Giving Keeper of the Lost Cities Warriors Names by Skyfall

Skyfall gives warrior names to characters from Keeper of the Lost Cities.

Hi there! My name is Sky Where Clouds Fall (Skyfall), and I am here to give Warriors names to…Keeper of the Lost Cities characters based on their power and personality! I am a BIG fan of the series, (bigger fan of warriors 😋) so I decided: what are the two series I love most? Keeper of the Lost Cities and Warriors! So I decided to give Keeper of the Lost Cities characters Warriors names!
Alright. First is the main character…Sophie! She is really daring and has what, 5 powers? That’s going to be tricky. I think as a kit she’ll be…Leopardkit! Leopards are really daring, and they have a bunch of cool perks about them, almost like powers! When Sophie turns into an apprentice, she’s Leopardpaw, and now when she’s a warrior…Leopardshine, because Sophie always shines!
Now, he should be everyone’s favorite (he certainly is mine!), Keefe! Keefe is SUPER funny, and he is an Empath and-(sorry don’t want to spoil! 😁). He will be named Jumpkit because “Jump” sounds super enthusiastic like him! As an apprentice he is Jumppaw. And as a warrior he is…Jumpheart, because he has a big, humorous heart.
Now Fitz. The dude has some SERIOUS anger issues! He will be named Pricklekit as a kit becauseI think he can be VERY prickly, as an apprentice he is Pricklepaw, and as a warrior he is Prickleheart, because he does have a good heart.
Now Biana! She really represents girl power! Anyway, she is DEFINITELY Heartkit, her heart is HUGE, as an apprentice she is Heartpaw, and as a warrior she is Heartclaw, because as big as her heart, she has razor-sharp “claws.”
Now Dex! He is a REALLY awesome character! He shall be named as a kit Wolfkit because wolves are really loyal and he is loyal. As an apprentice he is Wolfpaw, and as a warrior he is Wolfflight.
I hope you enjoyed and 1, respected my opinion, and 2, thought of your own! I really hope you did! Feel free to post them in the chat. And for those of you who have never read Keeper of the Lost Cities, I recommend you do, and afterwards, come up with your own Warriors names for them and let us know in the chat! Bye!

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