[a full-body design of Thistleclaw crouching]

Why Thistleclaw was always meant to go to the Dark Forest by Autumnmoon

Autumnmoon discusses Thistleclaw’s destined path.

[a full-body design of Thistleclaw crouching]
Art by Lithestep
[a full-body design of Thistleclaw crouching]

Hello cats! This is my first article on the account Autumnmoon. Hope you like it!

I know a lot of people say Thistleclaw should have gone to the DF. I agree with them, yes. Today, I’ll be showing why Thistleclaw was always meant to go to the DF. Please comment what you think of my article!

1) Who was Thistleclaw?
Thistleclaw was a Thunderclan warrior, born to Poppydawn and Windflight. He was a grey-and-white tabby tom with spiky fur and amber eyes. Thistlepaw was apprenticed to Adderfang. He became mates with Snowfur, Bluestar’s sister, and had a son, Whitestorm. His apprentice was Tigerclaw and was killed attacking a Riverclan patrol on the border, going to the Dark Forest afterwards.

2) Was Thistleclaw truly evil?
Let’s look at this quote by Bluestar to Fireheart:
“Oh yes. There was Thistleclaw. He was a fine warrior, strong and brave. But his answer to every problem was a fight. Should I have watched him be made deputy, then leader, and let him force the Clan into unnecessary wars? He died as he lived, Fireheart, a few seasons before you came to join us, attacking a Riverclan patrol on the border. Wild and arrogant to the last. I couldn’t stand by and let him destroy my Clan.”

Her words show that Thistleclaw, though strong and brave, was aggressive and impulsive. ‘Wild and arrogant to the last’ shows that he was always proud and thought highly of himself. In Bluestar’s Prophecy, Bluefur thought,”Pride has no place in a warrior’s heart.” Nevertheless, how is it that since Thistleclaw was proud, he was bad? As I mentioned earlier, Thistleclaw was aggressive and impulsive. Should, say, Windclan make a friendly trip to Thunderclan’s camp to inform them about something but Thistleclaw was leader as Thistlestar, he would drive them away and Thunderclan would not be prepared for any incoming obstacles. That would lead Thunderclan to its ruin. He would let pride cloud his Clan’s need, and due to his own preferences, Thistleclaw would banish those that he disliked or who did not follow his orders and might become like Brokenstar. That is considered evil.

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