[a full-body design of Foxleap leaping]

Mentioned But Unused Names and Suffixes by Anonymous

An anonymous BlogClanner lists some names that characters could have had in the series.

[a full-body design of Foxleap leaping]
Art by warriorcatsdatabase (tumblr)
[a full-body design of Foxleap leaping]

Warning: Minor Spoilers for many Warriors books.

This article is about suffixes in Warriors that were mentioned but never used. If a character wanted, joked, said, or thought about a suffix that was never used in a real warrior name, it goes here.


-catcher: As an apprentice, Foxleap wished to catch a fox during his warrior assessment and be named Foxcatcher.

-noeyes: As an apprentice, Jayfeather wondered if Firestar was cruel enough to name him after his eyes, as Jaynoeyes.

-stumpytail: Berrynose joked that his warrior name might be Berrystumpytail, after his tail. It also happens that a cat just named Stumpytail exists, making this suffix even more amusing to think about.

-herb: After being renamed from Stormkit to Crookedkit, Brambleberry joked with Crookedstar as a kit that she might have to changer her name to Swallowherb.

-trust and -loyal: As an apprentice, Lionheart thought, after keeping Pinestar’s visit to the Twolegplace a secret, he might be named Liontrust or Lionloyal

-patch: As an apprentice, Alderheart pondered that his name might be Alderpatch. He also thought he might be Alderblaze or Alderleaf.

-cat: Shrewclaw constantly teased Tallstar about being named Wormcat due to Tallstar being pressured to become a tunneler.

-charm: It was incorrectly stated that Sorrelshine’s name was Sorrelcharm due to her charming personality.


Sparkfire: When Sparkpelt was named, Graystripe was dissapointed, as he wanted her to be named Sparkfire in honor of Firestar.

Icestorm: Icecloud wanted her warrior name to be Icestorm for unknown reasons.

Crookedtail: Bluestar indirectly joked this as a possible name for Crookedpaw if he broke his tail along with his jaw.

Rootfall, Rootspirit, and Rootwing: Along with Rootspring, these were put in a vote to decide what Rootspring’s warrior name would be. Rootspring obviously won.

Flylight: It was incorrectly stated that Flytail’s name was Flylight.

Pigeonwing: It was incorrectly stated that Pigeonflight’s name was Pigeonwing.

That is all I could find. Of course, some of these suffixes were jokes and likely will never be real suffixes. Feel free to comment on which was your favorite. Sorry if the article was short, and that I could not cite the suffixes and names, as my library is closed.

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