[a full-body design of One Eye with his front claws unsheathed]

Top Ten Most Evil Cats In Warriors by Rosefern

Rosefern lists the worst cats from the series.

[a full-body design of One Eye with his front claws unsheathed]
Art by theDawnmist
[a full-body design of One Eye with his front claws unsheathed]

Heyo people today I’m gonna be listing the top ten most evil cats in my oppinion. This is not the basic list that you ‘ll find on TheTopTens, which, by the way, has about 60 characters on it, more than half of which aren’t even evil. Mostly, I’m just saying the worst evil cats—Not that some of them aren’t cool villains, cuz I do think so, but still, like the worst things they did in my oppinion, which is certainly weird, but ya read on.
I also gotta warn you this contains spoilers from practically every arc including DotC. Proceed with caution!
Evil Cat Number 1: One Eye.
You might be thinking “One-Eye? The ThunderClan Elder? How is she evil and how is she the top cat on your list? How much have I missed?!” Well, the answer is probably this: DotC. And you see the difference right there in the spelling if you look carefully you can notice the One-Eye (ThunderClan elder) has a dash in the middle. The cat I said to be my number one evil cat had no dash. Yes, One Eye without the dash is a cat from DotC, and I promise you, he is no frail elder.
Literally everyone forgets him, cuz he was in like one book in DotC and the. Boom! Done with’em! But well, I just despise him so much I think he was the worst. Basically he came to ClearSky’s group and ClearSky took him in, he was pretty cool at first and taught the Clan a lot of battle moves, but, after that he was just sus, bro. Ye he was sus, and I may be getting the events mixed up chronologically, but he…
Attacked SparrowFur, practically a KIT, nearly KILLING her!
Branded Petal, and another cat whose name I don’t remember I think Fircone, with a scar shaped like a eye on their paws.
Trapped SparrowFur in a tree hollow!
Kicked ClearSky out of his own group and proceeded to rule his area viciously
Very survival-of-the-fittest approach in general, in a, like, extreme way he doesn’t even take care of cats who are like ailing or stuff, brushing it off as “Just sickness, something that happens all the time and you just needa get used to”. He literally stated he only cares about himself! He’s just so cruel and mean and heartless!!!! Ahhh!
Evil cat number 2 Darktail.
Let’s see: how many deaths did he cause?: Shadepelt, Foxnose, Heronwing, Petalfur, Dawnpelt, Needletail, Onestar, I believe that’s it, but that’s beside the point the point is he killed them in terrible ways! He want to keep a ton of cats under his control, and keeps prisoners, whom he starves and eventually kills, it seems, well, for Needletail’s death + others I hate him so much! Ya that’s what I gotta say.
Evil cat number three Brokenstar.
Brokenstar apparently has the most death count in the entire series at 14 killed victims who he killed or caused the death of let’s count them now: Marigoldkit, Mintkit, Mosspaw, Volepaw, Badgerfang, Raggedstar, Spottedleaf, Rosetail, I can’t think of any others right now, but the point is he’s awful! He was born evil! He was evil. That’s all I gotta say.
WARNING: make sure you’ve read TBC before reading the next item on my list!!!!!
Evil cat #4: Ashfur.
Well this one is pretty self-explanatory. Make sure you’ve read TBC remember. If you haven’t well you still know that Ashfur got really mad at Squilf cuz she dumped him for Brambleclaw, and in PoT he trapped Squilf and her kits in a fire and threatened to kill the kits so Squilf revealed they weren’t her kits. And there Ashfur also revealed he led Firestar into the fox trap, all those seasons ago, just so that Squilf could feel what it was like to lose someone she loved. I might also add that any relationship that ends like that is obviously an abusive relationship. Ye but it didnt have to be Ashfur nooooooo! I actually liked him a lot until Sunset, with the whole breakup thing and leading Firestar into a fox trap.
Now, enough of that, Ashfur was the impostor. He tricked Shadowsight into killing Bramblestar so he could possess him, and use that as well as his connection to Shadowsight to pass on his sinister messages to the Clans, and throw them into disarray. Ashfur also blocked the StarClan side of the Moonpool so that he could say StarClan was angry with them for breaking the Warrior Code. Then he began to destroy the DF which would in turn destroy StarClan which would basically destroy the Clans simply because he wanted revenge on his ex and wanted to take away from her what she loved most.
Evil Cat #5 Slash.
Another DotC cat. He made a group just so he could have subjects to boss around and to fight for him. He kidnapped Star Flower so that ClearSky would suffer, kidnapped Black Ear and left him in the middle of a freakin’ Thunderpath so that Gray Wing would suffer, forced his cats to fend for themselves and even killed at least one while TRAINING! Yep, that’s him.
Evil Cat #6: Sol.
Sol is another vengeful cat cuz he got kicked out of SkyClan cuz he didn’t give a hoot for the Warrior Code and so hunted down the rest of the Clans, made ShadowClan turn away from StarClan and the Warrior Code, and later returned to trick ThunderClan and WindClan into a battle. Ya no. Just no.
Evil Cat #7: Mapleshade.
One thing that makes Mapleshade such a villain is her extreme ruthlessness. She killed Frecklewish for not helping her kits in the river (Something sorta understandable given Frecklewish caused her kits’ death but Frecklewish shouldn’t have gone to the dark forest for it), she killed Ravenwing for doing the necessary thing telling Oakstar, and she killed Reedshine pretty much for just existing, or “stealing Appledusk from her”. These are some terrible reasons for killing cats.
She didn’t stop there though: she took interest in poor Crookedstar as a kit with a newly broken jaw and a bad mother, and proceeded to slowly and painfully ruin his life, conspired with the rest of the DF to train living cats to destroy their own Clans, and helped Ashfur just so she could possess a young living cat so she could return to power. Ruthless is the best word I have to describe her.
I honestly like Mapleshade in the sense that she’s a cool villain (Also I just love her name) but she definitely deserves her place in the DF.
Evil Cat #8: Scourge.
Alright, Scourge…he’s a…a character. He’s a character for sure. He’s tiny but mighty, I guess you could say, hi’s tiny but has long claws reinforced with dog’s teeth, capable of ripping all nine lives at once from Tigerstar I, in a torture scene I’d rather not think about… and striking enough fear into his subjects that they’ll actually listen to him.
Evil Cat #9: Tigerstar I.
The moment y’all’ve been waiting for…Tigerstar. He was bad when he was alive, and the explanation of that is practically needless, but that was only the beginning. Honestly, I thought he would’ve learned his lesson after Scourge literally ripped him open. But no, no no no, no he did not. He got worse. He practically led the training of living Warriors to destroy their own Clans! !!!! Wow! Just wow! Although Tigerstar isn’t as evil as some villains and is also pretty basic, he certainly makes it into the top ten.
Evil cat #10 Thistleclaw
Thistleclaw, in my oppinion, isn’t really evil when he’s alive, only ambitious. He was just battlehungry and the main thing that captured my attention about him was his whole Spottedpaw situation. This is not evil to me. This is just annoying really. But once he’s dead he really becomes evil. I think he went to the DF because he willingly trained for them and unlike Goosefeather, Crookedstar etc kept going. And we all know the DF makes cats evil.
One thing that I hate about him most from the DF is his treatment of Antpelt Antpelt was showing mercy to Ivypool during a TRAINING SESSION and Thistleclaw killed him for it. And then of course Antpelt went to the DF and became an evil monster and all that jazz, and also, Thistleclaw just conducted the most cruel training sessions during OotS and ya, that’s him.
Now a few honorable mentions:
I actually dislike him, just cuz when he was alive he had issues outside of being evil. Like forcing Mothwing to make fake signs for him so he can get what he wants (Particularly trying to get Stormfur and Brook kicked out of RiverClan), verbally attacking Brook, who hadn’t been a Clan cat for very long and was still learning, for putting like a paw into ShadowClan’s territory for like a heartbeat, and just being generally obnoxious. Again, he was evil in the last few moments of his life, and then onto when he was dead.
And even then he wasn’t the worst of the DF cats up until the final battle. The’ main takeaway I find him more annoying and he most certainly wasn’t as bad as a bunch of the others.
Despite many people hating him, ClearSky is not evil. Only mean and obnoxious.
Minor-ish AVoS antagonist, She might be evil-ish cuz she killed abunch of cats and tricked a bunch of cats into following her, I really dislike her for her motives and stuff, but I never really saw her as evil or disliked her for the pure fact that she was evil. I just saw her as an annoying antagonist. Besides, alot of the other characters on this list have done worse.
Everybody thinks he’s evil, I do not, and we don’t even know if he’s evil yet were just theorizing while we wait for Thunder to come out (Which is hopefully soon depending on when this gets published) so ya.
Same thing as Splashtail. I actually want her to be evil but we dont know yet, so ya.
No matter how annoying and antagonistic she is, she’s not evil. Yet. I do want her though to become evil or maybe she’ll realize her rongdoings and become awesome, we’ll see.
There you go, that’s me!
I hope you enjoyed my article! Remember these are just my oppinions, feel free to put your own in the comments. Bye!

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