[a see-through cat runs through a rainy forest at night]

What happens when a StarClan, Dark Forest spirit fades away? by Polarecho

Polarecho wonders what happens when a dead cat’s spirit fades away.

[a see-through cat runs through a rainy forest at night]
Art by lokidrawz
[a see-through cat runs through a rainy forest at night]

Ello fellow kitties! It is me, Polarecho (Polar if you will :P) And today, I will be discussing what h appens when a warrior spirit fades away. Let’s dive in!

So, we all know that when a Warrior dies, they either got to the Dark Forest, or StarClan depending on their life. For example:Mapleshade went to the Dark Forest because of her ‘revenge’ for her kits lives. She murdered her former mate Appledusk, and I think it was Frecklewish that got her exiled? OR Ravenwing, I haven’t re read that in a while. Sooo yea she murdered a buncha cats thats why she ended up in the place of No Stars. BUT, if a cat was good, (LIke:Feathertail, Whitestorm,Graystripe, Firestar, Longtail,Mudfur,Leopardstar etc.) They end up in StarClan. (BAsically cat heaven). 

  And it was revealed in one of the books (I’m not sure which) that all spirits fade away. (HOLD ON- I think it was in OotS, or AvoS.) That is a terrifying death. Like, you die, get into StarClan KNOWING that when you’re forgotten, or become too old, you’re not going to exist anymore. You’re gunna become NOTHING. Just nothing. First of all, this is a sad thought. BUT. I have a solution for that. I was just scrolling through articles, when I came upon Moontabbys article. About the similarities and differences between Christianity and Warrior cat beliefs. (Shoutout to Moontabby here! I loved that article!)
At first, a sliver of this theory crept into my  mind. I wasn’t sure bc I never had confirmation that anybody ekse thought the same! Then, I strolled onto the comment section for Moontabbys article, and I knew that I wasn’t crazy. (Well, I might be but not THAT crazy)Enough waiting! Here ya go!

THEORY 1:StarClan cats reincarnate to a totally different cat on the brink of/before a second death. How amazing would that be? And there might be some proof! You ever see Skystar, (AKA Clear Sky) In StarClan? No, we have not. Why so? Yall remember Skywatcher, AKA Moony, from Firestars quest? Well, you get it. SKYstar, SKYwatcher. Hm? And it has happened before, we all know Cinderpelt who got reincarnated to Cinderheart right after her death.Lion’s Roar into Lionblaze, Jays Wing into Jayfeather and Dovewing into Dove’s Wing. This would be a MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better ending than vanishing into nothing. Like, YASSSSSSSS

THEORY 2:DF cats get a second chance. What if, DF cats when they fade away, the universe decides to give them a second chance? To become a new cat and shake off the guilt of the past. You all know Tigerstar the second? What if he was a reincarnant of Tigerstar? After all, he did die in the battle with the Living world. This is possible if you think abt it!

THEORY 3:What if a chunk of each leaders spirit gets passed onto the next? Like with the nine lives? This would explain A LOT, including with characteristics, attitudes etc..
LIke badabooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom mystery solved. Or maybe all ShadowClan members are fox hearts idk. (No offense to any ShadowClan members)

THEORY 4: What if spirits simply do not fade away? What if they all just assume that they do, but they become only paler and paler?

Tysm for reading this! It means a lot to me. I hope this gets published!!! Please lemme know in the comments whether you liked it or not! Ty! Polarecho out!

-4/3/23 or- April third, 2023.

(P.S Lemme know what I should write abt next!)

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  • I think I like the idea of just becoming Paler and paler!

  • Great Article!

    I did a fic about Lion’s Roar, Jay’s Wing, and Dove’s Wing fading away to reincarnate into the three. I think that when cats fade, they lose all of their memories and their ghost form but a part of them still remains just in case they reincarnate.

    I do like the idea of them not disappearing and just turning invisible, though. I believe I fan told Kate that that’s what he believed, and she approved of the theory.

    (Here’s the fic if anyone is curious: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44771107)

  • I can prove THEORY 2 wrong because Tigerheart fought in the great battle when Tigerstar1 left the dark forest

  • Theory 1 could be correct because: Do you see Skystar in The “counsel of the leaders” in the prologue of Long Shadows? no you don’t

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