Giving the Addams Family Warrior Names by Daisyspirit

Daisyspirit gives warrior names to characters from the TV series, The Addams Family.

Photo of the main cast of the 1964 TV series The Addams Family

Hi everyone! It is Daisyspirit here today with another article. Recently, I have been able to see the Addams Family Musical, and it got me hooked on the original 1960s show. That made me begin to wonder what there warrior names would be, so I made this article as a way to find out. As well as warrior names, I will give them ranks and purrsonas. All of them are in ShadowClan.

We will start with the matriarch of the family, Morticia Addams. I believe her prefix would be night, for her love of gloom, and her suffix would be flower, for her motherly nature and love of plants. Nightflower is a sleek furred pure black she-cat with blue eyes that, in the dark, look somewhat brown. This is a reference to the episode Morticia’s Romance Part 1, where Gomez and Morticia tell the story of how they got married. Gomez asks Morticia if anyone has told her that she has the softest brown eyes, and Morticia responds by saying no one has told her because her eyes are blue. Nightflower is regal, kind, and a good hunter. She is a senior warrior.

Gomez Addams:
I believe Gomez’s prefix would be Loyal, because he is always loyal to Morticia and his family. His suffix would be spring, because he is always standing on his head or doing other Zen-Yogi positions, as well as being very playful. Loyalspring is a grey tabby tom with green eyes. He is also a senior warrior, and he is playful, loyal, a good fighter, and very smart.

Uncle Fester:
Uncle Fester’s prefix would be bald, because if Fester was a cat, he would most likely be hairless. His suffix would be light, for his uncanny ability to charge light bulbs and power other things with his own electricity. Baldlight is hairless tom with brown eyes. He is kind, helpful, and a loyal friend. He is a senior warrior who is just moons away from becoming an elder.

Grandmama’s prefix would be Herb, for her love of potions, and her suffix would be claw, since she tends to take the aggressive approach to a situation instead of thinking. Herbclaw is a very old silver she-cat with yellow eyes and a graying muzzle. She is motherly, determined, proud, and a good fighter. She used to be a warrior/queen, and she now lives as an elder of ShadowClan.

Wednesday Addams:
Wednesday’s prefix would be spider, for her love of the 8-legged creatures and dark hair/fur. Her suffix would be flower, for her gentle and quiet nature. Since she is younger, she would most likely still be an apprentice. Spiderpaw/flower is a sleek black she-cat with white paws, chest, and muzzle. She is kind, quiet, and tends to hide her emotions.

Pugsley Addams:
Pugsley’s prefix would be spark, because he loves to shoot off dynamite caps. His suffix would be blaze, for the exact same reason. Just like Wednesday/Spiderpaw, he is an apprentice of ShadowClan. Sparkpaw/blaze is a white tom with black tabby stripes and blue eyes. He is energetic, smart, and kind.

Lurch’s prefix would be tall for very obvious reasons if you have ever seen the show. Their butler, Lurch is VERY TALL. Lurch’s suffix would be growl, because Lurch always growls as a way of communicating, as well as sometimes talking. Tallgrowl is a tall, golden tom. He is kind, loyal, quiet, and intelligent. He is a warrior.

Cousin Itt:
Itt’s prefix would be small because he is very short. His suffix would be thistle, because he is covered, head to toe, in hair, which may feel like the down of thistle. Smallthistle is a small, fluffy golden tom. He is smart, helpful, loyal, and talks very rapidly. He is a warrior.

That is all of the main Addams Family, now with their very own warrior names! Feel free to tell me what you think of their names in the comment area!
~Daisyspirit 🌼👻

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