Scarletkit shares the evidence that shows that Mistystar and Stonefur were obviously half-Clan.
![[Stonefur and Mistyfoot look at each other while sitting]](
[Stonefur and Mistyfoot look at each other while sitting]
Hi everyone! Scarletkit here. This is my second article on BlogClan and it’s about something i am VERY VERY mad about. What is that? It is completely illogical that nobody in the books realized that Mistyfoot and Stonefur where from ThunderClan.
First of all, when they go to RiverClan they are old enough to talk and know that they are from ThunderClan. They are fully aware that Bluefur is their mother. They easily could have told someone. And really how reasonable is it that nobody asked these kits who can talk and are old enough to know their mother who their mother is? Also, they where raised to think RiverClan is bad and ThunderClan is good. Wouldn’t they tell someone that their in the wrong place? And Greypool noticed the ThunderClan scent on the kit so why wouldn’t everybody else? I’m pretty sure the clan was told about the kits almost immediately so how did she notice and everybody else who came didn’t when they where interacting with the kits almost as soon as they left ThunderClan territory?
The kits are shown as at least a few moons old when they leave the camp for RiverClan. If other cats in the same books can remember being a few days old then Mistykit and Stonekit should have remembered being part of ThunderClan. Also, in Crookedstar’s Promise Greypool has another mate who fathered her original kits who also ended up dying but in TPB Mistyfoot knows Oakheart is her father. If it is the second one did Oakheart say he was mates with Greypool? Was he mates with Greypool? What happened to the other cat?
Even Fireheart notices that Bluestar looks similar to Mistyfoot and Stonefur. He does already have the evidence that they are from ThunderClan but it’s still noticeable. And where they told that they where rouge kits growing up? Circling back to earlier points they should have known this is not true so it makes no sense that they could be told this story. Again, in the main books they think that they are the kits of Oakheart and Greypool which makes more sense but again they should know otherwise.
Also this isn’t really important but Greypool is actually half-clan too so… interesting fun-fact.
ANYWAYS that’s everything. Mistystar and Stonefur really should have been discovered as ThunderClan or at least half-clan cats much, much earlier than they did in the books. Now…. bye.
Wow, I never noticed that! Great article! 😀
Why does it say Apr 14 when it is still 13???
The Blog is in British time!
Great article! Another point to support this is the fact that Mistystar and Stonefur kept the names Bluestar gave them when they went to RiverClan, yet no cats pointed this out. Surely some cats would’ve found it strange that two kits sharing the names of two of Bluestar’s recently-deceased kits ended up in RiverClan around the same time Bluestar’s kits died.
good point. or were they…
Good point, but to be fair, people tend to see what they want to see. So if the RiverClan and ThunderClan cats didn’t want to see that ThunderClan’s prospective deputy (and then leader) had half-clan kits… they didn’t.
Great article, but I strongly disagree. For a while they did not know who was there real parents, and by then they were all RiverClan, they knew how to fish, swim, and were loyal.
I mean…. even if they’re a few months, it doesn’t HAVE to mean that they can speak. And also, over time they would’ve forgotten. Not to mention its RIVERclan. RIVER. They travelled by water and not to mention it’s also how Mosskit died. Yes??? But still. Nice article
They spoke a LOT before being given to Oakheart. And Mosskit didn’t die in the river.
Great article! It’s so obvious (well… not when you read the first series)! Because in Bluestar’s Prophecy, she literally officially names them Stonekit and Mistykit. So every cat in ThunderClan should know their names!
Gre8 article!! I also thought this is weird… nice points!
Nice article! I think it’s really interesting that no one realized that they were half-Clan 😛
Great article!! The explanation for why Mistystar and Stonefur didn’t remember where they came from is that they were just one month old, and wouldn’t remember ThunderClan. 🙂
We know because as Bluefur turns away, she thinks “Thanks for spending this moon with me.”
But as for why they didn’t mention ThunderClan while they still DID remember it… idk? It could be argued that it was because Bluefur told them Oakheart was their father right before they left, but this is highly debatable.
umm how do you forget about your whole entire Clan in like ten minutes?
Great Article! I have no idea why cats in the Clans are always so oblivous to everyone. It’s like having a giant group of Sophie Foster clones all in different Clans😂
Great article!! Another thing, Bluefur’s Clanmates would’ve been suspicious when 2 apprentices that shared the same names as her kits were announced. Also, some RiverClan cats have webbed paws, so there’s that too
That’s interesting, I never thought about it that way! They could have force-forgotten ThunderClan, or were too young and just didn’t care about swapping clans. Then again, they were future warriors, so they probably would care a lot.
Oh wow, ha, another great job Erins >:) Making things obvious once again. Nice noticing, Scarletkit.