[Shrewpaw and Squirrelpaw chat in a field of flowers]

Squirrelflight’s True Mate by Frogpaw

Frogpaw shares who they think would’ve been best for Squirrelflight if she had to have a mate.

[Shrewpaw and Squirrelpaw chat in a field of flowers]
Art by ME0Wkarii
[Shrewpaw and Squirrelpaw chat in a field of flowers]

Hello! It’s Gryffinkit with another article about Squirrelflight’s True mate! Since I’m lazy we’re going to be calling all the characters by their pronouns! So I’m going to start by explaining why some of these toms shouldn’t be with Squirrel. Honestly, I think Squirrel doesn’t deserve a mate because she’s so awesome. But if she had to chose this would be my advice on who is better.

🚨 Spoiler alert for TPB, TNP, PoT, and OoTS! 🚨

First I’m going to start with Ash. So y’all know that Ash tried to kill Squirrel, Holly, Lion, and Jay. But if you really think if Squirrel hadn’t chosen Bramble over him he wouldn’t have been as cruel. But, I also see some other reasons he didn’t deserve Squirrel.

My first statement is that you could see that Ash wasn’t her type. I can’t clearly remember this but I think it was in Starlight? But Sandstorm actually had to stick up for her daughter because Ash wasn’t letting her..be her! He kinda babied her and the thing is that she. Was. Too. Scared. To. Stand. Up. And that’s not a good quality to have in a relationship. I also found this on Warrior’s Wiki:

«Squirrelflight wanted to wail out loud. Leafpool had lost so much too. She must have loved Crowfeather very much to give up everything for him. Would I do that for Ashfur? Squirrelflight wondered. Somehow, she didn’t think she would. For Brambleclaw? She blinked, realizing that that was a question she couldn’t answer.»
—Squirrelflight reflecting about her feelings for Ashfur and Brambleclaw Twilight, page 270

So now you know that Squirrelflight loves Bramble more. But we’re gonna dig a bit into him too.

So we’re just gonna straight up say it: Bramble isn’t worthy but he’s better than Ash. I have quite a few reasons for this.

So in the TNP Bramble was abusive to Squirrel. Even in Midnight he was a complete jerk. My feelings for this character are constantly changing but I still don’t think he deserves her love.

For example, when Brambleclaw finds that Squirrelpaw is right about the voles he makes a good effort not to give her credit and refers to her as annoying. But that’s just Midnight.

Then later, once she tells him not to meet with Hawkfrost he puts her in dangerous positions and is very mean to her. And not to mention he never told Squirrel that he led her father into losing one of his lives? Then gets appointed deputy? Wow Firestar you were really dumb right there. No offense *pats back*

Anyways back to my main focus. Bramble did have some pretty bad parts however, I also think that this quote shows that he cares:

“Don’t talk to your mother like that! I don’t care how upset you are. Hurting cats who love you isn’t going to help Larksong. It’s just going to make everyone as miserable as you are. I’m sorry Larksong is ill, and we’ll do everything to make sure he gets well again, but don’t accuse your mother of being a mouse-heart. She’s one of the bravest warriors I know. And I’m doing everything I can to keep peace among the Clans. I have to stand up to Tigerstar, or he’ll push SkyClan around forever. It’s hard standing up for what you believe in, and it’s even harder when the cats who are supposed to support you undermine you instead. I’m trying to lead a Clan! How can I expect my warriors to follow me if my own kin challenge me at every turn?”
―Bramblestar to Squirrelflight and Sparkpelt Squirrelflight’s Hope, page 211

So overall, I think BrambleXSquirrel is a bad ship. (However it is cannon). But Bramble is better than Ash. So here’s my final decision:


Ok, ok. It’s not cannon. But I have some really good reasons!

When Squirrelpaw and Brambleclaw return from their journey, Squirrelpaw sees Shrewpaw and calls out to him, asking how his training is going, to which he responds that they have been working hard. I think that’s so cute that he cares! I think if Squirrel (and this is my opinion.) loved Bramble more she would probably be talking to him instead.

She sleeps next to him in the apprentices’ den at Sunningrocks, and he is the cat that she first tells about her dream about Leafpaw and Spottedleaf. That’s pure proof that he’s her best friend and he really wanted to hear about it. I think if she told Ash or Bramble they wouldn’t care as much.

Shrewpaw lets Squirrelpaw sleep in, thinking Squirrelpaw would forget her dream, and she becomes angry at him, though she apologizes soon after. He even wants her to sleep in cause he wants the best for her!

I think if Shrewpaw ever lived longer. Those two would’ve been mates.

I hope you liked the article! I am not including the fact about kits and how some important characters would not have lived because that has nothing to do with the ship. But thanks for reading!

<33 Gryffinkit

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