Hi Fawnsplash!
I’m here to wish you a very very happy birthday from all of BlogClan! We’re delighted that we can celebrate with you and hope that you have a great day! 😀
If you want, then you are more than welcome to share how your day goes in the comments below. However, if you don’t want to then that’s fine too!!
Here are a few questions that you can answer if you’d like! Are you going to have a birthday cake? If so, what flavour? What are you planning to do to celebrate? Do you have a favourite gift that you’ve received this year?

And here is a fawn themed birthday cake I found for you!! I hope you like this one, I find it absolutely adorable! 😀
Now for your presents!! Firstly, we have a message from Rosepaw/fern for you:
“Happy birthday Fawnsplash!
You make such uplifting comments and are so generous on the art page! You’re a really good person, and I wish you the best birthday ever!”
Next up, is another message for you, but from Tansypaw/branch!
“Hiya fawny! I know we only recently became friends but I couldn’t help but send you a birthday wish. I’m so glad we could share love with the books and movies we read and watch as well!
So I hope you have a amazing day, MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR (Effie voice)”
And now for a gift from Irisflower:
“Happy birthday Fawnsplash! You are an amazing blogclanner and I think you are amazing 🙂 Thank you for being all you can be for us and for being an amazing person in this community! Thank you for drawing my purrsona. 🙂 I love it!! You are amazing Fawni, just the way you are!!”

And finally, here is a message for you from an anonymous user:
“Dear Fawnsplash,
You probably do not know me. I’m a ghost running through this site, watching the blog from the shadows. I often see you around. I just want to tell you something:
YOU’RE AWESOME!!! We all love you, dear friend. You’re wonderful, always remember that!
Happy birthday! Keep being the brilliant person you are!
-The Ghost 🩵”
BlogClan hopes your birthday is wonderful, and we’re super glad you joined the Blog, Fawnsplash! You have all our best wishes that your birthday is absolutely fantastic! 😀
Have fun!
From Aquila and BlogClan 💚
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FAWNY!! You’re an amazing person and I hope you have the best birthday yet <333 ilysm <3
Happy birthday Fawnsplash!
Happy birthday <333
Happy birthday 🎂
Happy Birthday Fawni!
Happy birthday Fawni, you are so amazing!! <33
Happy Birthday Fawnsplash! 💚
I think your Blog name is lovely! <3
Happy birthday fawn!
Happy B-day, Fawny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
happy b day and my cats name is fawn