Long time no see, and welcome back to BlogClanner in the Spotlight! Today with us we have the wonderful Dawny, here to answer some questions.
Dawny has been on the Blog for a while now, and xer incredibly art never fails to blow everyone away. So let’s get into the first question!!

[Image description : Cartoon style art of a goat/human hybrid with blue hair and earrings.]
Q : So to start off with a relatively simple question, how did you get into warrior cats and eventually find the blog?
My sibling had started reading Warriors and said I might like it, but I couldn’t find any of them, so they would tell me about anything interesting in the books. About a few months into my 3rd grade/year 4, I finally managed to find Into the Wild in my school library, which my baby brain couldn’t read very fast due to the advanced reading level. I think I got nearly half way into that first book by the time my 3rd grade/year 4 ended. A little bit into my next school year I got the book again and had the flip through until the last point I could remember. I think I finished Fire and Ice by the time that year ended and I never could stop reading the books since. I found BlogClan through a much shorter story- I was looking at google because I wanted to see Warriors fanart and got interested in one of the drawings, so I went to click go to the site it came from but instead of some art profile where I could find more art by them, I was led to BlogClan article. I still don’t quite know if I’m disappointed I never found their profile or just happy that I found BlogClan haha-
Q : I know you’re a keen artist- is there any particular artist or animator who inspired you to get into art as a hobby?
My older sibling, Scriv, has always been a bit inspiration to me in general, but they’re one of my main inspirations when it comes to art! The artist 9rainbowtails/Ranboo0fPomPoms also inspires me a lot, her art is really nice and she has super good anatomy and general sizing. Basil.Kat is also an inspiration of mine, his art is really round and soft, it reminds of something like a fern. Many BlogClan artists such as Liv, Vip, and many more also play a good part in my art inspiration!

Q : Which warrior cats character would you say is your favourite and why?
I don’t really have a favorite character from Warriors, but I like Squirrelflight a lot, but not for any specific reason.
(Maple commentary : Squirrelflight is a wonderful choice!! I can definitely see why you’d like her!)

[Image description : Art of Squirrelflight, she has her tongue stuck out and a smile on her face]
Q : On a similar line of questioning, do you have a favourite warrior cats book? Any reason for your pick?
I also don’t have a favorite book, but I like DotC and Tallstar’s revenge. Again, with no specific reasons, I just like them.
(Maple commentary : Tallstar’s Revenge is AMAZING, that’s a wonderful choice of book Dawny, it’s one of my favourites as well!)

[Image description : Official art of Tallstar- he is running across what looks like a stream]
Q : If you had to go treasure hunting with three BlogClanners who would you pick?
I’m almost tempted to choose Vip as one, but she would certainly steal anything she found. Liv would probably find it on accident by falling, I’m not sure how, but she would find a way. Snowy would likely blow bubbles in her fish bowl and be a sort of compass pointing towards the treasure instead of north. Dove would keep us on track and scare off anyone else trying to find it by yelling about their lawn and how they would spray people with their hose.

(Maple commentary : That sounds a wonderful crew, I hope I get a share of any of the treasure you’d find!
Here’s an image of what I imagine Dawny and their crew will look like on this grand treasure hunting adventure!)
Q: What’s your favourite memory of BlogClan?
I think my favorite BlogClan memory is either BreadClan or the start of The Apprentice Army
Q : Which warrior cat would you like to see a super edition about?
That’s a hard question, since there’s so many great choices. Maybe a Ravenpaw one about how his life was before Firestar?
(Maple commentary : Ooooo yes I’d love to see more about Ravenpaw! It’d be so nice to see how his early apprenticeship went)
Q : And one final question for Dawny!! Do you have a favourite oc, and can you tell me a little bit about them?
I love all my OCs but I think I’d have to say my OC ElementalDawn, I’m really proud of their design and the art on their reference sheet. I’m very fond of all of my characters though <3
here’s them 🙂

[Image description : A reference sheet for a reddish brown and blueish grey cat with a green bandana. They are called Elementaldawn]
That’s such a wonderful piece of art to end today’s interview on!! Everyone give Dawny’s art some love, it’s an absolutely incredible artist, and his character designs always look amazing. A big thank you to Dawny for being so patient with me throughout the interview- which was being conducted as I tried to revise for exams. You’re a star Dawny!
So that concludes this issue of BlogClanner in the Spotlight, I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I look forward to seeing you all next time for an interview with another awesome member of the blog!
Yay!! BlogClanner in the spotlight is back!!
Can i be first?
Edit: Speedy Map
This is awesome! I loved hearing all of your responses, Dawny, and your art seems awesome! <3
Reading BiTS has always brought a smile to my face- I think it's really great to find out more about other blogclanners, it's one of my favourite BlogClan features! Thank you, Mapledrift! 🙂
Really glad to hear that it brings a smile to your face!!!
It really does! I appreciate the work you put into making them! 🙂
Aww thank you!
No problem at all!
hey, do you which dawny is this? like what’s their warrior name?
Hey!! Dawny’s warrior name is Bluebat!
aw thank you. i agree bits being back is very exciting
This is really cool! First time I’ve ever seen a BitS post, and it looks really cool!
Woo BiTS is back!! It was great! 😀
This is so cool! I’m so glad Blogclanner in the spotlight is back! I loved reading this, and it is very well done. Its great getting to know each other!
Dawny is amazing and thank you so much, Map, for bringing this back! 😛
Tysm Mapledrift!
Yayyy!! 😀
Lil told me that Dawny founded the apprentice army woww :O
Yeah dawny is really cool!!! xe did some awesome work with the apprentice army
hehe yeah that was me!! im also the first comment on the original army page bc of it, i drew the art on it as well
Congrats on being Blogclanner in the spotlight, Dawny!!!
thank youuu 😀
Great job on this!
Ooooooo I’m so glad this is back!! awesome work Map and Dawny! <3
Awesome! Also, Map can I be on BiTs? I dont have discord but we can use sps 🙂
I will bear you in mind when I come to choose the next person to interview!!! I have a lot of people who ask about it so wait and see and I’ll contact you if I decide to pick you!!!
How do you choose?? 😛 You probably have like 25 people all asking to be on BiTS at the same time XD
well ive only done two BiTS interviews so far and both were chosen on convenience to be honest. it’s kind of chosen on a combination of is this person someone whos been on the blog long enough that im not like. interviewing a new member no one has ever heard of and then i also factor in how easy it is to contact them and stuff as well!! so for example people who i think might vanish off the face of the blog mid interview i probably wouldnt pick!!
dawny is awesome!!! congrats on being blogclanner in the spotlight, you 100% deserve it!!!
btw nice work on the interview and post maple 😀 i’m glad bits is back so we can continue to celebrate all of our awesome blobclanners <3
thank you eggy!! it was very exciting and hard to keep a secret bc of that lol- i think i did well purrsonally hehe
I love BlogClanner In The Spotlight 😀 It always makes me smile so much my mouth hurts haha. Dawny is absolutely awesome!
Thanks Map <333 And you did while you were revising for an exam? That’s sooo amazing of you to do for us Ezra!! 💛
It’s been a busy few months for me with college which is why this took so long to be put out!! yeah the interview was sorta february time, and my exams were in 3 months which seems a lot but it really wasnt when you’re trying to revise 2 years of content to get good grades!!!!