tortoiseshell cat looking up at the camera in a field of blue flowers

Elections, Day 3: Third Medicine Cat Hustings

The third day of Medicine Cat hustings! Meet candidates Tansybranch, Mountainstorm, and Bloodmoon!

(If you’re just tuning in today or aren’t quite sure what hustings entail, check out the first 2023 Elections post here!)

Welcome back, BlogClanners! Today is the third day of Medicine Cat hustings and final day of applications being open. If you want to apply to run for Medicine Cat you can do so here. Applications will be open until 23:59 UTC on July 4th (click here to convert to your local time)!

These past two days we’ve been introduced to some amazing candidates and you have all have provided wonderful questions and support for them! Let’s keep that energy going for our next candidates: Tansybranch, Mountainstorm, and Bloodmoon!

Candidates may use the comments below as a space to put their campaign, and the amazing members of BlogClan can use the comments as a space to ask questions, such as: why do you want this position? What are some good qualities you have? What are your flaws? What would you want to add to BlogClan? What changes would you like to make?

I shall now hand it over to our candidates! Good luck to all! 😀


 Kind, Helpful, Ambitious

Tansybranch drawn by Goldenfawn. Side-profile of grey cat with beige patches and purple eyes. Background is a gradient of yellow, green, and pink.
Drawn by Goldenfawn

I would love to be Blogclans newest medicine cat! I have been part of Blogclan for just about two years now. I love how open and kind everyone is even if someone has a different opinion than yourself. Medicine cats are great problem solvers and I believe I Often help, encourage, support and laugh with my fellow clanmates! I have never really had a big role in Blogclan and I’m so happy that I might finally be able to. I am so excited to find out who gets the new role, thank you for considering me for this role.


Goofy, Empathetic, Dedicated

Mountainstorm drawn by Goldenfawn. Side-profile of a grey-black cat with white specks and electric blue eyes. Background is a gradient of yellow, green, and pink.

BlogClan is a website best described by these two words: chaos, and kindness.

It’s a place where people can be themselves, and create all these amazing things: art, jokes, poems, fan fictions. It’s a place people can help, and ask for help if needed. It’s a mashed-up community with people from a bunch of different time zones, logging in at all times of the day to check on BlogClan, and think: “Now, where shall I go today? What shall I do?”

And there’s bustling activity born on every page, from hugs ahoy on the hug page, to chaos on the tavern, to helping hands stretched in the training hollow, to small flickers of life on one of those semi-abandoned discussion pages, to links and greeting comments on the introduction page. And that’s only the start.

“Now where shall I go today? What shall I do?”

Today, I’m sitting and filling in a form. “Why do you want this position?” it asks, and it’s a very good question. Why would I like to be medicine cat?

BlogClan has always been this wonderful website since the minute I first commented. With each member a little turning gear, keeping it running. With everyone helping, and everyone mattering.

And I feel like being medicine cat would bring me closer to this fine community. My goals, if I do become medicine cat, would be to mirror all the kindness I was given when I was a newbie, still unfamiliar to most aspects of the website, but already well acquainted with the compassion, benignity, and acceptance (and of course the fun mayhem!) radiating from every corner of the Blog.


Insightful, Tenacious, Patient

Bloodmoon drawn by Birchfoot. Side-profile of red mackerel tabby cat with dark brown stripes and amber eyes. Background is a gradient of yellow, green, and pink.
Drawn by Birchfoot

 Greetings everyone! For those unfamiliar with me, I’m Bloodmoon, an old fool whose cavorted around this place since 2019.
I’ve witnessed the previous election. I saw the passing of certain Blog team members as they disappeared into inactivity. I’ve even been around when the Blog suffered technical issues, and we could only use the BlogChat.
Despite the passage of time, some aspects have remained consistent.
The life and warmth of this community, for one thing.
Coloring the tavern are lovely comments full of jokes, people sharing random experiences or realizations they had, talking about their beloved pets, interests and more.
If you browse through the Hug Page, you can see people encouraging one another and offering a shoulder to lean on. It never fails to make me smile how willing people are to provide a hug and an encouraging word.
You can also find the creativity and brilliance of the people here perfectly on display on the art page and fan-fic page.
It all perfectly illistrates what makes BlogClan special.
Another prevalent attribute of the Blog is that this place serves as a home for the lost, lonely and unwanted by society.
Here everyone is accepted regardless of gender, race, or age.
Many members share a story of feeling outcasted by their peers. They feel abandoned by their friends, or perhaps they can no longer tolerate a family member. Bullying is another comminality I’ve seen.
Regardless of the story, they turned to BlogClan looking for fellowship and met their best friend.
I remember the day I myself first joined this little corner of the internet.
At the time, I was going through a difficult change, and had recently taken to using my mothers laptop.
One day, while browsing the web, I discovered a link that took me to BlogClan.
Immedietly I dropped a comment on the new members page prattling on about my favorite Warriors and some other nonsense, and Icy [the Medicine Cat back then] responded.
Her warm energy and humor instantly struck me, and I knew I’d come across a special place.
The connections I’ve made here, both positive and negative, have stayed with me throughout the years.
Each and everyone of them has taught me valuable things. The importance of kindness, the value of humor, why it’s better to be honest, and yes, I’ve learned a few lessons about mistakes and how instead of blaming each other, we should look inwards and clean up our own internal filth.
I’ve also witnessed how people thrive when someone truly supports them, how beautiful it is when we stop looking at each other with critical eyes and instead accept each other for who we are.
Then, now, and forever, these lessons will be a part of me. I’ve experienced sunny days on this community and many days of rain, but I’ve grown from each.
BlogClan has been an integral part of my personal development, and it’d be an honor to return the favor and hopefully use my insight to better the Blog.
Nothing would make me happier then to see generations of BlogClanners flourish under my care as a Medicine Cat as they create memories.
Wha’s needed now more then ever is someone with no self-interest, someone willing to step up and say, ‘hey this is the right thing to do’, to show us how to cross the divide between our hearts.
And it’d mean the world to me, if I could be that person and leave the Blog a little brighter then when I first joined.
Admittedly, I have not been the greatest at upholding those values but I know at least one of you will have faith in my ability to be a good Medicine Cat, and choose to vote for me. That gives me faith in myself.
Now that I’ve covered my personal reasons for running, I’d now like to address some broader reasons, starting with the gap between generations. As older members gradually become less active, new members slowly take their place and develop friendships with each other, now, that’s just how life flows, but when more experienced members decide to return and don’t recognize anyone, there may be a disconnect. Or perhaps an older member may decide to stay but feel left out because most of their friends have gone inactive, and none of the new members have made an attempt to befriend them.
Another problem I’ve seen frequently is certain members being favored over others. Most BlogClanners are generally polite, and treat each other with respect, but quite frankly, some members are more well-known then others.
I hate to see any BlogClan member feeling left out or unappreciated because of that, so it’d be a priority of mine to amend this.
The key, I feel, is fostering more connections, and encouraging members to talk to each other, especially members they’ve never spoken with before.
Now don’t get any ideas, I am by no means going to force people to talk to each other or anything along those lines.
I’m just going to give a gentle push by providing more opportunities for older members to connect with new ones or for more well-known members to connect with less well known members by hosting special events, meet and greets or more. I’m not a medicine cat [yet] and haven’t had time to flesh out everything, but yeah, that’s the rough outline of the plan.
One last thing I’ve observed is that there seems to be a gap between the older members of BlogTeam and BlogClanners without authority.
I’d love to find a way to correct this. The more experienced members of BlogTeam are just as much pillars of the community as the newer additions to the team whom people are more familiar with, and people deserve a chance to see them as a friend, as opposed to some intimidating face of authority.
Aside from those problems, here are some general things I’d love to see around the Blog.
More love, for one thing. By my personal definition, love is a promise saying ,’hey, I’m responsible for instilling life into your spirit and joy into your existence’. We could all learn how to value each other and be responsible for fulfilling our end of the promise.
A greater amount of peace, for another. I have witnessed a few arguments break out on the Blog in my time, and I’d love to provide a safe space for everyone.
People walk through their lives with all kinds of defense mechanisms that often activate during arguments. Some self-destruct and beat themselves up. Some push others away. Some fake happiness. Some tend to get angry frequently. I’d love for the Blog to be a place where people feel safe dropping these mechanisms and sharing what’s truly on their heart.
A place where they feel safe expressing themselves and can say anything they want without criticism.
I made the mistake of judging someone once, and being more critical then I should have, and I want to make sure never to repeat the same mistake again and ensure no one else is ever at the receiving end of such treatment. Learning to treat people like people is a journey, but it’s one I’m willing to take if it means I’m the cause of someones smile, not their trauma.
To wrap things up, someone once said that my greatest strength of my heart. Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s been filled with jealousy and bitterness before, but it’s always found it’s way back to grace. It always beats for a purpose greater then my own. Here, I’d promise to be a good Medicine Cat or some such oath, but I won’t. I can’t promise perfection. What I can say is that as a Medicine Cat BlogClan would be my purpose, and my heart would always beat for each and everyone of you. No matter what mistakes I may make.
Thank you 

Amazing job guys! Remember, applications close today at 23:59 UTC.



    • Q. How would you approach an argument?
      A. Impartially. By listening and taking both sides into account. And with the main focus being resolving the anger between the people and not deciding which side is “right” and which is “wrong.”

      Q. What advices do you have for newbies?
      A. I’d encourage them to dabble in a lot of different areas of the Blog, and find out which pages they enjoy being on best! I’d also tell them not to worry about feeling a little “left out” or “left behind” at first. Everyone matters, and everyone is a part of something, it’s just a bit hard to find your footing and friends right away.

    • -In my experience, there’s no one fix-all approach to resolving an argument. You can give advice, you can even be direct and confrontational, but ultimately, it’s up to both parties involved to take your advice and choose to change or not.
      But through much trial and error, I have gleamed a few tips on what helps to resolve conflict, and what doesn’t.
      To avoid further escalation, I’d do is ask both parties to stop responding. This also serves me well in regards to assessing what happened and have time to process things in my head.
      During this time period I may speak to each party involved individually to develop a picture of both sides. Here, I’d make sure to never take sides or blame one person for everything. During disagreements what people want most of all is to be heard and understood.
      This, I feel, is at the root of most arguments, or most disagreements I’ve witnessed. One person doesn’t feel understood or feels left out because of something, and this can trigger an aggressive reaction.
      I’d help each party get to the root of why they felt compelled to argue, why they felt so strongly about the specific topic they were arguing about, then have them explain that to each other then work out the resolution from there.
      Honestly though, it’s really hit or miss. Sometimes people will listen, sometimes they’ll just drag things on forever despite repeated attempts to intervene. The best I can do is make sure both parties feel heard and provide a safe space where they don’t feel judged.
      -Can you elaborate on what you mean by newbie? ^^

    • 🍄✨TansyBranch/Paw✨🍄~Tansy Branch That Sways In Wind~ MapleShade Supporter~ 🏳️‍🌈HAPPY PRIDE MONTH 🏳️‍🌈~ says:

      Q1- When an argument happens within the blog its often around something character related or something just not as deep that we realize it to be. I would try my best to hear both sides of the story and then figure out a solution the fits both peoples decision.

      Q2- When I begun on the blog I underestimated how friendly and open everyone is! make sure you aren’t afraid to ask questions of get involved in fun things within the blog.

  • Quailpaw, She-cat| Former name: Leafwind ( Leafi) Obsessed with Legend of Korra, and Demon Slayer| Also Started Jujutsu Kaisen, my favourite anime now says:

    Good luck guys!

  • {🍃👻Spirit that Runs in Wind👻🍃} - {👻🐾Spiritpaw🐾👻} - {💖🌳Spirit loves Tree!🌳💖} {♀ She/Her ♀} says:

    Good luck!

    • Hmmmm that’s a good question.
      The Blog is a well-managed site. Superficially, [I’m not a mod, therefore I don’t know what goes on behind the scenes] at least, it’s free from the issues that plague most platforms, such as heated political discussions, inappropriate comments, and general drama.
      There’s not much I can see that needs changing in that regard.
      What I can do is change myself, and slowly integrate the qualities I want to see around the blog, love, peace, compassion faith, and more into myself, and those qualities will go around the Blog and spread.
      That’s the one thing I could do to change the Blog.
      Apart from that I’d love to see more close knit friendships. Certainly there’s people who comment here often, and are familiar with each other, but they don’t seem that close. It all seems like a passing ‘hi’.
      Friendship is primarily why people hang around the Blog and I just feel they could be a little more meaningful.
      That’s essentially what I’d strive to change as a Medicine Cat.

    • There isn’t much I could or would change as a medicine cat. The Blog is a well-oiled site, it runs well.

      But also, there isn’t one single person who’ll change it, who’ll make it razzle-dazzle all of a sudden; it’s built up by teamwork. As medicine cat, I’d like to focus more on that aspect: how we together can improve the Blog through accessibility and kindness whenever we should.

    • 🍄✨TansyBranch/Paw✨🍄~Tansy Branch That Sways In Wind~ MapleShade Supporter~ 🏳️‍🌈HAPPY PRIDE MONTH 🏳️‍🌈~RUNNING FOR MEDICINE CAT says:

      The Blog is absolutely amazing already! If I HAD to change or add something to Blog it might be more ways of like involving yourself in the activities around us and more ways to chat and make heaps of friends within this wonderful space we have here for us all!

  • Wow! Amazing speeches, you three! Good luck 😀

    • The position would change my outlook on the Blog.
      In the books MedicineCats have a unique perspective of Clan life. Many speak of viewing each member of the Clan as their kits. Then of course there’s the fact that they have a separate code, and special connection with StarClan.
      Throughout my prospective term as MedicineCat I believe I’d grow more connected to the community and slowly learn to see it’s members as people instead of objectifying them as just nameless faces behind a gravitar.
      I’d began to see what makes each BlogClanner unique and find new ways to celebrate that uniqueness.
      Being a valued member of BlogClan with the title of MedicineCat would give me a confidence boost and a sense of purpose. I’d feel like a part of something greater than myself.
      Most importantly the position will hopefully teach me some empathy. I used to think that I was a kind compassion-filled person with a tender heart, but I had an awakening a few months ago and realized that I’m sort of like one of those people you hear about, who would never harm anyone and has no negative intentions, but still end up self-absorbed and indifferent.
      I also have a condition that could contributes to my apparent self-centered of self-absorbed if you will, attitude that crops up in me from time to time.
      In short though, I’m hoping the role will open me up to others more and teach me how to truly care about and empathize with people.
      So yee, those are the positive things I’m hoping to get out of the role 🙂

    • Hi Riv!

      First and foremost, thank you! 🙂

      Secondly, I don’t think having the role of medicine cat in particular would change me much for the better. Simply being on this site, observing and feeling all the kindness and patience of others, is getting just what the doctor ordered for my personal growth. 😛 As is learning, from interactions, arguments I’ve started, and from my mistakes. I’ve grown a lot, I think, since I first joined the Blog at the start of 2021. I’ll be nearing my third Clanniversary soon, and I’m nervous and excited to see how much I’ll be regretting and discovering in the following months 😀

      This mentor-ish side of the Blog is something I’d like to embrace and encourage as medicine cat, but also if I stay a warrior.

      Thirdly: sharp cheddar cheese is the best o:

  • Skypaw/shimmer/Sky of No Stars/Sky/Shimmering Sky/she, her/Rosedawn's awesome apprentice! says:

    Good luck guys!

  • Good evening guys! Wowsers there were all amazing speeches, I just sat there nodding the entire time lol

    The role of a medicine cat is a very important one, as you all are probably aware, and like Bloodmoon, a medicine cat (or soon to be medicine cat as of my joining!) was the first one to greet me to the Blog, Goldi, and instantly, they became such a role model to me.

    With that in mind, question timmmeeee
    1. How do you hope to become a role model to the newer members of the Blog?
    2. You’ve all obviously been hanging around for a while seeing as you all joined before me , so how do you hope to use that experience to make you a better medicine cat?
    3. How do you reflect the traits of medicine cat in day-to-day commenting?
    4. If there is no catmint, what herb is best to treat green cough?

    Gl guys!

    • -Hopefully I won’t have to become role-model material I’ll naturally be someone people can look up to.
      People have said that they admire me and see me as an example in the past, so I know that I have what it takes to be an example. I know I have compassion, wisdom, integrity, and righteousness, all the traits that make someone worth copying.
      What I’d do differently this time is uphold that promise instead of saying ‘no I can’t be a better person I’m sorry I keep failing’ or like ‘sorry, I am who I am’ I’d actually put effort into changing.
      Essentially, it’s the same way I’d go about bettering the Blog-by changing myself and hopefully, in doing that, the energy will go around.
      But, as a Medicine Cat, my interest isn’t really in being a good role-model. My main priority is to be a safe space where people feel comfortable enough to be themselves. I want people to see me as someone they can talk to without being judged. Someone they can completely let down their guard around.
      And I think, that if others are my priority, then the rest of the role-model criteria will mold itself in me.

      Pssst nahhh Osp, you have more experience then me mate. I mean c’mon, two years here and your already a well-known member and a mod. You tell me whose the more experienced BlogClanner haha/j
      My experience on the Blog over the years has taught me much about what I need to change within myself, opened my eyes to my flaws, as well as given me some of the best friends I’ve ever known. Naturally, that’ll show up in how I perform my duties as Medicine Cat.
      I’d use the experience to guide others towards self-improvement, their true potential. I would hopefully, serve as their inspiration to be kinder and more loving towards others.
      -Generally speaking, I try to be polite, and considerate in my interactions with others on the Blog. Currently a majority of my comments probably come off as short and disinterested, but hopefully, the main goal of being kind still shines through and I don’t come across as rude 😛
      -Ahhhh Tansy, borage, or feverfew

    • Thank you, Osp! 😀

      Q. How do you hope to become a role model to the newer members of the Blog?

      A. By continuing to be my awesome self, obviously

      Seriously speaking, I don’t think I’d change anything. I’d continue to be myself. My mistake-making self, because slipping-up is okay, and a part of life, my weird, outlandish self, because it’s fun to be yourself in all your uniqueness, my awkward, worrying self because those are real faults I live with and cope with, and in which I am not–and no one is–alone.

      Our individuality and our commonality are the best, strongest things, which form the best, strongest bonds.

      2. You’ve all obviously been hanging around for a while seeing as you all joined before me , so how do you hope to use that experience to make you a better medicine cat?

      A. I’d say I have as much experience as a personified piece of cheese :p A.k.a, I don’t have much experience laying around. But I do somewhat know my way around the Blog by now–which pages are for what, what the magic button does, where to submit an article, how to vouch. As of my understanding, a medicine cat is a main presence on the introduction page, where having a fundamental understanding of “what-is-where” is essential for helping out newcomers.

      Secondly, I’ve gained experience with the people. BlogClanners from 2021 and 2022 and 2023 have taught me and given me so, so much. They’ve given me hope, compassion, second chances, consideration, friendship…among many other things.
      I’ve learned a lot and that experience and these beautiful human beans here is what have given me the inspiration to run in this election.

      A. How do you reflect the traits of medicine cat in day-to-day commenting?

      Q. I try to be considerate and polite whenever I write something. I read it over before pressing submit, and think about how what I wrote could be interpreted. After all, having the chance to think over your words is a privilege and a gift, and is especially important in an online environment where tone can’t contribute to context.

      I also spend a lot of time thinking of ways to help on the hug page–there were months when I was commenting there on a daily basis, trying to reply to whoever I could.

      Q. If there is no catmint, what herb is best to treat green cough?

      A. *wordlessly opens new google tab*