
Hi guys! I hope you’re having a lovely day! This is just a quick post to announce that Rotation helper applications are reopening! If you’re interested in hosting part of the Rotation for Game 6, this is the...
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this yearās gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week š I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time š You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here ā written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Flickerbreeze shares why they don’t like Moth Flight.
Mistpaw shares why they think Blossomfall and Ivypool are good for each other.
quick question, could I be MistyWhiskers kit?(only if possible, if I can’t that’s totally fine.)
I didn’t realize I typed that twice. 0-0 sorry
Lilypaw time to get up for dawn patrol
Since this rp is so dead, whoever says the 1000th comment can do an interview article with me and it HAS to be roleplay comments, it can’t be just random comments
ok yay
Cloudstorm and firemoon head out for dusk patrol and they meet a loner named sunny
Mistywhisker swished her tail and herded her kits out of the nursery for the first time. Their eyes stretched wide as they bounced around the clearing, falling over their fluffy tails and pestering every cat they saw.
(Perchkit, you can be my kit if you like! Your littermates are Leafkit (tom) and Featherkit (she-cat))
:O Morningpaw you’re using my display name! TYSM!
Yes, I love it!! Thank you for making it! Also, can you tell me Leafkit and Featherkit’s Purrsonas so that I can add them both to the alliances?
Leafkit is a dark brown tom and Featherkit is a black tabby she-cat!
Thank you!
Firemoon and cloudstorm fight off the loner and return to camp to tell wishstar there is a loner by the boarders
“Ok, we’d better just send out a few extra border patrols, just in case” Wishstar said. She went to find Sorrelsplash, “Can you send out a few extra border patrols?” Wishstar went over to look at the kits as they played Moss ball.
“I’ll sort them now,” she dips her head to Wishstar.
Perchkit would look around the clearing in awe at all the cats in the camp. “Wow, that’s a lot of cats!”, he would say.
(the prophecy is about a clan that will rise and take over all the clans, but two kits -idk who- will grow up and defeat the evil clan >:D)
Beewing pov:
Beewing is sitting outside as she watches her kits play. next to her sat her mate, Cloudfrost
“they are so cute” whispered Beewing
“of course, they are!” Cloudfrost purred softly and licked Beewing being the ear.
But Beewing was too busy, her thoughts troubled, for some reson she, something bad was coming
Crystalkit pov
“not fair” shouted Crystalkit as her two siblings teamed up against her.
“So?” asksed Gingerheart
“grrrr” Crystalkit leaped on top of Gingerkit, nipping her ear playfully, but not to hard, she didn’t want to hurt her.
After a while they all sat down for a moment,they looked at their parents
“do you think we’ll be like them when we grow up?” asked Crystalkit
“Of course! they are the best warriors in the clan!, and since we’re their kits we’ll be twice as good!” boasted Snowkit
“hmmm” Crystalkit looked around, she felt proud, her clan was the best clan, and she’ll be the best warrior!
Creamycloud pov
“what does this prophecy mean!?” Creamycloud paced back and forth in thought
“maybe take a break? you have been thinking about it since you received it, and you haven’t eaten!” Mewed Sparrowpaw
“I know you mean good Sparrowpaw, but you’ll one day be like this, worrying over you clan” respond Creamycloud
Sparrowpaw shrank back, Creamycloud chuckled
“i was just joking, now go get two juicy mice so we can eat” Creamypaw joked, Sparowpaw ran out, letting out a sigh of relief.
Young cats.
“Okay, patrols.” Sorrelsplash flicks her tail from the tree stump at the end of camp. “We need a full fresh kill pile by sunhigh, so anyone want to join me on a hunting patrol?”
I will Sorrelsplash Firemoon says as he lays in the sun sharing toughs with his mate Cloudstorm. Cloudstorm stops sharing toughs with Firemoon and he says I will also go Sorrelsplash
Perch-Kit sees a grasshopper hopping in the grass in front of him and he gets into a hunting crouch. “I’m gonna get ya little bug.”, he would say confidently. As he pounced he scared the grasshopper away. “Mouse Dung! I almost had it.”
Cloudfrost’s pov:
His ears perk up.
“hunting patrol! i need to stretch my legs, might as well join one” he purred to his mate.
“Okay, be safe!” she called back.
He nodded and walked over to Sorrelsplash “i can lead a hunting patrol through, sky stump and the great oak”
“Very well” meowed Sorrelsplash “and take you apprentice” she added as he totted away
“I was thinking the same thing” he called back “Creekpaw! we’re going on your first hunting patrol!”
Creekpaw sat straight up and headed towards Cloudfrost.
“Ready to catch mice?” he asked
“Yes!” Meowed Creekpaw, as he trembled with excitement.
“well let me get Koileaf, then we can go”
The three of them were heading back to camp with prey in their jaws, Koileaf, who brought her apprentice, had two plump mice in her jaws, and the two apprentice, who have both made their first catches, Snowpaw, had a shrew, and Creekpaw had a vole, both were beaming proudly as they carried their prey.
“Good catchesā meowed Koileaf, both apprentice beam prouder.
Halfway to camp, Creekpaw stopped and sniffed the air.
“What’s wrong, Creekpaw?” Cloudfrost asked.
Creekpaw tilted his head “i smell cats but they smell weird”
“Really?” Cloudfrost sniffed the air “he’s right, and it’s coming from there” he pointed his ear at a few bushes.
“Stay here I’ll check, ” he crouched and looked behind the bushes.
Sorrelsplash leaps through the bushes behind them, where she was hunting with the other patrol. “What’s going on?” She asks.
Firemoon and Cloudstorm emerge from the bushes following Sorrelsplash for hunting patrol
Why are their loners in our territory Firemoon growls the loners pelts rise and Firemoon unshelfs his claws and runs towards one of the loners but before he could attack Cloudstorm held Firemoon back Firemoon spit In fury and walked off to go hunt
Cloudstorm’s Point of view
I look around and hear voices coming from the other side of the bushes, it was Cloudfrost, Sorreltail, and Firemoon’s and his kit! I ran through the bushes and stopped in front of the loners I turned around and saw Firemoon emerging from the bushes behind me. Firemoon raised his pelt ready to attack the loners. I held back Firemoon just as he was about to attack the loners Firemoon spit in fury and storm off. I stood there with Sorreltail, Cloudfrost, and Creekpaw wondering why Firemoon was so upset he stood there then shouk away the thoghts and and turned to face the loners.
Creekpaw’s Point of View
I stood there terrified there were loners in Wishclan’s territory this would be her first battle she thought to herself. Creekpaw gulped and her pelt was giving the loners the idea she was scared which she was scared. She heard something coming from the bushes it was her father Cloudstorm and her other father Firemoon! She wanted to go hid beneath them but she knew she was not a kit anymore she was training to be the best warrior in Wishclan with her siblings Splashpaw, Pinepaw, and Stormpaw her mind fluttered to a apprentice she meet at the border patrol from Hopeclan Featherpaw she thought smoky gray pelt and purple eyes and white specks all over his cheeks. She and Featherpaw were going to meet up tonight at the fourtrees.