[Crookedjaw/star chats with Oakheart who holds a fish in his mouth]

Best and Worst Warrior Relationships by Riverspirit

Riverspirit discusses the best and worst romantic and familial relationships in the series.

[Crookedjaw/star chats with Oakheart who holds a fish in his mouth]
Art by Silverzoul
[Crookedjaw/star chats with Oakheart who holds a fish in his mouth]

Hello! Riverspirit here, and for my first article, I will be discussing the best and worst Warrior relationships from the series. Enjoy!

The GOOD section:

1. Best Ship: Graystripe x Millie
I know, I know, there a lot of Millie haters out there but, I’m not here to talk about just her. I’m talking about her relationship with Graystripe. I personally believe that their relationship is the BEST. Why? Well, think about it. Millie left her home (In which she was perfectly happy at) to come and live with Graystripe in a whole new area she had never heard of. They are truly sweethearts and would do anything for each other.

2. Best Brother Relationship: Oakheart and Crookedstar
This one is pretty obvious. I think these two boys are so cute! Oakheart always supported his brother in everything when he dislocated his jaw. They were always there for one another and supported them even when it was tough.

3. Best Sister Relationship: Squirrelflight and Leafpool
These sisters are, no argument, the strongest bond of sisters in the series. They literally have telepathy between them! Leafpool entrusted her own kits to her sister, putting the most ENORMOUS amount of reliance on Squirrelflight. Both were encouraging to one another and continued to prove their bond.

4. Best Mother-Kit Relationship: Mapleshade and Patchkit
At first, I wasn’t sure that I was going to do this one, but after re-reading Mapleshade’s Vengeance, I know that the Mother-Kit relationship between these two is the TOP. Patchkit adores Mapleshade and always sticks by her side, while Mapleshade loves him. It’s so sweet, and I love these two. I get so sad when I read the part where Patchkit makes his mother make him a promise.

The BAD section:

1. Worst Ship: Yellowfang x Raggedstar
This ship always makes me sad. Raggedstar treated his mate like total garbage and all Yellowfang wanted was love. He continued to flirt with Foxheart just so the clan wouldn’t think he was with Yellowfang anymore. Terrible. Just terrible. A close second to this ship would be Bramblestar x Squirrelflight (Another bad ship).

2. Worst Sibling Relationship: Moonflower and Goosefeather
I decided that instead of a category for both brother and sister, I could combine them into one: Siblings. Moonflower and Goosefeather got off to a rocky start. Moonflower (Moonkit at the time) was jealous that her brother got to be and apprentice before her. She also didn’t appreciate his special powers. Goosefeather had really gotten on her nerves when he continued to tell her that Stormtail wasn’t a good match for her. In fact, Goosefeather was the one who called the battle that killed Moonflower. I just don’t like this sibling relationship, and another close second would be Dovewing and Ivypool, but they made up (kind of.)

3. Worst Mother-Kit Relationship: Leapordfoot and Tigerkit
I picked this one because it’s just plain unhealthy. While I was considering Crookedkit and Rainflower, this one is awful because of the fact that Leopardfoot lets Tigerkit get away with whatever he wants. It’s unhealthy and it probably is what started the whole Tigerstar drama in the first place. The kit can play roughly and it be fine with his mother.

Anyways, thanks for reading this article! I hope you liked it!


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  • a sibling relationship I’ve seen that was pretty bad was DustPaw(Pelt) and RavenPaw,
    DustPaw was constantly bullying FirePaw(Heart) for being a kittypet, and parshly leading the bullying onto Ravenpaw and GrayPaw(Stripe), and when RavenPaw left, DustPaw didn’t really react to his brother going missing(cant really remember what FirePaw told The clan when They sent ravenpaw away).

  • In my opinion:
    Best ship: Leafpool x Mothwing
    Best brother relationship: Oakheart and Crookedstar
    Best sister relationship: Squirrelflight and Leafpool
    Best mother/kit relationship: Speakletail and Snowkit
    Worst ship: Crowfeather x Nigthcloud
    Worst sibling relationship: Moonflower and Goosefeather
    Worst mother/kit relationship: Nightcloud and Breezekit
    Thats all

  • I’m gonna do my own!
    Best couple: Ivypool and Fernsong! They’re soooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! I love both!
    Best siblings: Cinderpelt and Brackenfur! They’re both so nice and I love how Bracken was always there for his sister!
    Best mother and kit: Daisy and Toadkit! I know, they aren’t the most important characters ever, but I believe Daisy is one of the best parents in the whole series, and I also love how concerned she was when Toadkit got hurt!
    Worst couple: Thornclaw and Blossomfall! It’s just a huge age gap! When Blossom was born, Thorn was already a senior warrior! And he was her sister’s mentor!
    Worst siblings: Barkface and Shrewclaw! Bark is always so cool while Shrew is so mean!
    Worst mother and kit: Crookedstar and Rainflower! Rainflower deserves to be in the Dark Forest!