Streakclaw wonders if Berrynose and Honeyfern are good for each other.
![[Honeyfern and Berrynose nuzzling on a turquoise background]](
[Honeyfern and Berrynose nuzzling on a turquoise background]
Hello fellow BlogClanners! It is I, the great and mighty Streakclaw! (Ok fine. I am not that mighty). Anyway, I am writing this article for you because I don’t think people pay attention to this question: is BerryXHoney worth it? In other words, in this article I will answer these following questions about the ship BerrynoseXHoneyfern: Is it a good ship? Did they TRULY need each other? Did they DESERVE each other? Would it have worked out? Remember that these are in MY opinion. You can choose whatever you want. Do you agree or disagree? Post your opinions in the comments! Now have fun reading!
Here is my opinion: (drumroll please!) yes! Berrynose and Honeyfern would make such a good couple. It is a shame that Honeyfern died. And because she did, everyone forgot about this ship! But I remembered, and decided to dedicate this whole article on them. Berrynose and Honeyfern OBVIOUSLY loved each other. And, to make it better, Honeyfern seemed able to keep Berrynose in line. And right when they somewhat admit their love for each other, with Berrynose saying “Someday we’ll have kits like them,” Honeyfern sacrifices her life to save Briarlight. So yes, Honeyfern and Berrynose would make a sweet couple, and will always be a ship I ship no matter what.
My opinion on this one: (can you drumroll again?) yes! Honeyfern was able to do something that is a ridiculous feat to do: keep Berrynose in line! And Honeyfern was very fond of him, attempting to keep him safe despite his attitude. So as you can see, Berrynose needed Honeyfern, and Honeyfern needed Berrynose. So yes, they DID need each other.
My opinion is: (another drumroll) I do not think so. They are a good ship and certainly NEED each other, but did they really DESERVE each other? What did they DO to deserve each other? They liked each other, yes, but they really didn’t deserve each other, especially since Honeyfern is such a kind and gentle cat, and Berrynose having an…attitude.
My opinion: (one last drumroll please!) yes. I think it is safe to say that despite the fact that they don’t really DESERVE each other, they are a loving couple, deeply in love, and overall would have been a great couple and a honor to the Clans.
That is it! Hope you enjoyed, and that this article may have changed your mind on this ship. If not, that is okay. Also, you can post opinions in the chat! See you around BlogClan!
Yes! I love Honey x Berry! Honeyfern is my favourite warrior cat ever!
Hello again former mento strea
Great article! I love Honeyfern, it’s a shame that she died so young. She and Berrynose were good together, and I really wanted to see their kits. But I think her death was very noble.
Great article! I love Honeyfern, but i don’t really see how her and Poppyfrost can love that arrogant furball 😛
Great article!!! I love BerryXHoney
Great great article! I’m neutral, but one thing I really don’t ship is BerryXPoppy because of how Berrynose treated Poppyfrost in the Fourth Apprentice, I know he was grief-stricken by Honeyfern and didn’t want anything bad to happen but he goes about it the wrong way, also, it just feels like a replacement ship for Berrynose just like that whole thing Poppyfrost thought it too, but ya.
Good article!
Nice article! I absolutely agree, Honey x Berry is a great ship, even if Berrynose doesn’t deserve Honeyfern (or Poppyfrost 😛)
Great article! I like HoneyXBerry more than PoppyXBerry!
Great article! I dont ship berrynose with anyone BECAUSE I REALLY DISLIKE HIM AND DONT THINK HE DESERVES A MATE!! *breathes deeply* phew, im done 😛
Great article! I love Honey X Berry – they were so cute together and I loved watching Honeyfern’s crush on Berrynose turn into an actual relationship (even if it was short-lived ouch)
Nice article! Honestly, I don’t have any thoughts about Honeyfern; but I like this better than Poppyfrost & Berrynose. Like what’s the point about this ship? Is it bc Poppyfrost is Honeyfern’s sister??? I just really hate this ship
Um… did they really show where Honey died?