
Hi guys! I hope you’re having a lovely day! This is just a quick post to announce that Rotation helper applications are reopening! If you’re interested in hosting part of the Rotation for Game 6, this is the...
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Fallowpaw takes some warrior names literally.
JadePaw lists their favourite and least favourite characters from the series.
ok, so this will be Wishclan rp, please fill out this form to join
Gender (toms and she-cats only):
Anything else:
This is mine:
Name: Wishstar
Purrsona: dilute tortie she-cat with one blue and one green eye, half a tail, and a shredded ear
Purrsonality: wise, kind, convincing, loyal, calm, peaceful
Gender (toms and she-cats only): she-cat
Rank: leader
Skills: hunting in trees, fishing, calming fights
Flaws: tracking and running fast
Anything else: favorite fresh-kill is vole, loves collecting pretty feathers and pebbles
SpaghettisplashSorrelsplashPurrsona: a light brown tabby she-cat with one white paw and emerald green eyes
Purrsonality: Kind, gentle, shy
Gender: shecat
Rank: deputy if possible, warrior if not
Skills: swimming, land hunting, climbing trees
Flaws: hates fights, sticks very closely to the warrior code
Anything else: favourite fresh kill is fish, likes to explore every (and I mean every) part of clan territory and bring back items for Wishstar’s collection
Questions: none!
Yes, you can be the deputy, ty for joining. I’m going to wait a day or two for others to join, then we can start the rp
Name: Creamycloud
Purrsona: creamy she-cat with a blue eye and green eye white paws chest tail tip and belly
Purrsonality: (hehe puns) is stubbron but kind and caring
Gender (toms and she-cats only): she-cat
Rank: med
Skills: med stuff
Flaws: swimming
Anything else: is scared of swimming
Questions: nope thx
Name: Beewing
Purrsona: golden she-cat with white paws and blue eyes
Purrsonality: cofedient
Gender (toms and she-cats only): she-cat
Rank: queen
Skills: um idk i am lazy right now
Flaws: worms (idk)
Anything else: nope
Questions: nope
Kits- Snowkit- white tom with green eyes Crystalkit- white she-kit with blue eyes and Gingerkit- ginger shekit with green eyes
Name: Cloudfrost
Purrsona: White tom with a ginger spot on his chest and green eyes
Purrsonality: brave and loving he is funny and kind
Gender (toms and she-cats only): Tom
Rank: warrior
Skills: Idk hunting and fighting
Flaws: Trees he hates climbing trees
Anything else: He is Beewings mate
Questions: nope
Yes you can be med when the rp starts, just let me know when your kits are 6 moons old, ty for joining
Name: Squirrelclaw
Purrsona: Maincoon with orange fur like fire, Green eyes, small ears, black feet, Big tail with a black tip
Purrsonality: Smart, Brave, Strong, crazy, loyal
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Queen
Skills: fighting, hunting, fishing, climbing
Flaws: running
Anything else: Young warrior
Kits: Stormkit tom with white pelt and green eyes, Pinekit tom with orange fur and ice blue eyes, Splashkit she-cat with gray and orange fur and brown eyes, Creekkit She-cat with white fur like the snow and gray eyes (kits are not even one moon old)
Mate: Cloudstorm white tom with one blue eye and one brown eye
Haha mine’s oc’s mate is called cloudfrost
Maybe they are brothers XD
Please let me know when your kits are 6 moons old
They are not even one moon old so maybe like 6 weeks until they are 6 moons old bc I’m not waiting 6 months/ moons until they are fr 6 moons but in the next 6 weeks
Name: Sparrowstream
Pursonna: Whit she cat with brown dapples
Purrsonality: Brave, Cunning, Wise but sometimes rude.
Gender: she cat
Rank: Medeicine Cat apprentice if possible… or warrior
Skills: Healing and fighting
Flaws: Tunneling, Climbing tall tree
Anything else: fav fresh kill is voles, half-clan
Name: Obsidianpaw
Purrsona: black cat with white markings, short fur, and dark green eyes
Purrsonality: ISTP
Gender: Nonbinary, they/them, it/its, and any neopronouns
Rank: Warrior
Skills: Fighting, swimming
Flaws: Saying ‘no’
Anything else: N/A
Questions: N/A
Hello, Obisidianpaw, if you are a warrior can you please have a warrior name (example: Obsidianstorm, Obsidianpelt, etc.) Also Can you please choose to be a tom or she-cat, only for this rp (sorry if this is offensive, it just makes it easier).
Thank You!
My bad! I also can’t be on the Blog anymore! I understand if you don’t want cats having twenty seven pronouns like I do, so I’d be a she-cat! I may come back to the Blog in a few years though, and my warrior name will be Obsidianmoth.
Ok, ty
Helloooo!! 😀 Can I join?
Name: Koileaf
Purrsona: FLOOFY calico cat with warm amber eyes
Purrsonality: aloof, compassionate, wise, friendly/easily approachable
Gender (toms and she-cats only): she-cat
Rank: warrior (open to apprentices!)
Skills: hunting and advice-giving, a little bit of medical knowledge
Flaws: fighting, she can be really hardheaded at times
Anything else: you could easily strike up a convo with her at any time 😛
Questions: None! Thanks you! 😛
Yes ofc you can join! I will edit the alliance in a little bit. Also, we have a lot of kits in the nursery right now, so as soon as they are 6 moons old, you can have one as an apprentice!
Yay! Okay! :3
Name: Mistywhisker (yes i’ve decided not to do my normal name)
Purrsona: silver she-cat with a black nose
Purrsonality: shy, introverted, great hunter, stealthy, rule-follower
Gender (toms and she-cats only): she-cat
Rank: med cat app, if not then warrior/expecting queen
Skills: amazing hunter, stealthy, small, slender frame helps with agility
Flaws: follows the warrior code unconditionally, easily manipulated and tricked
Anything else: favorite fresh-kill is squirrel and mouse
Questions: nope!
Hi Swiftpaw, sry but we already have a med app, but yes you can join as an expecting queen! I will edit the alliances next Monday.
I know I’m rather late, but oh well:
Name: Plumetrail
Purrsona: Misty-ginger she-cat with pale eyes and lighter swirls all over her pelt.
Purrsonality: Quick to think, sharp, and rather mysterious.
Gender: She-cat.
Rank: Warrior.
Skills: Swift movements, good at climbing, and leaping, if that makes sense.
Flaws: Sort-of clumsy when running “too fast”, is a drypaw, which is quite self-explanatory, and not to good at socializing.
There isn’t anything I’d like to add, except that her favorite prey is birds of any kind, and she LOVES getting compliments, like, ABSOLUTELY LOVES EM, and also making others proud.
Questions: None!
Name: Stormpaw
Purrsona:light gray tabby she- cat with white tail, belly, paws and icy- blue eyes
Purrsonality: calm, smart and kind
Gender (toms and she-cats only):she-cat
Rank: Apprentice
Skills: Is great at hunting, fishing and fighting
Flaws: climbing trees
Anything else: nope
Questions: none yet, thx!
Ty for joining Stormpaw, you can be Koileaf’s apprentice 🙂
Sorry I’m late! Here’s my form answers:
Name: Lilypaw (Future name: any ideas?)
Purrsona: A pretty persian tabby cat with yellowish-green eyes.
Purrsonality: Calm, careful, kind, determined
Gender: She-cat
Rank: apprentice
Skills: learns quickly, a good hunter.
Flaws: Running fast and staying awake on dawn patrol (lol)
Anything else: Hates stepping in stones, afraid of deep, murky water.
Questions: Nope!
Ty for joining, Lilypaw
Wishstar can Squirrelclaw mentor lilypaw bc her kits are six moons old
Sure, I’ll go change that
Name: Lightwhisper
Purrsona: A deaf white furred and blue eyed tom, quite small for his age
Purrsonality: enthusiastic, a rule stickler, nervous, indecisive
Gender (toms and she-cats only): tom
Rank: warrior
Skills: has heightened sense of sight and smell
Flaws: can’t hear anything
Anything else: Doesn’t know who his father is, mother is Rainheart, one sibling is deceased while the other is a kittypet
Questions: none at the moment
Ty for joining, I will add you to the alliances soon!
Alliances (so far)
Wishstar- dilute tortie she-cat with one blue and one green eye, half a tail, and a shredded ear
Sorrelsplash- a light brown tabby she-cat with one white paw and emerald green eyes
Medicine cat:
Creamycloud- creamy she-cat with a blue eye and green eye white paws chest tail tip and belly
Cloudfrost- White tom with a ginger spot on his chest and green eyes
Cloudstorm- white tom with one blue eye and one brown eye
Beewing- golden she-cat with white paws and blue eyes (mother to Snowkit- white tom with green eyes, Crystalkit- white she-kit with blue eyes, Gingerkit- ginger she-kit with green eyes)
Squirrelclaw- Maine Coon with orange fur like fire, Green eyes, small ears, black feet, Big tail with a black tip (mother to Stormkit- tom with white pelt and green eyes, Pinekit-tom with orange fur and ice blue eyes, Splashkit- she-cat with gray and orange fur and brown eyes, and Creekkit- She-cat with white fur like the snow and gray eyes)
Just adding our only apprentice😅
Wishstar- dilute tortie she-cat with one blue and one green eye, half a tail, and a shredded ear
Sorrelsplash- a light brown tabby she-cat with one white paw and emerald green eyes
Medicine cat:
Creamycloud- creamy she-cat with a blue eye and green eye white paws chest tail tip and belly
Apprentice- Sparrowpaw- White she cat with brown dapples
Cloudfrost- White tom with a ginger spot on his chest and green eyes
Cloudstorm- white tom with one blue eye and one brown eye
Sparrowpaw- White she cat with brown dapples
Beewing- golden she-cat with white paws and blue eyes (mother to Snowkit- white tom with green eyes, Crystalkit- white she-kit with blue eyes, Gingerkit- ginger she-kit with green eyes)
Squirrelclaw- Maine Coon with orange fur like fire, Green eyes, small ears, black feet, Big tail with a black tip (mother to Stormkit- tom with white pelt and green eyes, Pinekit-tom with orange fur and ice blue eyes, Splashkit- she-cat with gray and orange fur and brown eyes, and Creekkit- She-cat with white fur like the snow and gray eyes)
Ok, the rp can now officially start
Ok Wishstar
“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around Wish tree for a clan meeting,” Wishstar yowled as she jumped into the branches of the tree. “We have gathered here to make a new apprentice, Sparrowkit, you have reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed,” She mewed as the clan gathered around. “From this day on, until you receive your medicine cat name, you will be known as Sparrowpaw, your mentor will be Creamycloud.”
“Sparrowpaw! Sparrowpaw!” The clan yowled.
Creamycloud walked over her new apprentices and touched noses.
“Next half moon i’ll take you to the whispering caves” (the moon stone for this rp)
Sparrowpaw nodded excitedly as the headed to the medicen den
Beeshine: Sleeping with her kits
Cloudfrost was going on hunting patrol
Cloudstorm says Wishstar there is less prey in the forest is the leafbare coming we need to feed the queens so they can nurse the kits
*sparrowpaw looked proudly. she knew she had a LOT to learn but she also knew she would do anything for her clan.*
“Congrats Sparrowpaw,” says Cloudstorm ”
“You’ll be an amazing apprentice to Creamycloud,” states Squirrelclaw
“Yes, we need to send out more hunting patrols, I’ll go hunting by myself,” Wishstar said. “Sorrelsplash, can you send out another hunting patrol?”
Wishstar went hunting and returned with a vole and a thrush. She put the thrush on the fresh-kill pile and brought the vole to Beewing and Squirrelclaw and the kits.
Thank you for bringing me food Wishstar my milk was starting to dry out
Squirrelclaw we want milk whined Pinkit, Stormkit, Splashkit, and Creekkit
Let me eat then you can have milk how about you go ask Snowkit, Crystalkit, and Gingerkit if they want to play
can I add some warriors to the clan and elders and apprentices
Here is the form
Name- Clearsong
Purrsona- bright green eyes and White short fur and black feet and ears and tail and a nick out of ear
Purrsonality- Calm Quiet Sweet Caring
Gender- She-cat
Rank- Warrior
Skills- Swimming and running
Flaws- climbing and hiding
Anything else- Mate Darkflame
Name- Darkflame
Purrsona- black cat with ice blue eyes
Purrrsonality- wise an loyal
Gender- Tom
Rank- Warrior
Skills- Hiding and fighting
Flaws- Swimming and Fishing
Anything else- Mate Clearsong
Name- Littletoe
Purrsona- Little cat with a gray pelt and yellow eyes and a white tail
Purrsonality- Wise calm caring
Geder- She-cat
Rank- Elder
Skills- Sleeping and complaining
Flaws- Hearing and hunting
Anything else- cranky
Purrsona- Dark colored fur with brown eyes
Purrsonality- Crazy caring loving loyal
Gender- She-cat
Rank- apprentice
Skills- Tracking hunting climbing
Flaws- Running swimming
Anything else- smart
Ok, ty! I will edit the alliances soon!
Ok Wishstar
Wishstar- dilute tortie she-cat with one blue and one green eye, half a tail, and a shredded ear
Sorrelsplash- a light brown tabby she-cat with one white paw and emerald green eyes
Medicine cat:
Creamycloud- creamy she-cat with a blue eye and green eye white paws chest tail tip and belly
Apprentice- Sparrowpaw
Cloudfrost- White tom with a ginger spot on his chest and green eyes
Cloudstorm- white tom with one blue eye and one brown eye
Lightwhisper- A deaf white furred and blue eyed tom, quite small for his age
Clearsong- bright green eyes and White short fur and black feet and ears and tail and a nick out of ear
Darkflame- black tom with ice blue eyes
Apprentice- Dapplepaw
Sparrowpaw- White she cat with brown dapples
Dapplepaw- She-cat with dark colored fur and brown eyes
Beewing- golden she-cat with white paws and blue eyes (mother to Snowkit- white tom with green eyes, Crystalkit- white she-kit with blue eyes, Gingerkit- ginger she-kit with green eyes)
Squirrelclaw- Maine Coon with orange fur like fire, Green eyes, small ears, black feet, Big tail with a black tip (mother to Stormkit- tom with white pelt and green eyes, Pinekit-tom with orange fur and ice blue eyes, Splashkit- she-cat with gray and orange fur and brown eyes, and Creekkit- She-cat with white fur like the snow and gray eyes)
Littletoe- Little she-cat with a gray pelt and yellow eyes and a white tail
“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around Wish tree for a clan meeting,” Wishstar yowled as she jumped into the branches of the tree. “We have gathered here to make a new apprentice, Dapplekit, you have reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed,” She mewed as the clan gathered around. “From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Dapplepaw, your mentor will be Darkflame”
“Dapplepaw! Dapplepaw!” The clan cheered.
Darkflame: Dapplepaw I will make you the best warrior in this Clan but not as good as Wishstar and Sorrelsplash
Dapplepaw: Are we going to see the land Darkflame
Darkflame: yes let’s head out
Wishstar me and Dapplepaw are going to see our land
Ok, be careful, I smelled a fox yesterday, it was outside the border, but it smelled close
Darkflame- Yes Wishstar
Darkflame and Dapplepaw leave
I will now start editing the alliances every Monday (after this last edit)
Wishstar- dilute tortie she-cat with one blue and one green eye, half a tail, and a shredded ear
Sorrelsplash- a light brown tabby she-cat with one white paw and emerald green eyes
Medicine cat:
Creamycloud- creamy she-cat with a blue eye and green eye white paws chest tail tip and belly
Apprentice- Sparrowpaw
Cloudfrost- White tom with a ginger spot on his chest and green eyes
Cloudstorm- white tom with one blue eye and one brown eye
Lightwhisper- A deaf white furred and blue eyed tom, quite small for his age
Clearsong- bright green eyes and White short fur and black feet and ears and tail and a nick out of ear
Darkflame- black tom with ice blue eyes
Apprentice- Dapplepaw
Koileaf- FLOOFY calico cat with warm amber eyes
Sparrowpaw- White she cat with brown dapples
Dapplepaw- She-cat with dark colored fur and brown eyes
Beewing- golden she-cat with white paws and blue eyes (mother to Snowkit- white tom with green eyes, Crystalkit- white she-kit with blue eyes, Gingerkit- ginger she-kit with green eyes)
Squirrelclaw- Maine Coon with orange fur like fire, Green eyes, small ears, black feet, Big tail with a black tip (mother to Stormkit- tom with white pelt and green eyes, Pinekit-tom with orange fur and ice blue eyes, Splashkit- she-cat with gray and orange fur and brown eyes, and Creekkit- She-cat with white fur like the snow and gray eyes)
Littletoe- Little she-cat with a gray pelt and yellow eyes and a white tail
Sorrelsplash starts to send out the patrols.
As Creamyclud slept she had a vision
She was in the forest, hunting.
when an ear splitting screech went through the air
Creamycloud turned and ran, but she found her self in darkness.
then a voice of many cats hissed
“When the moment comes that the true one reveals himself, a betrayal shall mark the dawn of evil and a Clan’s new rise.
Upon the day the forest shrinks, two enemies shall cause a reunion of friends and the end of leadership.
The day the sky falls, a defeat shall bring forth an age of Destruction.
When the moment comes that the true one reveals himself, a surrender shall bring forth the rise of a Clan.
When the day comes that the ground turns liquid, two friends shall bring the rise of hope.
And they shall save the forest..”
Creamy cloud jolted awake
“a new prophecy” she muttered
“Ow!” Wishstar said as she walked into the med den. “Hey Creamycloud, or Sparrowpaw, I stepped on I thorn when I was on patrol a little bit ago, can you please get it out?” She asked.
Then, seeing Creamycloud’s worried face, she asked, “What’s wrong, Creamycloud?”
Squirrelclaw- Why Is everyone awake your going to wake the kits up and I can not get my four kits to fall asleep again if they wake up Cloudstorm is putting them back to sleep
Cloudstorm- Uhhh Is it time for dawn patrol yet?
“Are you ok?” Creamycloud wakes up to the concerned face of Sorrelsplash peering over her. “You were muttering in your sleep…”
Name: Lightsong
Purrsona: Little cat with brown eyes and big tail with white marks over pelt and dark brown pelt
Purrsonality: Wise, Cranky, and Kind
Gender: Tom
Rank: Elder
Skills: Fighting, Climbing
Flaws: Hearing
Anything else: Father to Cloudstorm
Name: Quietpaw
Purrsona: Blueish pelt with yellow eyes
Purrsonality: Smart, Overly kind
Gender: Tom
Rank: Apprentice
Skills: Running, Fishing, Tunneling
Flaws: Climbing, and calming fights
Anything else: Littletoe’s Last Kit
Questions: Can Quietpaw be Cloudstorm Apprentice?
Name: Blackfoot
Purrsona: Dark tabby with gray eyes
Purrsonality: Strong, Brave,
Gender: Tom
Rank: Seinor Warrior
Skills: Hunting, MAKING fights, Swimming
Flaws: Tracking, Climbing, running
Anything else: Littletoe’s First kit
Name: Rockpaw
Purrsona: calico cat with blue eyes
Purrsonality: Strong, Brave, Smart, Gets angery when someone calls him a kittypet
Gender: Tom
Rank Apprentice
Skills: Hiding, Tracking running
Flaws: Swimming, Fishing
Anything else: Mother Is unknown Father is a kittypet
Questions: Can he be Blackfoots Apprentice?
Can I make a form for just she-cats
“i’m fine” called Creamycloud to the deputy, then she turned around towards the leader, and meowed in a hushed voice
“I had a message from starclan”
Ignoring the pain in her forepaw, Wishstar said, “Ok, let’s go talk about it in my den, away from prying ears.”
They both go up to her den and Creamycloud prepares to tell Wishstar the message…
After Creamycloud says the message, Wishstar asked in a shaky voice, “What does it mean? What’s going to happen?”
Squirrel law goes back to the kits and Cloudstorm gets back to sleep
My kits are six moons old