[a kit with white, gray, and green fur lays down happily on a background of green clovers]

Was Project Cloverkit really a good idea? by Pouncewish

Pouncewish takes a look at the briefly-lived fandom project, Project Cloverkit.

[a kit with white, gray, and green fur lays down happily on a background of green clovers]
Art by TubularLyds
[a kit with white, gray, and green fur lays down happily on a background of green clovers]

Hello everybody! This is Pouncewish with my first article!
But with that, let’s get to it!

Remember, this is my opinion, don’t feel offended, because this is mine and mine only.

So..was Project Cloverkit really a great idea?
Well..first what is Project Cloverkit?


Project Cloverkit is a project where users on DeviantArt would make as many art of one character…Cloverkit. Cloverkit had clovers on his side, partly green fur and green eyes. His “desc” is really cute to me. It’s so sweet. I mean, obviously some users thought this was “pathetic” . They bullied the person who made the drawing , and some users on DeviantArt decided to make a project called ” PROJECT CLOVERKIT” . Well,, What was the project about you ask? They would make as much art of Cloverkit as they could, but the creator of Cloverkit got overwhelmed and asked everyone to stop.


Well, so was it a good idea? Well for me it’s 50/50. Honestly, I can see the good behind it. While I don’t think they really thought thoroughly about it, because maybe she didn’t want art, maybe she didn’t even see those comments? Or she would just get overwhelmed. But, I would be pretty surprised and happy if I got this many art!
Supposedly, they just wanted to make the original artist happy. So what do you think? I think it was a good idea. Even though there was bad, there was good. I mean, if you were to make a person feel better about their work, what would you do? Honestly I think there could not have been a better idea, It was a very huge fanbase type of thing. Project Cloverkit even has a account on social media!


Now, everyone knows he had partly green fur, and a clover on his chest, right? Well..maybe he was raised by two-legs before. I mean, wouldn’t that explain his green fur? What’s more, is he kind of looks like a really happier version of Tiny, Scourge’s past self. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is Scourge’s half niece or something. But, this is all for this article!


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