Thunder Theories And Musings by Rosefern

Rosefern shares their theories about A Starless Clan: Thunder.

Yo wassup, Kitties? It’s your girl, Rosepaw/Fern, and I’m here right meoww to deliver to you my theories and musings on Thunder!!! It’s the fourth book in the A Starless Clan arc and it’s comin’ out in November. Woohoo! Before I even read Shadow I sneaked a peek at the Apple Books blurb of Thunder and liked it! It involved Frostpaw and Riverstar. That’ll be fun. And I really want to find it out, too, because there was a major cliffhanger at the end of Shadow. I love cliffhangers but I also hate them at the same time especially when you have to wait for the next book!

Anyways my theories on Frostpaw: I think well see her either waking up in StarClan or in some place she doesn’t know, with the “young warrior” from the blurb and she doesn’t trust him and wants to go home. Or she’ll get another vision. Something about the “roots of RiverClan” also in the blurb, or something else.
Warrior names-
I want Frostpaw’s warrior name to be Frostshine, or Frostlight because she has a very bright and optimistic personality most of the time. Or Frostshimmer or Frostdapple because those are just pretty names. Mistpaw I definitely want to be Mistlight because it’s just a really pretty name, and Graypaw…I don’t know.
Nightheart and Sunbeam-
So I ship Night X Sun but it’s taking a turn for the worst and I really wont if one or more of the following happens:
Sunbeam goes to ThunderClan but then changes mind and goes back.
Nightheart doesn’t feel comfortable having Sunbeam in ThunderClan
Sunbeam and Nightheart tragically break up (Cuz it just feels like that’ll happen.)
One of them is pressuring the other to do something (Anything) a lot
Yea they’re reaching a breaking point together although I do like them together.
Next leader of RiverClan-
So just gonna be running through the candidates. Very random, but I just feel like Mallownose would make a good leader! We just see he’s levelheaded and speaks up and authoritative and ya. Mothwing no she would not be a good leader, how could she even receive her nine lives if she cant communicate with StarClan? Frostpaw, no, too young. Icewing is probably too old. I also thought Duskfur would make a good leader until Shadow which brings me too…
Who’s the next villain?
Again, candidates.
Splashtail I don’t think so.
Mothwing- maybe, I don’t think so, although I’d kinda like her to, cuz I’m just kinda tired of her being a hero tbh, I don’t like Mothwing.
Curlfeather- possibly?… I mean it’s possible that she killed Jayclaw so that Frostpaw would become a medicine cat, agreed before with Jayclaw to send Frostpaw the curled feather visions (Curlfeather couldn’t have sent them because she was still alive at the time) so that Curlfeather would become leader, but I highly doubt it given Curlfeather’s last words to trust no cat, it’s possible she knew who the villain was, just wasn’t saying, the curled feather dreams could just be from Frostpaw’s subconcious desire for her mother to be leader.
Duskfur- Very likely. Makes a lot of sense.
Brackenpelt- I don’t think anybody’s realized this yet but Brackenpelt was with Duskfur as one of the cats who were trying to block Mothwing from helping when Scorchfur had a thorn stuck in his mouth (The poor cat!) and chimed in when Duskfur argued for him not to be helped. This could be a sign….
Tigerstar II. Maybe. It’s possible he found out Mistystar had died, and killed Reedwhisker, so he’d have a reason to take over RiverClan…
Minnowtail and Snowbird- I’d like it to be one or both of these characters, theyre the only characters I remember that were attending Berryheart’s secret meetings.
Berryheart- I’ve already ranted enough on Berryheart so I’ll just say she’d make an awesome villain. She’s pretty antagonistic in Shadow. Another theory: her and her intire resistence group could be villains, but ya Berryheart is definitely a suspect which brings me too…
My theories on Berryheart.
As I said it’d be kinda cool if she became a villain. But she ‘ll probably not be a real villain like attacking because of her whole history with saying she’d never let anything trick her into destroying her Clan or something along those lines. But also I want her to realize her rongdoings and change her ways and be awesome because she has a lot of potential.
Nightheart and Sparkpelt’s relationship.
I really don’t like Sparkpelt. For now, at least while she’s being horrible to Nightheart. They had a sorta heart-to-heart in the end of Shadow which made me cry, and I can’t help wondering if she was just happy to see Nightheart again and didnt want him to leave or if she really realized her past mistakes and try to make up for them. Anyways, I hope it’s the second one- Sparkpelt’s heart-to-heart with Nightheart is so sad and sweet and I love it so much!
What happened to Mistystar and Reedwhisker? We know Reedwhisker was killed by someone he recognized, we don’t know who because the Erins have found yet another clever way to keep stuff ambiguous. Hehe. Probably Duskfur. Random thought: I love the name Duskfur for a villain!
About mistystar, it’s very possible she died of old age, but I just realized how close it was between Mistystar’s argument with some of the Clan (Notably including Duskfur the totally sus) and her death. Like, a day. Coincidence? Maybe not. It’s very possible Duskfur or one of her minions killed her, now that I’m thinking about it!
Last thing: Wafflepaw!
So on the Warriors official website there was a poll for a kittypet name for Shadow, and apparently Wafflepaw won. So, I think Wafflepaw will just be a kittypet yes at the start named Waffle, and I’m theorizing that if Frostpaw really goes on a journey to the roots of RiverClan she’ll meet Waffle on the way. I imagine Waffle to be fluffy pale brown, with green eyes, bubbly, happy and funny.
Ya that’s it, folks, those are my Thunder theories and Musings! I hope you enjoyed, and feel free to comment your own theories!

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