
Hi guys! I hope you’re having a lovely day! This is just a quick post to announce that Rotation helper applications are reopening! If you’re interested in hosting part of the Rotation for Game 6, this is the...
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Fallowpaw takes some warrior names literally.
JadePaw lists their favourite and least favourite characters from the series.
It started sprinkling, so Wishstar went up to her den, curled up, and went to sleep. Screeches filled the air, lightning strikes on top of the hill, illuminating the battle below. Wishstar tried to help her clanmates, but couldn’t tell who her clanmates were, and who her enemies were, in the lashing rain. She finally spotted her apprentice, Stormpaw, being shredded by Snailpaw and rushed to help him, but slipped in a big pool of blood. Suddenly the blood started pulling on her legs, as if trying to drag her down and drown her. Soon all she could see was crimson blood, she couldn’t breathe and started to panic. Wishstar woke up with the images fresh in her mind. She shivered, and glanced around her as if expecting a cat to pop out and attack her, Stop acting like a kit, it was just a stupid dream, she scolded herself . Yet, even as she tried reassuring herself, doubt still tugged at the back of her mind. I’ll just go for a little walk outside camp for a bit to clear my mind
Cloudfrost pov:
When Firemoon calmed down, they studied the loners, all of them we’re skinny, like if they haven’t eaten in months, but muscles rippled under their pelts.
“Why is there a group of loners in our territory?” Asked Creekpaw
“I don’t know, but i don’t like it” he replied but they whispered back “go to camp and tell Wishstar, we can’t take off these loners alone”
Wishstar was about to step out of camp when Creekpaw ran in and crashed into her. “Loners,” she gasped, obviously she had been running. “On the territory-*gasp*- help!” She didn’t waste any time, “Constellationhop, Sorrelsplash, come with me,” She called as she followed Creekpaw. “Ok, now show us where they are.” She ran through the forest as fast as she could with Constellationhop and Sorrelsplash right behind her.
Creekpaw’s point of view
I ran into camp and saw wishstar getting ready to leave camp I told her “Wishstar… there… are… loners… at… the… boarders… and… they… are… attacking… us…” I said out of breath
“Aww man! It’s raining!”, He would head inside bringing a small moss ball with him.
Stormpaw’s point of view
I turned around when I heard the yowl of my sister Creekpaw I dropped the moss for the elder’s bedding and bolted to my sister. She was dripping wet from the rain and out of breath. I said “Creekpaw are you ok?” She studdered loners in our territory help” I froze are Firemoon and Cloudstorm out there she nodded. Creekpaw sat up and ran to where the loners are I followed her and the rest of the patrol.
Pinepaw’s point of view
As I was sleeping I heard yowls from outside. Creekpaw I thought I jolted awake and ran outside to see what was happening no one was there. I sniffed the air and picked up the scent of Creekpaw, Sorrelsplash, Stormpaw, and Constellationhop. I ran after them.
Splashpaw’s Point of View
As I was sleeping I saw something in my dream it looked like a cat that was starry and fuzzy the strange cat walked toward me and said
“Blood will be spilled oceans will turn red no clan will survive only eight can save the clans”
As the starry cat began to fade away I yowled what does this mean come back please tell me
The cat was gone I blinked wake the camp was quiet.
I rolled out of my bedding and got up and walked to Creamycloud’s den and poked her with my paw
“Huh?” Creamycloud woke up and saw Splashpaw “anything wrong, Splashpaw?”
Creamycloud I had a weird dream… whispers Splashpaw
a fuzzy and starry cat walked up to me and said Blood will be spilled oceans will turn red no clan will survive only eight can save the clans… and then the starry cat faded away what is going one did I get a dream from starclan but I am not a leader of a med cat Splashpaw wined to Creamycloud
Wishstar finally reached the loners with the rest of the patrol hard on her paws. She turned around and was surprised to see Stormpaw and Pinepaw behind her with the rest of the patrol. She was about to send them back to camp when the loners attacked. There was more than she had expected, she counted at least 10, but there are more of us, and we are trained for battle,she thought. “These aren’t loners,” she yowled, “They’re rouges.” She leaped for the back of a ginger she-cat, and started pummeling her hard with her hind paws. The she-cat tried to crouch down to roll over, but Wishstar jumped off before she could and bit the other cats forepaw. She let out a yowl of pain as she felt claws digging into her tail, she turned around to attack the cat when she realized she had let the she-cat go. Now free from Wishstar’s grasp, the ginger she-cat leaped onto her, soon she was buried beneath both cats. She felt blood running down her muzzle as a cat scratched her, then she felt herself go limp, and everything went black.
Pinepaw and Stormpaw attacked a blue tom the tom ran off they turned around and saw Wishstar laying on the ground not moving the two siblings ran over to Wishstar and chased off the rouges Pinepaw and Stormpaw stood over Wishstar making sure she was not dead
“Wishstar!” Cloudfrost yowled in the thick of the battle.
He quickly got rid of the calico she-cat and ran towards Wishstar.
“is she going to be okay?” asked Stormpaw
“i don’t know, just protect her, don’t let these Rogues get her”
both apprentices nodded.
Creamycloud’s pov
“What?” she jolted up “another proficiency?! but didn’t we just get one?!”
(to lazy :P)
i do not know creamycloud says stormpaw
Wishstar woke up in a sunny meadow, all pain forgotten, when the memories all flooded back to her. Is this starclan?, she thought, Oh no, have I lost a life? “Yes, you have lost your first life,” A voice behind her said. Wishstar turned around to see Lightpool, Wishclan’s medicine cat before Creamycloud, “I need to go back, I need to help my clan, She yowled desperately. “Ok, but remember to be careful, and use your eight remaining lives wisely.” Lightpool told her. Wishstar blinked and was back in her body, with the battle all around her. She glanced up to see Stormpaw, Pinepaw, and Cloudfrost standing over her, she was still a little sore from where her scratches were before, but got up to help fight off the rogues. Soon there was only one cat left- a red and black tom- pinned by Cloudfrost. Wishstar walked calmly up to him, “Stay off our territory from now on, that was only a warning, you don’t want to see our full strength.” She said casually, holding up her unsheathed claws to examine them. The tom nodded, looking scared, Cloudfrost released him and he ran away, “Firemoon and Sorrelsplash,” she called to the least injured cats, “Follow him and make sure he leaves our territory. Everyone else come to the medicine den so that Creamycloud can check on you.” Wishstar and the rest of the patrol started heading back to camp.
Cloudfrost nodded, but before he left Wishstar he said “isn’t it weird that all these rouges have been seen in our territory constantly?”
Creamycloud’s Pov:
“it’s confusing” she sighed “Just go back to what you were doing”
Splashpaw left, leaving Creamycloud thoughtful
“Maybe Splashpaw has been chosen for something” she thought.
but her thought got uninterrupted, when she smelled blood
“Sparrowpaw! come over here, we got some injured cats!”
Yeah, it is strange, but for now all we can do is send out extra patrols and keep a sharp eye out for any strange activity.” Wishstar got into the camp and sat aside while Creamycloud saw to her clanmates, since most of her cuts were healed when she lost a life.
Perchkit would see the injured cats flooding into the camp he would ask Mistywhisker what happened, “Mistywhisker, what happened? Why are there injured cats? What’s going on?” He had questions about what’s going on, and what happened had started coming gout of his mouth a mile a minute. He then slowed down while waiting for her to answer.
Splashpaw nosed Perchkit back into the nursery and said, “Sorry Perchkit we need to take care of the injured cats, I will play with you after I see if Creamycloud and Sparrowpaw need any help.”
“awww, okay”, he would say with a disappointed look on his face. “Can I bring a moss ball with me to play with until you come?”, he would ask Splashpaw.
im gay 🙂
This is a roleplay page for Wishclan, for random chatter you can go to the blogclan tavern –
Thank you!
Hellooo, I know I’m late but may I join?
Name: ShadowClaw
Purrsona: A light cream colored Persian tabby
Purrsonality: Brave, kind, can be rude, will do anything for her clan
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Warrior
Skills: Hunting, running, stalking
Flaws: none tbh
Anything else: nope
Questions: None
Yes, ofc you can join!!