not everything is about you, Dovewing”
– my brother Scorchpaw/flame

Okay, no. When Dovepaw was little, she was scared about discovering she was one of the Three. She was so little, it makes sense she would be overwhelmed. As she grew older, she began to hate her powers, wishing she were normal. When she finally adjusted to her powers, she lost them. She must have felt deaf without the faraway murmurs she had known for her entire life. How can you blame her for being upset??? She was desperate. One might say, “But, Silv, Lionblaze and Jayfeather lost THEIR powers and they didn’t complain!”
And yes, that is true my fellow readers, but Lionblaze basically just had to cope with not being the Incredible Hulk of the cat world. Jayfeather couldn’t enter cats’ dreams but he still has a basic understanding and could still sense everything just as keenly as he used to. Also, everyone deals with things differently. And you never know, maybe Jay and Lion were complaining and we just never saw it!!!

Dovewing was confused and upset, which is acceptable. If you woke up one day and could could now only hear the slightest noises, if your hearing ability was literally halved, would you be upset? Yeah, I thought so.

Dovewing also isn’t selfish. She was always worried about Ivypool and trying to stop her from going to the Dark Forest. She was good friends with Bumblestripe but was upset about being literally harassed by her Clanmates to be with him!!! Even Dove’s own mother was hinting for her to be with Bumblestripe.
The point is, Dovewing always tried to think of others. She went to WindClan to check on Sedgewhisker. She was kind to Blossomfall and Bumblestripe and cared deeply for Ivypool! Dovewing is a nice cat.

Now, what is Dovewing’s personality, exactly? She is a gentle, loving cat who is loyal to those she loves. She doesn’t understand why borders should interfere with friendships and is a very faithful friend. I love Dovewing. I used to hate her, but now I realise she is more of a kinder, selfless cat than many realise.

What’s my opinion on DoveXTiger?

Well, I don’t actually ship DovexTiger! I used to, then I stopped, then I started to again, and now I hate it again. I wrote an article that includes hate for TigerXDove and I can’t wait to see how people react to it 😬

Also, yes, Dovewing left her Clan. But she did it for love! She deserves happiness! Even if I hate TigerXDove, Dovewing should be with a tom she loves!!!

That’s the end of my article! What’s your opinion on Dovewing? Do you hate her a little less or love her a little more after reading this article?

Have a pawsome day!

~ Silverdusk

Fan Articles


  • 🐝🌅 Honeypaw/dawn 🌅 she/her 🌅 Honey Colored Sun That Rises At Dawn 🌅 Cinderspark's apprentice! 🌅 says:

    Great article Silvie!! <3

  • Great article! I personally don’t agree with you but you have good reasons.

  • Great article, Silv!! Dovewing is amazing! 😀

  • great article, bestie!! although I don’t really like her that much, Dovewing was this was interesting to read and I loved how you got a bunch of Blogclanners to be shown in your article too! 🙂
    and also thank you for not bringing up Dovewing’s eyes (which are 100% green) 😛

  • (continued from my last comment that got messed up somehow)
    although I don’t like her that much, Dovewing was empathetic and always tried to help. She’s adorably whiny and NOT selfish at all. Honestly, she was right to leave Thunderclan, even if it wasn’t the smartest idea, considering she was pregnant at the time. She cared deeply about those around her and was so kind and caring. I don’t like how people say she’s a Mary Sue because she is far from that. Some people say she’s a good character only because she’s one of the three, and I disagree. I won’t elaborate on this because I’m very tired, but I might in the future. I wish the erins had written her a bit differently and made her more important because she turned out pretty boring and unimportant.
    also, DoveXTiger and DoveXBumble are absolutely terrible ships and I hate them.
    great job, though! I love how you incorporated blogclanners’ opinions into your article!

    …”but Lionblaze basically just had to cope with not being the Incredible Hulk” fr-

    • 🌹☁️ Silver Clouds That Glow At Dusk (Silverdusk) Shadedpaw's Happy Mentor 💚 SAVE THE TIGERS 🐅 Running for SW! ☁️🌹 says:

      Hi bestie! Lol, ilysm! how are you doing??

  • Thank you so much for this! I recently read Omen Of The Stars I don’t understand much of the hate she gets. I love her despite her not getting much development and I’m so glad someone on here is defending her. And I don’t like DovexTiger or DovexBumble either. They’re boring and I don’t care them, as I do most Warrior Cat relationships besides Talljake and Brightcloud(Cloudtail and Brightheart.

  • time for my own rant! 😈 Dovewing was NOT whiny. Yes, she ran away from her Clan for love, but so did Leafpool, and mostly everyone loves her! What’s up with that? Moving on, Dovewing’s enhanced senses were her normal senses. Imagine if you woke up one day and you could barely hear anything! It would certainly feel like being deaf and you would also be freaking out and it is NOT vain to be freaking out about losing her powers. She cared about Ivypool a lot and worried for her sister’s safety. (Now I feel like this rant is kind of pointless because I just read the rest of the article and found that it is basically the same as my comment)

  • Great article! I’ve always liked dovewing too although I’ve never really loved her I don’t understand all the hate about her at all. Everything she does is normal, I don’t hate firestar but he is a bit perfect. Dovewing is just a normal cat and I like her. What’s wrong with dovewing she’s not that whiny she, none of you have ever had any special senses I’d hate to be different.