[image description: ThunderClan logo on a blue forest background]

Thunderclan’s leadership problems by Stormpaw

Stormpaw takes a look at leadership in ThunderClan.

[image description: ThunderClan logo on a blue forest background]
Editor unknown
[ThunderClan logo on a blue forest background]

Hey guys!
Stormpaw back with my 4th article! Yay! By the time this is published, I’ll be Stormtuft, but anyway, today I’m going to be talking about Thunderclan’s leadership problems. Please note that I am only taking the leaders from TPB (The Prophecies Begin) to ASC (A Starless Clan). I will also talk about mentorship problems, and the problems of pretty much any additional, or higher roles. If I got anything wrong, don’t be rude, and kindly just put it in the comments. Thanks! Well, let’s go!

First up, leaders.

TPB: 50% Female leaders (Bluestar) 50% Male leaders (Firestar)
TNP: 0% Female leaders, 100% Male leaders (Firestar)
POT: 0% Female leaders, 100% Male leaders (Firestar)
OOTS: 0% Female leaders, 100% Male leaders (Firestar, Bramblestar)
DOTC: 0% Female leaders, 100% Male leaders (Thunderstar)
AVOS: 0% Female leaders, 100% Male leaders (Bramblestar)
TBC: 25% Female leaders (Squirrelflight, temporary) 75% Male leaders (Bramblestar, Graystripe (temporary), Lionblaze (temporary))
ASC: 0% Female leaders, 100% Male leaders (Bramblestar)

So, as you can see, there is a HUGE difference between the female leaders and the male ones. Why, I wonder. Are she-cats worse at being leaders, do they lose lives faster than toms, do more females die as deputies, or are less females chosen to be deputies? Let’s check that now. Are there less female deputies?

TPB: 0% Female deputies, Male deputies 100% (Redtail, Lionheart, Tigerclaw, Fireheart, Whitestorm)
TNP: 0% Female deputies, 100% Male deputies (Graystripe)
POT: 0% Female deputies, 100% Male deputies (Brambleclaw)
OOTS: 0% Female deputies,100% Male deputies (Brambleclaw)
DOTC: 0% Female deputies, 100% Male deputies (Lighting Tail)
AVOS: 100% Female deputies (Squirrelflight) 0% Male deputies
TBC: 50% Female deputies (Squirrelflight, Bristlefrost) 50% Male deputies (Berrynose, Lionblaze (Temporary))
ASC: 100% Female deputies (Squirrelflight) 0% Male deputies

Ok, so you probably thought that that is a lot more female deputies, but, it’s not. It’s two. Squirrelflight and Bristlefrost. Now, I wonder why there are barely any female deputies. Maybe it has something to do with one of the three qualifications to be a deputy, having trained at least one apprentice, (the other two being that 1. You must be chosen by the clan leader, and 2. shock, horror, you must be a warrior)

Female mentors

Out of forty-seven mentors from TPB to now, twenty-two of them are Female. Now, that isn’t a very big difference. However, one, Speckletail, is said to have been an unofficial mentor, as well as the issue of Blossomfall. In The Apprentice’s Quest, she is said to have mentored Hollytuft, however, in Bramblestar’s Storm, it is said that Cloudtail was her mentor. I am still not sure which one is canon and which one is an error, so if you know, please say so in the comments! Now, back to our main point. Mentors. There is not a huge difference, it just comes down to the fact that males are chosen to be deputies more than females, therefore there are more male leaders. This is a problem that I really hope the Erins fix in later books.
Stormpaw out!

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