Happy Birthday, Dawnlight!

It’s Dawnlight’s Birthday!

Hi Dawnlight!!

Happy happy birthday!!! Everyone on BlogClan is wishing you a wonderful day, and we’re all ready to celebrate your birthday with you!

How’re you feeling right now? What have you gotten up to already for your birthday? Do you have any plans for today?

You can let us know anything you like about your birthday in the comments below if you want to! We’d love to hear about your day! 😀

a tall peach buttercream cake with iced flowers on the side. image credit to Crave Cupcakes.

This cake I chose for you because the peach colour reminds me of dawn and the flowers are simple, yet very pretty, and in dawn-type colours! 🙂 I hope you like it!!

And now for the birthday gifts! You have one sent in for you from Rosepaw/fern:

“Happy birthday Dawnlight!!! I hope you’re having an awesome day and an awesome life because you totally deserve it! You’re so funny and friendly and positive and you lift my heart! And with that, I have made you a cupcake!”

Everyone here hopes that you have a great day today, Dawnlight! You have all our best wishes!

Have fun!

From Aquila and BlogClan 💚

🩵🦅 Eagleflight (Aquila)🍃🎶

It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling!