[image description: Oakstar looking over his shoulder with his colour palette]

Fit for Leadership? An Analysis on Some of Warriors Most Recognizable Leaders by Rosegaze

Rosegaze analyzes some characters on how fit they are to be leaders.

[image description: Oakstar looking over his shoulder with his colour palette]
Art by Warrior Cats Database (tumblr)
[image description: Oakstar looking over his shoulder with his colour palette]

Hello, Rosegaze here! I was doing some thinking on what character to write an article about next, then I had an idea to review some of our current and past leaders in the series and see if they are or were fit for leadership. Some of these leaders will be some of us fans’ favorite to hate on, or just plain controversial. So, without further ado, let’s start!

Let’s begin with, in my opinion, one of the worst leaders in the series, Oakstar. We all know Oakstar, the guy who exiled Mapleshade. While it is true I am hating on him because of this, I will attempt to stay neutral and look more into the moral side of his actions. Oakstar’s most significant act was exiling Mapleshade and her kits. The reason for this being that Mapleshade allowed everyone to believe that Birchface, Oakstar’s son, was the father of her kits, when it was in reality, his murderer. It is most likely that Oakstar let his emotions cloud his judgement, and made a poor decision. The nail in the coffin for him though, was the fact that many people have had half clan relationships, and were not exiled. Not convinced? Here is a list of people who were involved in a half clan relationship prior to the Code’s reform:

– Mothflight & Micah
– Ryewhisker & Cloudberry
– Mapleshade & Appledusk
– Beechfur & Gorsetail (Funny enough, this was confirmed on the Old Blog)
– Hal & Featherstorm
– Eaglestorm & Squirrelwhisker
– Reedfeather & Fallowtail
– Bluestar & Oakheart
– Graystripe & Silverstream
– Leafpool Crowfeather
– Dovewing & Tigerstar
– Yarrowleaf & Nettle

I didn’t even mention the Clan – Kittypet relationships, or the uncomfirmed ones! Moth & Micah and Rye & Cloud predate Maple & Apple! Heck, Mothflight was the daughter of Windclan’s founder! If everyone on this list can get away scot free, than Mapleshade and her kits deserved some mercy. So based on this evidence, I would say that Oakstar was not fit for leadership. Now, since we know jack squat about this guy, this could change, but for now

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