
Hi guys! I hope you’re having a lovely day! This is just a quick post to announce that Rotation helper applications are reopening! If you’re interested in hosting part of the Rotation for Game 6, this is the...
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Fallowpaw takes some warrior names literally.
JadePaw lists their favourite and least favourite characters from the series.
Hellooo, I know I’m late but may I join?
Name: ShadowClaw
Purrsona: A light cream colored Persian tabby
Purrsonality: Brave, kind, can be rude, will do anything for her clan
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Kit
Skills: Hunting, running, stalking
Flaws: none tbh
Anything else: nope
Questions: None
Perchkit would play with his mossball slowly batting it from one paw to another and sighs. “Its sooooooo boring in here.” He would say with exageration in his voice. “I wanna go out and help. And that is exactly what i’m going to do. I’m going to walk right out there, and when they tell me to go back in, i’m gonna say no, i wanna help”. He would say confidently. He walks out of the nursery looking at the cats around him. (ignore all my spelling mistakes please, my thing doesn’t auto correct)
Hey Perchkit ready to play says Splashpaw
Splashpaw walks over to Perchkit
“Yeah! Can we do moss ball? No, scratch that, let’s play hide and seek! Wait no, lets play tag! I have sooooo many ideas!!” He would say excitedly
We can do whatever you want Perchkit Meows Splashpaw
Since it’s been a while since I posted this (the alliance)-
just a heads up – currently anyone who opens the link can edit it, so i wanted to be sure you were aware of the sharing permisions ^^
yeah, uhmm, you might want to fix that before someone ends up messing it up
Goes up to PerchKit “Hi! do you want to be friendsssss?”
“no, I’m not supposed to talk to strangers. It can be dangerous.” He would say with worry in his voice because a stranger had came up to him
“you don’t seem like a person I can trust any way.” He would say and begin walking away. “Now, I need to go find Splashpaw so that we can decide on what to do.
“oh ok” Says disappointed She grabs him and says “I’m kidnapping you now”
goes over to Splashpaw and grabs his moss ball. “Im eady to play!” He would say
Splashpaw runs over to the stranger and fights them off leaving them wounded “NEVER EVER TAKE PERCHKIT” spits Splashpaw
Splashpaw grabs Perchkit by the scruff and takes him back to the front of the nursey. Splashpaw says, “Perchkit never talk to strange cats ok, now lets play the games you wanted to play”
“Okay, can we play hide and seek?” He would ask with eagerness in his voice. “And I will be extra careful. I will make sure of it”
ok do you want to hide first of seek first
“YEAH!” he would say with a lot of enthusiasm in his voice
wait which one do you want to do first bc I can seek
I wanna hide, ’cause I’m so small I can fit a in any crack and crevice.
ok I will count to 30 ready go
Splashpaw closes his eyes and starts counting
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Ready or not here I come Perchkit
Splashpaw checks the nursey first and sees Perchkit’s hair on the ground he sniffes the air and looks around the nursey for Perchkit
“hehe, Splashpaw will never find me!” He would whisper to himself.
“Hi Shadowkit, why don’t you go to the medicine den to get those scratches cleaned, I’m gonna go have a… little chat… with Splashpaw,” Wishstar growled. “SPLASHPAW!!!! Come over here NOW,” She called. Splashpaw raced over, “But I’m playing hide n’ seek with-” She protested. “Why did you hurt Shadowkit? You should NEVER hurt a clanmate! And not only is Shadowkit JUST A KIT, but she’s new to the clan!” Wishstar hissed furiously. “You’re going to be taking care of the elders for one- no, TWO moons, that means ticks, prey, nests, etc, now get to work!! Perchkit! Come here!” Perchkit came out of hiding and came over to Wishstar. “Shadowkit is new to the clan, there was no need to be so rude to her, she just wanted to be friends and play with you.” She scolded him, “Sorry Wishstar, I’ll try to be nicer to her,” He replied. Wishstar stalked off to her den to calm down, with her tail still lashing.
He slowly made his way over to Shadowkit. “Hi, sorry I said I didn’t want to play with you, it’s just that me and Splashpaw were about to play hide-and-seek together.”
(note to Wishstar Splashpaw is a tom)
Splashpaw eyes fill with tears and he runs away from Wishstar
Firemoon and Cloudstorm look up and see their son Splashpaw running out of the camp. Firemoon gets up to run after Splashpaw but Cloudstorm holds him back. Firemoon’s and Cloudstorm’s eyes fill with tears as they watch their son leave camp.
Splashpaw runs into an empty clearing he sits down and starts crying. Splashpaw hears a rusle in the bushes and turns to fight what ever is in the bush. A fluffy white tom with gray spekles on his pelt jumps on Splashpaw. Splashpaw blushes as the tom jumps on him. Splashpaw pushes him off and says, “what is your name?” The white tom says, “My name is Frostpaw” Splashpaw says well you are cute Frostpaw, Frostpaw blushes as Splashpaw says that. Frostpaw says, “Do you want to meet here tommower Splashpaw..” Splashpaw says, “yes I would like that.” Splashpaw heads back to came still blushing and thinking about Frostpaw. Splashpaw settles down in his nest and heads to sleep.
“I don’t want to hang out with you anymore anyway…you and Splashpaw are mean!” She stalks off to the nursery leaving Perchkit watching her. “okay, whatever I only came over here because Wishstar made me!” Perchkit yelled back to her.
He walks up to Wishstars den. “Wishstar, can I come in real quick?” He asks. “Will I still be able to play with Splashpaw, or will I never see him ever again?” He would ask on the verge of tears.
“Oh, of course you will still be able to play with him,” Wishstar said gently since she had calmed down. “He’s going to be a little busy for a while, taking care of the elders, but he can still play with you when he’s done his apprentice duties.” She licked the top of his head and sent him back to the nursery to rest.
“oh..okay, bye Wishstar” He would respond
As she walks into the Medicine den she spots Creamycloud. “Creamycloud, I got hurt…” She would show Creamycloud the scratches on her side. “Do you think you can make them feel better?” She would ask hopefully
He walks up to Splashpaw. “Hey Splashpaw, will we be able to continue our game of hide and seek? Because we never got to finish, but you were sooo close to finding me.” He would say to Splashpaw
Quick question, I who is Shadowkits mom?? Doesn’t she kinda need one…
Soooo, I might be a little late but I’ma make another cat if that’s okay…’cause I like having more than one.
Name: Newtpaw
Purrsona: A Egyptian Mau who has an extremely light gray pelt and icy blue eyes
Purrsonality: Shy, eager, strong, not very brave
Gender: Tom
Rank: Apprentice
Skills: Running, jumping, pouncing
Flaws: Fishing, climbing
Anything else: Not really
Questions: None