The fourth and final day of Deputy hustings! Meet candidates Nightwind, Bluebat, and Amberleaf!
(If you’re just tuning in today or aren’t quite sure what hustings entail, check out the first 2023 Elections post here!)
Welcome back everyone!! Today is the final day of the Deputy hustings, where we will meet the last (but by no means least!) candidates. Applications are now closed, so after reading through this post, you will have met all the candidates applying for the role!
Just to confirm, tomorrow will be a break before the voting begins on the 7th of July. So don’t worry if you don’t see any posts pop up about the elections – it’s all planned out! If you want the full schedule for the 2023 elections, you can find it if you click on the link a few paragraphs above and scroll down on that page. 🙂 Tomorrow also gives you all a bit of time to review, and for you to look over all the candidates from each of the hustings posts and decide fully the three that you’re planning to vote for the Deputy position.
I think we can all agree that we’ve seen some incredible candidates over the past 3 days and I’m also pleased to write that you have all have provided fantastic and creative questions, as well as lots of support for them! Let’s keep that energy going for our next candidates: Nightwind, Blubat, and Amberleaf!
Just to go over what we expect for the hustings again, Nightwind, Bluebat, and Amberleaf, you may both use the comments below as a space to outline your campaigns. All the members of BlogClan, you can use the comments as a space to ask them any questions you might have. These may include: why do you want this position? What are some good qualities you have? What are your flaws? What would you want to add to BlogClan? What changes would you like to make?
I shall now hand it over to our final candidates! Good luck to all of you, and may the odds be ever in your favour! 😛 😀
Creative, Funny, Surprising

Ever since I joined the blog in May of 2021, the blog has been a major part of my life. From listing fun facts to creating the term “speedy dodo” (Yes, I created that term), blogclan has always been a safe space for me in the last two years. Before I continue, we at Nightwind Incorporations would like to thank the sponsor of this application, Nightwind Candy Co. Since 2027, Nightwind Candy Co. has been providing poor-quality candy. We put together any of your five favorite candies, giving you over 75 million different combinations of joy! After all, who actually cares about good health? Anyway, that’s all from Nightwind Candy Co, now back to the application. If you could spare one of your 3 votes for me, I’d really really appreciate it, and thank you for reading my hopefully-not-boring application. I hope you have a wonderful day, please like and subscribe, and I’ll see you in the next video- I mean- application.
Just some guy

i’ve had a great time on blogclan for these past 2-3 (i think?) years, even though it can be overwhelming at times with all there is to see, blogclan as a site and as a community has gotten me through some rough times to say the least, so hopefully i can help blogclan back. if not at least i get a fun experience hah!! good luck to anyone running, i wish you all the best of luck and fun! enjoy a good soup and take care of yourselves <3
Imaginative, Fiery, Emotional

Hello, all! My name is Amberleaf, which you probably know because it says so up there! Call me Ambi if you like! I joined BlogClan in October 2021, which feels like ages ago now. Since joining BlogClan I feel so much happier. For me, this is a place where anyone can be accepted, no matter what your interests, hobbies, passions, you get the point, are. And this place has given so much to me. Some of my happiest memories are of this place (SmokeXIcicle cult, anyone?) but although that’s the example I normally use, there is so much more that I think would be impossible to share it all. And I think that everyone deserves somewhere as amazing as BlogClan. As deputy, I want to give back to this beautiful site that I could always rely on to make me smile. I want to be someone people can come to for some awful advice, cringy jokes or heated arguments about the colour grEy should they want to. But I also want to take this opportunity to grow as a person. I want to become much more reliable, and I want to spend more time on the New Members page and the Hug Page. Nobody is perfect, and we are all growing. Since joining BlogClan, I’ve grown a lot already, and I want to become a much better person too, alongside helping other people become better people. Imagine that we are all plants, and that we need the sunshine and warmth of everyone to thrive. Well, that concludes my little (or not-so little) speech. Although I’m not speaking, so my little type? I’m not sure. Oh well. Thank you for reading this and putting up with me for so long. Amberleaf, out.
And that’s it! Wow! A super big well done and hug for all the candidates from me! You’ve all been marvelous, and I admire all your courage to apply, as well as your dedication to the Blog! <3
Good luck you three, I’m sure you guys will be pawsome deputies!
How will you help out in any difficulties relating the blog?
How will you guide new people through the blog?
I will help out with any difficulties relating to the blog by hacking the blog and finding every single possible thing about the blog /j I’ll just help to the best of my ability.
I will guide new people through the blog by explaining to them how the blog works and will help them find things to do on the blog
How will you help out in any difficulties relating the blog? I would approach them open mindedly, without choosing a side, and finding out all sides of the story before I do anything.
How will you guide new people through the blog? As well as explaining where all the pages are I’d tell them BlogClan-slang like “speedy dodo” and “trend train” so that they could understand things better! I’d tell them that there is a place for everyone on the Blog, and don’t worry if you feel kinda lost for a while! It took me ages to feel like I belonged here.
Good luck guys!
Thank you!!
Officially 3/4 of my best Blog friends are competing with one another-
Oh no.
Good luck, anyways! 😀 (I guess the bright side is that whatever happens, the Clan will be on good paws.)
Oh no indeed. I handed in my deputy form, saw Silv and Sjades and wished I was med catting.
Sjades 😛 Honestly I agree, i have no clue who to vote for anymore 😛
samee!! This is really hard xd
Yeah, there are soooo man good candidates
Good luck!!!