[a panel from a graphic novel of the SkyClan cats looking over a group of kits]

Why I despise SkyClan by Vixenpaw

Vixenpaw shares their opinion on SkyClan.

[a panel from a graphic novel of the SkyClan cats looking over a group of kits]
Official art by James L. Barry
[a panel from a graphic novel of the SkyClan cats looking over a group of kits]

Hey there! Im Vixenpaw, and this is my very first article that im about to write! (If you like Skyclan, please do not start an argument in the comments, thanks!) I absolutely DESPISE SkyClan. For every cat, there’s always been four clans, ThunderClan, WindClan, ShadowClan and RiverClan excluding StarClan. And then all of a sudden, SkyClan comes into the family picture and boom! Everyone likes them. They get alot of power since they are in an alliance with ShadowClan (In wich I think) And they live in a protected area. While every villian in warriors has either killed for love or for power. And Skyclan gets all of those automatically. Put it this way: You’ve only known four cousins in your family, and then all of a sudden another one pops up and all the attention is on them. Pretty annoying, eh? Second is that they have a daylight warrior :|. Daylight warriors ANNOY me for some unknown reason. Im ok if kittypets go to join a clan or a clan cat joins a kittypet, but having your paws in two world? Nuhuh. In the first series, you can clearly see that Lionheart says: “Rusty, you cannot have your paws in two worlds.” And what is Billystorm doing? He has a paw in two worlds. That bothers me considering the fact he isn’t putting his clan first. Anywho, SkyClan also bothers me because we don’t know what happend to them. Whats their story? Do they have kittypets for warriors? A fake clan leader? No deputy? An unexperianced medicine cat? We want to know! For all we know, they could be a bang of rougues that found out about the original SkyClan and claimed to be the descendants of them. It would have been that simple, what if SkyClan doesn’t even believe in Starclan? Like Mothwing, and how she kept her secret until Jaypaw found out. So how can we be sure SkyClan is a real clan? Like how easy yet stressful it was for Mothwing. So, thats it for my opinion on Skyclan! I hope you enjoyed and agreed with my points. Bye! Vixenpaw- out!

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