[Mapleshade lays on a tree branch with a insidious smile]

Defending Maple Shade by Golden_Gaze

Golden_Gaze defends Mapleshade.

[Mapleshade lays on a tree branch with a insidious smile]
Artwork by Lunarkisa
[Mapleshade lays on a tree branch with a insidious smile]

Mapleshade was a ThunderClan warrior that served under Oakstar’s leadership in the forest territories and a Dark Forest member. She was apprenticed to Bloomheart and later became a warrior known as Mapleshade. She became mates with Appledusk, a warrior of RiverClan, and was expecting his kits. Mapleshade gave birth to Larchkit, Petalkit and Patchkit, and the Clan assumed Birchface was their father. However, when her kits were picked up from the river by a RiverClan patrol, Ravenwing realized who their real father was after receiving an omen with three reeds floating in a small stream that appeared in his den. This led him to revealing the truth to the whole of ThunderClan. Oakstar banished Mapleshade, and her troubles became worse when her kits drowned in the river following her attempt to escape to RiverClan. Appledusk blamed Mapleshade for getting their kits drowned and turned Mapleshade away. Appledusk then chose Reedshine as his mate, a fellow RiverClan cat who speaks up in Apple dusk’s defense to RiverClan. Darkstar denied Mapleshade a place in RiverClan, which fueled her anger even more.

MY argument: Maple shad is an interesting character , who i think didnt deserve to be exiled, she was a mother, and like all mothers, was one protective mother, the fact that apple dusk rejected her then blamed it on her for her kit’s deaths is so angering, i cried during mapleshade’s vengeance Because of him. she did eventually murder him, which he deserved, ending mapleshade’s anger, which he started in the first place. In my opinion, maple shade doesn’t deserve to go to the dark forest, if she saw her kits living happily in starclan i think she would change, but as far as starclan, they will never accept her, unless she agrees to spy for them in then dark forest. Apple dusk is the one that needs to go to the dark forest, he literaly Broke more than one code in the warrior code-but it says nothing wrong with killing a cat- wich mapleshade did, but like i said apple dusk was involved in the kit’s drowning-and was first to point fingers.

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