[design references for Rootspring, Shadowsight, and Bristlefrost]

Changing The Names of Some Warriors by Skyfall

Skyfall gives alternate warrior names to some characters from the series.

[design references for Rootspring, Shadowsight, and Bristlefrost]
Art by Nova-Shadow26
[design references for Rootspring, Shadowsight, and Bristlefrost]

Hi! My name is Sky Where Clouds Fall (Skyfall) and I am writing this post because I am going to change Shadowsight, Bristlefrost, Rootspring, Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, Dovewing, and Ivypool’s names to ones I like more—not that the original names are bad! 😁
First I will rename Shadowsight. I think he should have been named Shadowtail instead of Shadowsight because “sight” isn’t a very popular end name, and I think Shadowtail has a nice ring to it.
Next is Bristlefrost. I think she should have been named Bristlethorn instead of Bristlefrost because “frost” doesn’t sound to good of a end name for a Bristlepaw. And Bristlethorn has a nice vibe to it, especially since “thorn” kind of suits a bristle in some ways. No one can convince me the opposite of that!
Third is Rootspring. I like the name Rootspring, but Rootpool, I feel, sounds better than Rootspring and doesn’t take as long to adjust to the name. “Pool” is also a nice end name, and is used in Warriors as a end name like for Leafpool (she was one of my favorite characters and my heart practically snapped when I found out that she died.😭) and “pool” just sounds so pretty as a end name, and Rootpool sounded so pretty and nice and it seems to suit Rootspring’s personality.
Now I will do Jayfeather. His name seems a bit to long, but that is fine. I would like to change Jayfeather’s name to Jayeye, and I know the spelling is funky, but I think Jayeye is better than Jayfeather because 1, it’s not as long, and 2, even though Jayfeather is blind, he notices things with his other, sharper, senses that other cats normally don’t notice. So it is very hard to believe that he is blind, and if his name was Jayeye, the name would really compliment the skill.
Now I am doing Lionblaze. It took a while to get “Lionblaze” as a warrior name in my head, and now I have adjusted. But I think Lionclaw would fit better.
Now Hollyleaf. “Hollyleaf”, I feel, doesn’t suit her. She is caring and nice and really upstands the warrior code, and even though her birth drove her to pieces, she still was as caring as before. So I think she should be named…Hollyheart, the “heart” really fitting in with the “Holly” part of her name.
Dovewing. It is a nice name and I really like it, but I think Dovepelt sounds better, especially since her pelt is the color of dove.
Now last but not least, Ivypool! Her name is beautiful but I think I like Ivyclaw sounds better, especially since she’s so brave and caring, and a really good warrior.
That’s it, and I hope you enjoyed it! (Post your opinion in the comments if you want!) Skyfall, out. 👋

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  • Great Article Skyfall! It was interesting to read which names you thought suited the characters better, however I do disagree with a lot of them.

    Jayfeather was named after his father, and also he is so often talked to about his sight. I think something that matches his personality is a better fit.

    Hollyheart actually sounds pretty good!!

    Haven’t read up to Shadowsight, but from what I heard i don’t think -tail really fits him..

    Haven’t read to Bristlefrost or Rootspring, but I like their names 🙂🙂

    I think Dovewing fits her better. -pelt is so commonly used and wouldn’t suit an uncommon cat. Appearance isn’t everything!

    Ivyclaw. Hmm… You might have a point there!